Wednesday, June 30, 2004
{ 6/30/2004 07:12:00 PM }
Hihi All! *Waves waves*
Ok, Yesterday night was a shocking and dumb experience, had this black out and at least 3/4 of singapore kena affected. Piang eh? Alright, I kept 4getting to mention my good news since monday, I think you all dun care wan la but anyhow, I recieved my Napfa test result overall and when my turn came, I came in shock! I got a GOLD! 1st time in my life! I was expecting silver the most but GOLD?! 0_o Haha, but sry to hear the others didn't pass. Oh well, you guys work harder ya? at least you all must try pass everything la, dun fail hor? =)
Ok, today was a so-so day. Kept falling asleep during history class. Lucky the teacher didn't really caught me. *Phew*. *Sigh*, after school I went to takashimaya have the gundam fair or not yet but it have not started yet! *Swears*. Urrgh, and I gotta finish my maths now sia. I also notice some friends are trying to steal my music source. Too much, they should ask me first right? *Sigh* People these days *Shakeshead* Haha,I guess I'll end it here now. =)
Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =D
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
{ 6/29/2004 09:48:00 PM }
Hihi All! *waves*
2nd quite suay, I kena warning by my maths teacher liao cos I 4gotten my workbook. FISHHHHHHH! Die die, if another time happens again, he have to call parents liao. (!) Today hw wasn't that much. I gonna keep this post short though. Dang, I seem to get afraid of school a little bit more and more. *Shivers* urrgh.
Ok, nothing else ya? =)
Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =D
Zlordtoots-Aylwin =D
Monday, June 28, 2004
{ 6/28/2004 05:31:00 PM }
Haha, Hihi All! *Waves*
I came back from school liao and was quite tiring man. I although got few new teachers but oh well. =) Good thing is I'm able to post on my blog today as also no homework today! Woo Hoo! =D
Ok, I found a meaningful poem in the katoots forum posted by 1 of the members and I also quite find it meaningful.
"Each morning I wake up and say to myself, I have two choices today. I can choose to be in a good mood or I can choose to be in a bad mood.
Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be victim or I can choose to learn from it. I always choose to learn from it.
Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life.
Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk every situation is a choice.
You choose how you react to situations.
You choose how people will affect your mood.
You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood.
It's your choice how you live your life."
Hope you find it too. =)
Anyway, I finished taking photos for my SD Blitz. Here =D:
-SD Blitz!
-Usual Pose
-Beam Saber
- "FIRE!"
Ok, i think that should be it and work hard everyone!
Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =D
Sunday, June 27, 2004
{ 6/27/2004 10:24:00 PM }
Hihi All!
*Gasp!*....School reopens in last than 12 hrs sia. Not good, although bags packed, uniform ready, but no matter if all of us are ready or not we still HAVE to go school tomorrow but if you got some other excuses(Which I dun really wanna know) then you'er lucky lar. Any how, I didn't post yesterday my life was damn lazy, tired and can't be bothered to type! Why?
I did part-time work of giving out flyers under the company of my friend's parents company. I didn't earned much(I dun think is a MUST to let you know how much right? =) ) but oh well, at least enough to get a SD gundam ^-^. I worked for 5 hrs till which is 6pm then I headed to Sunshine plaza (again) t check out if the HAG got my SD Blitz and there it was! Woo hoo! Quickly bought it and went home. I took a look at the parts while on the way home. I couldn't believe it, is definatly gonna be tougher than SD Freedom Gundam. *Jaws hanged and eyes glowed big*. I stayed up the night thinking I will just do the head but was damn engrossed in it till I finished it at 2.30am! Is faster than my SD Freedom! Fixed it up in only 3 hrs! =0. Surprised sia but I find this 1 a little not that well done as Freedom. But I dun mind, I'm fine with it. Hee =D but I just anyway slept at 5.30am.
I woke up at 10am later today cos a dumb "LI HAI" classmate of mine didn't did his hw yet...*Sigh* And he lost his worksheet and of pple he MUST go to me. No thx to him, I had to meet him for breakfast. After that, I headed down to school(!) for my NPCC Fun AnD SpLaSh try out. During my wait b4 falling in, I learnt something from my squadmates, my friend, Fergus is >jio-ing< a St. Margrets girl from our ATC camp!...*Brows* Bu hui ba?
So the try-out went on. Is water captain's ball. Nothing much but fun fun fun. So after that, My mom picked me up and my sis to go Plaza Sing. Ate at Swensons for my last enjoyable dinner of the holidays. =( Then I kena "toilet business". Later I was able to get the Speed-Up album and is not that bad too. I love is the "Push It Again". *Phew*...Tired and I gonna face teachers and irritating classmates ^-^"
All Secondary Students Out There! I Hope U All Will Have A Good Semester N Wrok Hard Hor? =) Cheers Everyone!
(Oh ya,the SD Blitz I'll post the pictures tomorrow if I can! Cheers!)
Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =D
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Saturday, June 26, 2004
{ 6/26/2004 12:00:00 AM }
Just came back from my line dance class, was really tiring though today. But anyhow, I took pictures of my favourite "kawa-ii" SD freedom gundam! =)
Here you are, and I'm not gonna gice all 12 pics of them hor...=)
-Side View
-Combo Attack!
-Plasma Cannon-This Part Was Entirly White But I Coloured So Detailing man =D
-The Rail Cannon Was Another 1 That WAs All White, Not Grey!
-Freedom V.S Aegis(MA)!
-"Kirrrrraaaaaa!" -"Athurrrrrraaannn!"
Same As Box Pose
-Closer View
-Close-Up! =)
Thats all I guess everyone!
Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =D
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Friday, June 25, 2004
{ 6/25/2004 01:38:00 AM }
Hihi All again! *waves*
So 2day wasn't that bad at all! My tution was cancelled cos my teacher said she let me enjoy my numbered days of holidays...Thx! =D
So I get to sleep more! Woo hoooo! "Shiok"! Later met up with JS again to eat lunch, and we had at Sunshine Plaza. He wanted to check out a pirated game store...oops! =X Nvm, I went to Hobby Art Gallery to see if they got the SD Blitz Gundam but said out of stocks! Fish! So I thought of abit here and there and soon decided the SD Freedom Gundam...Not bad! Costed $9.50! Cheap sia~ Then I saw they have about 4-5 Meteor unit+ Freedom gundam at the price of $135.90! $4 cheaper than Hobby Point. Oh well...Something to say about my lunch there, We ate at this cafe called "Aroma Cafe". Darn! WE had the daily lunch set and GOD! It was Delicious! Next time I should bring another friend or 2 to try it out.
Now, then we walked 2 Bugis Junction/ Parco.Nothing much though but learned how much Neo-Prints thingy costs this days! o_O Was really shockedm It costs at least $7 now?!...(Bu hui ba?) Soon around 3plus, walked all the way to city hall place and took a bus from there to home.
At home fixed up my SD Freedom Gundam. It was alot harder than I thought...So many parts are needed to be coloured or painted! took me around 5 Hours to fix up this baby...I'll post the pics the next day(Is now around 1a.m tell me to take pics!). I dun regret at all getting this kit. Gundam collectors out there, be sure to get hold of this 1! =)
Thats all I guess, Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi Every1 N GOD BLESS! =)
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
{ 6/23/2004 08:58:00 PM }
Hihi all! *Waves waves*
I'm doing 1 post for 2 days! Is a great offer! Woo hoo! Nvm, yesterday went out to study with 2 fellows(I'm ain't saying who they are so there wun be trouble expected =D). Go all the way to the East to study!...Piang boh? Nvm, so headed to takashimaya to check out if the gundam fair started yet bcos waiting to see all the new releases of the seed models, espcially METEOR + Freedom Gundam! *2 thumbs up* BEST MAN. It costs at least $180!...gosh,money! sobsob...oh well
Today was nothing! Tution at 10 a.m, surprised I ta-haned through it...must be a sign I guess. Anyhow, then I went out with JS to thiong bahru plaza for lunch. Then jalan jalan around the place, so obviously go to arcade and JS played Initial D(DUH!) and I always head for...TIME CRISIS 3!-Of course! =D
Managed to make it through stage 3 but died anyhow...uurrgh, feels impossible to finish the game sia, nvm...will make it next time! Then we head to Hobby Point to check out any new gundam seed models. Of course on the display section shows the box of the METEOR UNIT! I asked for the price and it costs $139.90. It actually costs $179.90! And, is the last piece! NooOOOooo! but the sales lady told me can place deposit of $40 bucks but I didn't enough though so I told just try my luck next time and hope no 1 take it yet...=) Hope God Will Help me Out.
So nothing much except yesterday, was I stayed up till midnight to upgrade my blog site! Woo Hoo! Added many things like:
1)A shoutbox
2)A Links Section
3)Disabling right-click(heh)
4)Status bar having messages! Yay!
5)And...Background music!
And I'm truthfully grateful to my cousin Royston, Kim and Daryl! Helped me so much in this blog...Thx so much!
I think thats it for come often I hope at least.
Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =)
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Monday, June 21, 2004
{ 6/21/2004 09:53:00 PM }
Woo Hooooo! Hihi All! *waves*
Today had Civil Defense Course in order for me to get a civil defense badge. My squad and me went through many things/stuff...even lectures. It started from 8a.m till 5pm(took the whole day!) Although, it was kind of fun. One of them is during practice of CPR lesson. My friend/squadmate does it the way was darn hilarious. He do it till he was breathless... but I also went through, and all I can say is... By the time you wanna revive the casualty, you yourself will need CPR by the time. Me and my squadmates kind of agree with that point. *Sigh*....The other fun activity was going through the In-Place Protection procedere. We were split into 2 groups and there were 2 rooms which you need to use the trashbag and masking tap to seal all the windows and vantilation area(aircon).We were given 10 mins instead of 5mins, my group was doing everything haywire like we cant even tape the the windows gap as neatly as it was done on tv o_O. We were using lots and lots masking tapes...and it was really untidy but time's up and the instructor tested it out with the smoke...suddenly, there were bitz of smoke coming through a window! We quickly stuff the gap with masking tape and it was ok...Lol and it wasnt bad cos the half of my squad got smoke...covering the whole room. We're better! =) Then we had to go through the last part of the course, the CD badge test. We sort of can cheat wan. Very simple de. Heh ^_^
Well, 1 whole day on this course. Abit tired though, who can say lecture is fun!? Except it depends on what kind of topic you're saying la.(Kekeke!)
By the way, Something to clarrify, The chairman of my squad is not chasing 3 girls...It seems too be a rumour(rightttttt) but the most despo 1 is Fergus Yeo! Tons of Japanese girl names in his Handphone. Trying to show off to me sia. *shakes head* Lol.
Oh ya, I'm suppose to post some of the pics I done with my Providence Gundam...Pai seh if a bit glary. =X

Nice eh? =) But not that good. Oh well, that's life I guess. And also not to mention I still can't find a way to add music to my blog. Damnit! @%#&$@!
Gee Every1! Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS!
{ 6/21/2004 12:58:00 AM }
Today I went through my usual rountines... Which is going to CQ(Clarke Quay). Just that today,...I woke up at 1pm which I had broke my record(MAN! It was the latest time I ever woke up!). So I went to CQ and headed striaght to killmantoy shop but I call Uncle Steven Shop. He sells me the Zoids where I mostly get. Today met a few of my Zoiders buddies(NOTE: They're all adults hor).
We chit chat and talk lots of cock. Heh =). Then Unlce Steven gave me a Zoid to fix it up for him which is the Hasbro Energy Liger and is damn "Chio" *brows*. Took about 45mins-1hr, quite fast though and soon it was on display. I soon went to walk around CQ(every sunday has a flea market) and I saw the Gundam Seed Original DVD I've been waiting for have returned! B-but...I didnt have the money AT NOW! I had enough money once but it was sold out then so I just use it but now...Wha Suay! =(
And 2 friends got back from overseas and 1 of them got me sweets! Woo hoooooo! Thx man! *Thumbs up*
Tonight I had left over dinner from the BBQ last night and my hair still smells mixed BBQ food! *curses!* @$#%&!!! But then managed to finished off my HG 1/144 Providence Gundam! FINALLY! *Phew...* I'll post some pictures of it maybe tomorrow but well, is now 1.15a.m as I'm typing along. I got to nap now, got CD Course to attend(Wish me luck I'll get my badge! =D)
Oh well, Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =D
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Sunday, June 20, 2004
{ 6/20/2004 01:41:00 AM }
Caught a movie with my squadmate:
Around The World In 80 Days
-Starring Jackie Chan
Hihi All! *waves*
Hey hey, Watched a movie with my squadmate,Joshua Lee, of Around The World In 80 Days. I'll say I give 3 stars out of 5 stars. It's almost same as the noval based 1. But this is different though, the beginning of the show is abit unexpected(in a sort of way) but is really hilarious because of Jackie Chan. Just expect the ending to be diferrent from the title itself =). Anyhow, if you happened to read the book/noval, you'll alraedy know the ending. =D
Ok, as mentioned, I watched a movie with my squadmate in the morning then had to rush back home to help my mom and sis out for their BBQ today. I didnt did much but just peel onions, fold clothes, fold pants, tansferring unknown amounts of ice to the cooler...darn, it was freezing! =S Then help carry countless plastic bags down to the pit and arranged everything and stuff. This BBQ is actually arranged for my sis's friends. But I had to start the fire o.O(piangz). It wasn't easy at first but so do what i learn from my B.S.S. Stacking up the charcoals and viola! Done and ready to light up. I kept blowing at the pathetic fire with the help of my sister's colleague fanning it...But after maybe 1/2 hr, I managed to light it up! WooHoo!
So we stacked up some more and more and more(including of burning my fingers)....and we're ready to to cook! Amazingly, the fire was pretty hot and furious, it could burn the food fast and REALLY FAST. Well, sat down and chit chat, makan-ing and so on...( I'm not going to the full details describing like a fool hor) till midnight, I had to bathe because my hair smells with the mix of(I'll list it out):
1)Hot dogs
5)Corn(We burned 1 till matt black...ooOOooo *brows*)
7)And Mashmallows
...Wha coowwwwww!... I think thats it for today, not that bad and I still cant figure out how to add music to my blog site! #$%@&@!!!
Well, Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi,T.C everyone and GOD BLESS! =)
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Friday, June 18, 2004
{ 6/18/2004 11:39:00 PM }
Hihi All *waves*
Whaaa~...Me just came back from Line Dance class...Haha,I had a great workout. Revised loads of dances...Bwahahaha, but still damn tired...heh
Today wasn't that bad, I woke up early for a change at 10a.m. then i ate "ta bao" wanton noodles...soggy somemore. Then help my mom out with the house chores then my mom needs to go class so i went out to takashimaya, bought a box of stikfas toy. =D hee. But something bad happened here, My precious Samsung V-200 phone slipped out of my hands and it dropped on the floor AGAIN! *sobsob* 5 times liao. just abt 2 months old since my birthday time. Got this phone for my birthday as ALSO my pathetic Nokia 3530(First nokia lousy colour phone o.O) died on me bcos I dropped exactly 20 times...*doh!* heh. But warning to everyone, Pls take care of your phone! Dun ever let it dropped it at least 10 times, it will lag alot. Serious but hope you really take care of it ya? *thumbs up*
Oh well.....
Then on the way back passing through the link of Wisma and Takashimaya, I neva believed who I bumped to...It was surprisingly Daryl Yee! My ATC great chap! I "slapped" him on the arm and he saw...we chatted abit then he saw my V-200 and said: "Hey! Nice Phone!"
Haha, but was really great meeting him once again, neva expected to. So when I reached home, I opened up my Stikfas toy and began fixing up. Whao, my thumbs and poor fingers were swollen! *curses and swears* Then also, as I was about to insert a night vision googles to the head, it dropped but not on the floor but the dustbin! NooOOOooo...I cried out so I searched through it all. I have no choice. 5 mins later, found it! Yay~!! =) So i kept playing with it for a few hours and i managed to do a really nice pose! Check out this Pic!
-1 hand pose taken from the Shaolin Soccer movie! =D
Well, thats all i guess but I have up graded my blog site by adding music thx to my good friend kim. Done me a good favour. Thx friend! Really appriciate it! *thumbs up* Now at least I hope i can add the music somewhere 0.o
Once again, Tanki verdi muchi 4 readi and GOD BLESS!
Oh ya, here's something for everyone to get a really good laugh! Is a darn damn funny video! Cheers All!
Lordtoots-Aylwin =D
Thursday, June 17, 2004
{ 6/17/2004 09:51:00 PM }
Well, Today wasn't that bad although i woke up 12 noon(as usual) and i got nothing edible to consume on so i just took some cornflakes(non-sugar type)o_O...wo ke lian arh,munching away till my good friend JS(Jun Sian) sms-ed me and told wanna eat lunch. I of course go la, better than eating cornflakes at home. We met up at Thiong Bahru MRT and headed down alllllll the way to tampines o_O
then we ate lunch there and go jalan jalan. Nothing much though. So we went back home at around 4.30PM...Cow,damn sian these days...Somemore my NPCC Fun'N Splash tryout was cancelled...FISH! I also now managed to upload my photos from my phone so here's 1 of them!
-Me and my 9 yrs older sister(damn huge gap sia o_0)
Haha, and before I forget, I'm suppose to mention 1 of my great "Chap" from my ATC group. He done me a great favour by so called ful-filling(i better not exageerate) something of 1 of the stuff in my wish list. Many thx to Daryl/Mythlord/Mythyee!(Lots of names sia *sweats*) for doing a great favour. Haha, rawk on n wawk on foreva!
Once again, tanki verdi muchi 4 readi again peeps! T.C n GOD BLESS! *Thumbs up* =D
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
{ 6/16/2004 11:27:00 PM }
Hihi All again! *waves waves*
Yep,is 1 of those days. In fact, it is 1 of those days! Sian/Boring Day...I hanged around the Computer the whole day, and i meant the whole day! I also notice my pics from my katoots outing got a smiley with beers cheering to each other(what the?) Also, I just learned how to play Gunbound. It was dumb, but kind of fun...(NO! Mustn't get addicted to it!) Well,since i got nothing better to do, I guess I could intro about myself a little bit more...=D heh!
Ok ok...I am in ACS(Baker road) School...I am sec 2 under the Normal Academic which means i have to study 5 years!...That bad huh? But anyhow,I think about 2 or 3 morons are irritating my life. No names shall be mention or else I'm a goner when school reopens.=X These morons keep calling me a kool dude(where did that came from?! o_O) but i'm not even cool~. Never mind,I just hope heaven will help me on this case.(That was a lame phrase o_0)
I'm in NPCC,currently Lance Corporal
...I also have to say something about my chairman of my squad,(once again,the name shall not be mentioned or else stuff are going to be thrown me) He's really pro, he's currently chasing 3 girls! I have no idea how many more there is going to be but I just dun wanna know that's all! The 3 girls name are...I better dun say it at all...=D My squad have about 5 shuai ge-s "open"(excluding me hor.)PM/Private Message me if you're interested...but you better dun! =)
Oh ya,I'll also like thank someone who is from my NPCC Adventure Training Camp GROUPMATE for doing a really great favour! But I'll announce his name on the next day ya?
Well, Tanki Verdi Muchi 4 Readi again...
T.C Every1 and GOD BLESS! =D
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
{ 6/15/2004 07:30:00 PM }
Hihi All! *waves waves*
My Name is Aylwin(lordtoots)!
I decided to start on another blog website of mine...Bcos i gave up on the other one. But anyway, if any how you perks watched the news on saturday night on CNA,Channel 5 and 8,yhere was this tikam thingy held in suntec and i was involved in it! Well,i was part of the group that organized an outing there. The group was called KATOOTS. Is un der These pple are really nice man, had alot of fun too...By the way, if you're wondering who i am in the katoots forum, i'm known as "zoidstoot!" muwahahaha!.
Never mind,but i managed to get photos of my outing here. Haha,enjoy! =D
-Took Pic Cos I Tikamed The Most Expensive 1! ($4!) =P
-Me Is The 1 With Converse Cap!
-Our Group Photo!

-The Same Old 1 Except 1 Joker Fellow Behind Moved Abit...Haha! =)
I think I should end it here for the day or night....
Bye Everyone! Tanki verdi muchi 4 Readi, GOD BLESS! =D