Sunday, August 29, 2004
{ 8/29/2004 10:47:00 PM }
Haha, Hihi All!
.:*Warning! Spoilers Ahead Of AVP*:.
Hmmm, I went to watch Alien V.S Predator with my sister...I practically had to beg her, she had to use up her Eng Wha Vouchers...Oh well, Lucky she's willing to watch it it with me! Woo Hoo! Ok, So this show was not really as good as I expected, There were too little fighting between the Predator and the Aliens but more of the Killing the humans....But actually, the predators won cos the humans and them join forces...Unfortunatly, The Last predator [there were 3 brought down 1) Centric Predator, 2)Scar Predator, 3) Hunter Predator] was killed by the Queen Alien...then the mother ship of the predators came, the elderly predator asked the other soldiers to carry back the dead 1. And there was only 1 human survived, in the middle of Antartica!
The final part shows a baby alien coming out of the Dead predator's body. Which is acutally a combination of the Alien and Predator...Oh, a new movie coming up! Woo hoo! I think this movie is more like a Jurassic Park III scheme...You'll watch it and you'll know what I mean... =)
So after the movie, head home and ate dinner which my mom cooked for us! Mushroom soup and chicken chops! MmmMmMmm....
Well, thats all I guess! =D
Haha, Our other R.O.D Night Group Photo, this 1 is the fun shot...the previous 1 was a formal shot.
Tanki Verddi Macchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =)
Saturday, August 28, 2004
{ 8/28/2004 08:32:00 PM }
Hihi all! =)
Well, Today was the very fun, glad there was no parade. I met up with Beany, Jerry and Caine again for a game of basketball but Kern couldnt made it... I met up with Jerry And Caine first to have lunch at Thiong Bahru Plaza. Ate lunchies then head down to Kim Seng CC to play basketball already. Bean said he will be arriving after 2pm but took quite a long time so we thought he might got lost walking his way here or something...But he made it safely there. Heng.
We played from 1.30pm till 4pm? Yar...quite long man! During breaks, 1 time... Me, Jerry And Beansprout while Caine wanted to sit own and rest, we went to the 2nd storey to see the badminton hall (above) to see pple play...Jerry spotted 1 girl and said quite chio! Alamak...we went to see pple play badminton but Jerry instead looked at girls instead! Wha leu...JerrY! How could u??!!
So we went back to play again....I was very glad we had this day! =)So about 4.30pm strikes, we walked back to Thiong Bahru Plaza cos we wanted to buy somethings for Teacher's Day already...Although Jerry and Caine only bought was what? A Notebook with a pen printed of "Happy Teacher's Day!"....Cheap-skate abit leh...but is the thought that counts! =P
Beansprout suggested we eat dinner there but I couldn't cos my mom told me she's eating out with yar, I only hanged out with them for a while ..Meaning I watched them eat... After they ate, We decided to plan for Jerry's celebration next week on Sat. (Good thing no parade again sia! Woo hoo!) We chose Seoul Garden then later to changi chalet then to marina bay until we couldn't think of anything else...But most likely is Seoul Garden...Woo Hoo! My fav! So this is going to be our plan:
1) Eat at Seoul Garden,
2) Go beach Road to buy our camping stuff for september Camp...
3) (Tentative) Play Basketball.
Haha, We'll think about it...confirmation will be on Thursday. Yup...
After that, head home and went out with mom to at dinner which is Teppanyaki at G.W.C! Cool! Another of my fav! Spent time walking around then head home...Haiz...
I'm really glad I'm able to spend time with my squadmates again. They're squadmates which I'm not able to find in the whole entire world where we're able to help each other out and look out for each other...I wouldn't ask for more as they are:
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N GOD BLESS! =)
Our R.O.D Night group Photo...=) Hope u can spot me!
Friday, August 27, 2004
{ 8/27/2004 08:16:00 PM }
Yoz Hihi All!
OooOok...So life's really bad and good at the same time. God! Auurgh. I think life's building up many courses for me to overcome...dang!
Hmmm...I went to IMM to see a friend of mine, kim. Yar...1st time see her for real. I had to eat lunchies with my mother and sister at the paper-wrapped chicken (I dunno y we still ate it as there is a chicken flu going on nearby our country
). After that, my mom send me to IMM then... I was given only about....3 hrs to stay out? So I arrived there but was still a little early so I went to check out a sports sale going on. I hoped to see a nike AIRFORCE basketball shoes. But...nah, they ain't got it. So I went up to the highest level to watch the roadshow. While waiting and listening to my mp3, I managed to spot kim. The way she wore was not bad...quite good taste and all, with her french hat. Haha, she was to select for who to win for some photography contest. So yar, haha...but I'll still keep on waiting for the main show to start.
2pm strikes then...the shows goes on! Woo Hoo~!
She didnt talked much but hey! Oh well...So the show have something abt this cheerleading contest. The Soni-k was damn good. Obviously they will get first. Haha...later after show, I went down and decided to head home, I suddenly pass-by kim with her mom. Damn, my legs went weak in the knees? I mean...What the fish???
Ok, so I have to respect pple's privacy and stuff so I didnt approached her. She was with her mom, cant just anyhow interrupt them somehow. K, I quickly walked to the Mrt station, took the train to CQ and went to pay a short visit to my "Godfather"'s shop. Stayed about an hour then va-moosh.Haha...really had a tired day but oh well... =)
Monday- Bleh~Was seriously damn sick
Tuesday- Went to Queensway Shopping Centre with JS to buy his new shirt from his first pay-check. Haha, and I saw this damn NICE, FANTASTIC NIKE basketball shoes...OMG, is damn nice. I'll definatly save up for this...must get it next week!
Wednesday-Bleh Again~ But Got myself a new Wallet! I just luv it~.
Thursday-Was quite screwed...stupid whole class saboed us...made us stay back till 3.45pm? And I was about 30mins late for my tution! So tution had to end later....*Sigh* But the good thing happened to me was I found out that I got 6th in class for my Maths!
....GOD! Thank Q so much! =D
After school, went to my classmate's hse for literature puppet show project...we didn't do anything! But we had so much fun filming a home made video of ours using 1 of my friend's 6230. GOD! We acted so darn funny, it was hilarious! I'll neva 4get what we done...Haha, nono...nothing obscene.
Kekeke...good thing tomoro no parade or else I wouldn't be so free updating my blog. Haha...Life's fun sometimes I guess...
Btw, I have a new section upz which is the Laughz section. Links of videos for you guys to get a great laugh. They're all fantastic! Go take a look...the 2 sisters I HIGHLY RECOMMAND you to watch it. Is the best of all.
And yar, I recieved some photos from my R.O.D Night...I'll post some up later but take a look of what I done to some of the photos I taken by photoshop editing...Me and my best squadmates! I'll try doing a whole group next time! =)
Enjoy! And TC N TAnkii VerDi MaCChi 4 ReaDi N GOD BLEES U! =)
Saturday, August 21, 2004
{ 8/21/2004 05:17:00 PM }
Haha, Hihi All!
So how's everything going?
Yesterday had R.O.D for the Sec4 Ncos....Wha lan, I had to stay back for until like...
9+pm? Wha liu! My sqaudmates and me had to go arrange chairs...Took us abt from 3.30pm to 3.55pm?! Waste our time sia...So the rest of us go slack slack somewhere...At 5.30 we gtg change to our Full Uniform, so stupid Poosiang go suggest we take the lift...I was tempted so about...6 of us went in? Then hope to go to the 5th level...buttt...2nd level, kena caught by our NPCC teacher...AURGH...lucky enough he knows us...*Sigh* I will neva take a lift in school
So change then report to the Sec3s... We had to do some funny things lar, arrange this and that...sit down here and there. I was choosen to be an usher. I had to greet and lead the guests to the Music Studio. But what the fish? Only a few came. Oh well, I dun mind... Although while waiting....Me and my sec3 senior Low Yon, was wating for the GOH to come...
Bloody Cockroaches came and disturb us....3 times to my senior, 2 times to me. 1 time was...
It crawed on my pants! So I

him off my pants...nearly go to the top of me sia. Later when the GOH came...We both saluted to him and greeted him. When he proceeds to the room, we had to quicky rush back in the studio and sit quietly. Sat down and the NP officer was giving the speech already. Poosiang and Beansprout took photos and more photos. We had many speeches and soon, Caine liew was awarded a piece of blank paper with a red ribbon for being the best cadet in the sec2 squad. After that, a Master Parade for all of us. The chairman of the sec3 squad had to take over the drill cane. And they're now the new batch of NCOs. =)
After the parade, we were dismissed. And the Sec4s and Sec3s had to many? 80 push-ups, ya...Haha, but so....*sobsob* Next year my squad have to do 90 push-ups! NooOoOoo....
We head down for Dinner, ate buffet and went to put back the chairs in the studio. We all took many photos together...after all this, it was already around 8.3-pma dn were dismissed and changed back to our clothes. I had to soon meet my mom at Pines Club by walking. Cut through the way to go to RGS there...abt 15 mins or so? Quite fast lar. =) It was a special day yesterday.
I'll like to specially thank my NCOs 4 teaching us all these past years.THANK Q!
Alright, so today's saturday...In the morning, went for a haircut. I thinned my hair this time...not bad, the hair-cutteris my line dancing teacher...Haha, at least roughly the hairstlye i want...SORT of... Later went to Junction8 for lunch. Bought my new waterbottle and lunchies with my mom. Later came back around 4+pm. Later at night now I gtg Line Dance Jam at the padang area. Going to have some fun yea! Woo Hoo!~
So yea...I'll update Soon again!
Thankies verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless!
Lordtootz-Aylwin =D
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
{ 8/18/2004 11:53:00 PM }
Haha, Hihi All! *Waves*
Now, The happenings of my last few days life. =)
Topless Saturday:
So yes, Saturday there was no parade. So it was good! Me and some of my squadmates decided to catch a movie together. I met up with Jerry, Eugene Chng(Beansprout), Caine, Kern and Michael. We met up at PS and bought tickets to Catwoman first then head down to kopitiam for lunchies. Later, jalan jalan around for a while. Soon, it was nearly time to go in already so we went to get some refreashments. I although was the only 1 who bought food with drinks while the others only had drinks. I bought Cheezy Nachos which tastes bad but I have no idea y I still sort of like it. We sat in 1 row together and was quite cold sia....
The reason y we wanted to watch Catwoman cos Jerry chose it and said he wanted to watch it for some....*Uh-hum* reason
. Thats 1 of the reason y I say is a topless Sat. So it was a movie, we later chose go play a game of basketball. Dunno y but all of us were quite in the mood to play. Haha, michael didn't want to play so he headed home. The rest of us chose to play at Kim Seng CC. But 1st, had to stop by my house to get the basketball. Took quite a while then walked to the CC.
Now, Haha...3 of us had long pants on so...still no choice but play with JEANS! <img src="">. The other 2 had shorts so it was okay with them. The other thing was....My sqaudmates EXCEPT ME took thier shirts off!
. I didn't want to...but the others,....Kekeke. We played and played and played till 5pm+. We had so much fun! I really treasured those happy moments with my squadmates. We were a happy bunch.
So I had to escort them to Thiong Bahru MRT station. Me and Beansprout have a direct bus home so we have to leave the rest. *Sigh* Still, it was really a happy moment. =) That was Sat. Yea....
But A Thousands Special Thx 2 My Squadmates 4 Making It That Day! Tanki So Machies!
I'll update the rest of the days maybe tomolo or later as I have to sort out the blog prob at the moment. Will probably have to change the background and everything so.....Yea, I'll need to design to beat "I noe Hu".
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =D
Lordtootz-[AylwiN] =D
"Believe That Life Is Worth Living And Your Belief Will Help Create The Fact"-Obtained From 1 Of My Favourite Book [Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul 2] =) God Bless!
Saturday, August 14, 2004
{ 8/14/2004 01:17:00 AM }
Hmmmm, Came across these 2 meaninful phrases...
"An Insincere And Evil Friend Is More To Be Freared Than A Wild Beast; A Wild Beast May Wound Your Body, But An Evil Friend Will Wound Your Mind."
"Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness, Only Light Can Do That. Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate, Only LOVE Can Do That."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Friday, August 13, 2004
{ 8/13/2004 05:50:00 PM }
Haha, Hihi
K, Yea...Didnt Updated it for sometime already, Couple of bad things happened.
Went out with Russell and JS again but I had to go make my ez-link card first. So had to head all the way to Bouna Vista to make it. Yesyes, I heard about it that it takes a long time to wait like about 1-2 hrs. Well, Thats where you're WRONG! It took me 45mins!
So yar, after that head striaght to PS to meet JS...I was quite early so went to play a game of Time Crisis 3 but once again, died at 3rd stage
After that, Went to Sunshine Plaza to meet Russell and was supposed to be at 1.30 p.m but went there, it was 1.00pm! Guess what? He was there already...What the fish, Bluff us! So then I bought my MG Freedom Gundam then head to Bugis but ate LongJohn's Silver b4 hadin there...Was damn hungry. Upon arriving there, I saw someone...a classmate of mine! Brian Lim! OMG! He was like...sort of waiting for someone so when I wanted to go talk to him...I saw Yoshi! I quickly ran inside Seiyu to hide...Yar but later found me. Urrgh...But actually, these guys were waiting for 2 girls. I knew 1 of the girl and that girl saw JS and hold him back, Russell Ran up to toys department...wha lan.
So we were chating with them and they're going to watch House of Flying Daggers...Tried to force us watch with them but turned them down. Not interested and JS watched it already. Later, Russell went home already so me and JS went striaght home....real tired man. Ya, thats all and had to get ready for school. =)
I had school and nothing much happened...and started to fix up my MG freddom already. But still, it was boring except wtched American Idol and Amazing Race....Haha, Banana Man!
But was touched by the handicapped participants. Really hopeful and have faith. =)
This was the bad day, I had diarrhoea for 7-8 times! It was terrible! Arrugh...Was feeling rather weak too. Also collected my Gundam prize from Sheng Tai and me and my mom got lost...FISH, kaki bukit so big man...
Haha, I didnt go to school, was feeling damn weak and tummy was really in pain....I think I also have a flu. But haha, I managed to fix finish my MG Freedom Gundam while resting at home. Yahoo! Really impressed with its features except I broke The white V-fin on its head! NooOoOOOoo!
So yar...I also like to bless one of my squadmate who gotten some really bad news and is really sad abt it. I hope you'll feel much better ya? I'll be praying fer you! =) Cheer up! I'll be there fer you wheneva you're in need.
So yup, Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =)
Lordtoots=Aylwin =D
Monday, August 09, 2004
{ 8/09/2004 11:03:00 PM }
Hihi! *Waves*
So yea, Just wanna wish u guys, HAPPY NATIONAL DAY.
Alright, so these few days I feel quite stressed up and tired...really tired.
Longest NP Parade ever had! Ended at 2+pm....God!We had our 3rd Class Drill Test. We all need this to become an NCO next year when sec3. BUT! My darn squad screwed it all up!

The truth is...REALLY TRUE, only Caine, Jerry and Me managed to say all the commands but missed out 2-3 only...the rest all missed out alot. Cant believe it, but the 1st attempt was said nobody will ever pass. So be it I guess. Hope God will help us...*Sigh*
Put it this way...I died of boredom...nothing but just staying at home slacking around...Piangz, only go out in the evening to have a $200+ Dinner! OMG...with my other relatives I meant but my uncle only paid for it...SIAO sia...
Haha, went out in the morning to play tennis and basketball with Russell and JS. Tennis was darn fun! Although me and JS "corrupted" the rules....Haha, but still FUN!

So yar,...nothing else liao. Tomolo going to Sunshine plaza to get my MG Freedom Gundam! YES!!!
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =D
Lts-Aylwin =D
Friday, August 06, 2004
{ 8/06/2004 07:46:00 PM }
Hey, Hihi All!
Yup, Supp all? Paiseh I didn't update my blog a long time due to a busy time in school. So ya, I'll list the past few days what happened roughly:
25/07 Sunday: Haha, Me watched "I, Robot" with my sister. It was a great movie, at least worth my money, highly recommanded to watch.(But I think too late liao right?
26/07 Monday: 3rd Class Drill Practice given by our DI. Learned quite abit though...Wore my Half NP Full Uniform (Long pants used)
27/07 Tuesday: School National Day Celebration, I have no idea but I have kena RESERVED to SELECTED CADET!
But it was quite fun marching...I think....(Long pants used again) =P
28/07 Wednesday:
Heehee...Dismissed from school early at 12.15pm, got this Road Safety Park Marshelling Duties...Help the Pri5 kids...Haha, they act damn cute, even "Scolded" my squadmate...kekeke, fun sia.
(Errm, Long pants used again!)
28/07 Thursday: Ok, this time, pants are washing! Finally! We had this Learning Journey around the different places in Singapore that happened in WWII. Yea, Handphones were the craziest thing happening in the bus but the venues were quite interesting leh... Haha, Yep....=)
29/07 Friday: This is the 2nd National Day Rehersal and Yes, the long pants are once again used...(Btw, those days we have the long pants, we stayed back in school to practice 3rd class drill too.) After the Rehersal, Jerry, Caine and Zi sheng Stayed back to practice 3rd class again cos the next day was the test(but was then postpone next week). After that, I went to get my bag and found out that.......
NooOOooOOo! My Handphone and wallet were gone! My V-200! ARRGH!
I was bloody moody and pissed off...all gone, die...used my squadmate's hp to call my mom and mother rushed to talk to the principal but was in school...*Sigh* Even more than 3 BB boys kena but I'm the only NPCC guy kena... =(
30/07 Saturday: Npcc brought us to E.C.P to clean it up...the funny and demanded part was.. at least 2 used condoms were found!!!
...Haha, it was sick man! After cleaning up, (Actually, the Beach was cleaned enough!) We all get to play games although the volley ball dropped to the pond, the soccer ball flew to the chalet and the frisbee chipped abit...whalan eh...Came back to school and mother fetch me go get new sim-card. Sister was sick too...*patpat*
01/08 Sunday: So-so...went to CQ too, and bought the Zoids Death Razor with Parablade at a good price...haha, then...went home and see my sister quite sick still...*Sigh* Ya, nothing much...
02/08 Monday: Nothing really happened...but got myself the Nokia3120....nice design! *Brows*
03/08 Tuesday: The "Supposed to be last" NDP rehersal but want us back the next day...BAH! But after that, 3rd class drill practice again, and I seemed to improved slightly leh...just slightly but beta than nothing right?
04/08 Wenesday: NDP LAST FINAL REHERSAL! YES! After that, 3rd class practice yada yada yada...=)(Long pants again hor) =P
05/08 Thursday: Nothing much again but during music lesson...Bwahahaha, the class totally screwed up the singapore instead of "Count on me Singapore.." They edited to "Count me out!/ Count Money! Singapore!...." What the fish...
Today! Was the School NDP Celebration...managed to endure longer than I thought...Haha, later ate food sia, then...many strange ridiculous stuff happened...So later join our class back and found out the Civil Defense team came! And we knew some of the trainees cos we went through the course already...Haha, they sort of still remembered us. Later, while waiting to be dismissed, us NPCC can slack away...Hee, then Jerry and Eugene Chng gone so called "ga-ga" when Ms Ng Hwee Fern walked to us. Kekeke, she wants to take photo of us squadmates...a few of us gathered and took some pose that will show our LCP rank. Haha, fun man. Later when taken already, she walked back to the other teachers and Eugene proudly said to Jerry: " Eheh, you careful arh, remember, she's my girl!" Lolz... So when dismissed, 3rd Class final practice! While that time when marching, Jerry was in front of me and it was so close, I accidentally stepped on his heels and half of it came off!
Jerry! So sry my man! So I actually took it to the clobber to repair it for him, fine as ever again. Sry again Jet.
PS:And Good luck to one of my friend for the exams! All the best!
Yup, so that was the longest post, EVER! Lolz
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =)
Lts-Aylwin =D