Wednesday, November 24, 2004
{ 11/24/2004 10:57:00 PM }
Hihi All!
Pengz...Dunno what to post the last few days. Was really sian. Well, Monday had this Campcraft training. Was suppose to skip it and trash Audrey's gathering. In the end, I didn't carried it out as plan.
After training, Caine, Poo, Bean and Me were "debating" of where to go. Me and caine wanted bowling but Poo and bean wants Daidee and Basketball...Arrr...Anything we supposed. So go caine's shop to play dai dee. We later called Jerry while at Bugis to Lavender... He didn't went for training because he woke up late. Haiz...

Then thats it.. Although I managed to win 1 game already...woo~!
Then the rest of the days...nothing much. Today went bowling and we were all not up to standerd. U "lonkang" the ball, 1 diamond pushup. Haiz... =X
Tomoro have another CC training and later going for a squad gathering to play badminton. Whao...2 hrs. Can die...
Thats about it...Feeling troubled these few days...dunno y! Troubled troubled troubled....

Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =)
Friday, November 19, 2004
{ 11/19/2004 11:17:00 PM }
Hey hey all!
B4 I continue with my post for today... Abt the 2 comments about my previous post, To Candy and Steven aka Eva!! Haha, Well...Thx for the remarks but well...guess u're right...Dun bother about what other pple does or whatsoever. Be each to its own.
Okie...Now, about the past 2 days! Wednesday and Thursday... Wednesday, my squad had this private 3rd class drill training. After the practice, me, bean, caine and jerry went to bugis to eat the Mcdonalds breakfast. Bean was rushing us to quickly eat Mcs breakfast and quickly, we came at around...10.59am?? Haha, after we ate...we changed our table to another one and play cards. However, after abt 10mins, 1 of the staff told us we cant "gamble" in public. Here's wat happened.
Manager: "Excuse me arh, but u boys cannot play cards here in public. Is illegal."
Me: "Oh, sorry about that."
Jerry: "Wha Lau Caine Liew! How could u!? Ni Tai Guo Fen Le! Haiz...I'm so disappointed in u!"
Bean: "Ya lor...How could U do this to us man!"
Caine: "Huh huh? What? *looks blur*
Me and Manager:
Manager: "And somemore u're NPCC hah? Haha..."
Jerry: "See lar Caine Liew! "
Lolz. It was so damn funny. So we decided to go to Caine's parent's shop. We went upstairs to play "Taidee" and Bluff. We also called Poosiang to come from his mother's shop. So we played like siao. Of course I was lousy at taideebut hey...learning abit. Bluff was damn fun man! But I had to leave early to meet JS. I met JS in orchard. Went to Plaza Sing to buy a Handphone strap then we hang around singapore of somewhere till we just went home.
Thursday! We had another Drill practice. Me, bean, caine, jerry, and poo wanted to go somewhere play someting. Me and Caine voted for pool but the rest wanted to play cards AGAIN. See bei sian sia. Haha, went to caine's shop again and this time...his mother was so nice and she told us to order Pizzahut or Kfc! Wow, haha, ordered KFC...ate alot man. Caine, ate 3 chickens...and we ate 2!

(As usual.....) Then we played Taidee using 2 decks sia! Oh god...It was damn freakin funny. I managed to win 1 game! Haha...Caine was like having 3 "dee"(2) sia...But jerry won the most number of times with "royal flush", "striaght flush" and so on. See bei shiok sia. Damn hilarious. Bluff also play...with 2 decks! Wooo...Damn funny...2 decks is worst than playing 1 deck 100%! once u bluff or u kena tricked...u're finished...I've been kena once. Collection man.
The Jerry doesnt want to play bowling with us cos he wants to go home prepare his Uniform for 3rd Class test the next day so the rest of us went to the nearest bolwing ally. Wha seh...Bean played damn bloody malu! Play by rolling the ball and not THROWING(90% gutterball lar.DUH

). I managed to get the first strike! Woooo~ But Caine is....wha lan eh... he gotten a turkey!!!(3strikes in a row)!! For the 3 games, Poo. is the only one who didnt gotten a strike at all.

Then after playing, we just went home liao prepare everything.
About Today arh? Will write another time... But my Gundam entry is up at Takashimaya of the toy department. Check it out! If u want lar...
That will be all now! =)
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless!
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =D
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
{ 11/16/2004 05:35:00 PM }
Hihi All!
Well, This post is gonna be about my "not light not heavy" kind of thoughts. I decided to post about this issue after 2days ago when I bought my Nike Jacket at Orchard Road.
As I walked to Takashimaya in orchard. It was a saturday night. Though I did see alot of teenagers. Some were Ah bengs, Ah Lians...those kind. I even saw ah bengs hand with hand with another ah lian. Most of them are teenagers...probably around my age I'll say. I thought about it. Are they doing the right thing? Yes, I know is not a crime to fall in love and things like that. But are they actually fully prepared? In my school, ACS(Barker Road) do have loads of ah bengs,...not to mention posers
. 3/4 of them have girlfriends. Okie okie...I am kind of jealous though....but hey, I have to think deep about this things. Well, they did many things to impress a girl. My observations so far:
1) Coloured Hair
2) Spiky Hair/Long hairstyle
3) Baggy Pants and Shirts
4) Able to make pple laugh alot
5) Those who listens MP3 or Discman will wear big earphones cosing up to $50 and above.
6) Usually Rude...IMHO(In My Humble Opinion) lar
I dunno...Maybe I'm sort of becoming one of them? Well, Half yes, half no
. I do want to get my hair coloured/sprayed DARK BROWN rather than other striking colours. Dun want to be so poserous. =X. Spiky Hair? Long Hairstlye? Well, I dun do much to my hairstyle, as long I like how it looks, is fine...too spiky makes me....not my type. Baggy pants and shirts: I dun lyk them much. I look like some oversized idiot. Lol. Able to make pple laugh: Sad to say, I'm those lame dudes. Mp3 or discman: Most of us owns that...Some uses thier handphone though but for Mp3 and discman? 80% of them uses the earphones up to at least $50 and above. Thats nuts I tot. I got mine at $20 and it feels comfortable and nice. The manners: I want to leave it aside. But no, I do respect pple and give proper manners.
So all this things...make what guys cooler? Maybe I do have some of those points but not to the extrime. Y? I'm a decent guy! Haha, maybe I'm seeing this things overboard. Well, I do have friends are rather Ah bengs and they have girlfriends...But some are considered kind and nice, not all though..I know who is nice when I see one... But each to its own I guess. Ah bengs, ah lians = possible relationship. Gee...Haha, jealousy is taken over meeeee~!! Woo...
We'll see how other things I'll experienced...My other theory about Ahbengs and Ahlians? They look extrimely cool to impress the opposite sex. =)
Hmmm...I'm thinking of changing my "Pic Of Lordtootz!" What do u guys think about this one? Do give ur comments! '>">
Tanki Verdi Machhi For Readi And God Bless! =D
Saturday, November 13, 2004
{ 11/13/2004 09:48:00 PM }
Hihi All!
Today...Stupid PLMGS have this Vertical Challenge at Sengkang. My CI (Cadet Inspector) expected me and Bean's team to get at least 1st or 2nd placing. If not, kena 100 pushups each...

It was highly impossible...Haiz. We had to go through this Fear Factor Task then run up....16 Stories. Stairs lar. So Bean's team went first. They told us that the Fear Factor was....To Eat worms. and count worms. Good thing Caine is in my team. He dun mind eating worms at all. We were given 10 fried worms and Caine complained:
"Wha piang, Why they so stingy wan! Can they give me more???" Wha Lau...I quickly told him to shut up. Basket. Lolz. We had to count live worms...turned out to be 90+ of them. Then we quickly run up all the way to 16 stories. Bean's team had I think 7mins plus. But my team is 6mins 04secs. I thought it was good but when the prize presentation...The 1st place team had a 1min+ timing!!!! OMFG!

Die...100 pushups. But the CI said it was okay...did our best liao. Later, Me, Jerry, Caine went to beansprout house
pool! Wooo...first time playing for real. I was damn lousy and Jerry was damn tyco. I was doing damn bad until soon I was playing fine. Although I played quite bad in a way, I enjoyed myself. Now we know what other things to do rather than just playing basketball together.
Haha...It was a fun and tiring day. At night time, went to Taka to buy a Nike Jacket with my gift vouchers. It costed $90.30 but with 15% discount, it costs $76.75! I used the $60 vouchers so ended up paying $17 bucks for this jacket! Woooo~...

But something I wanna say about things I observed at Orchard Road after leaving Taka. But another day. =)
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi And God Bless!
Friday, November 12, 2004
{ 11/12/2004 09:27:00 PM }
Hihi All!
Today... I walked out of my house. Went into my mom's car. I asked her do I have any letters today? She said nope. Then suddenly my handphone rang. I picked it up. (Green-Me, Yellow-Caller)
"Hello. Yes, May I speak to Aylwin?"
"Arh yes, I'm calling from Sheng Tai to infrom you that ur Gundam Have been selected for the Asia Cup."

Oh... Izit?! Icic"
"Yup, next friday you have to send ur gundam entry down to Takashimaya"
"Alright, thx alot. Thx so much."
"A letter will be send to you soon for more details."
"Okay, thx! Bye"
"Bye bye"
There it is...My life have been brightened up! Thank you so much Lord! *haaa-leh-lo-ya!* So then, when my mom dropped me off at outside Wisma, I recieved another call. It was Russell! He said his entry also had been choosen! Wootz...All the best to him! =)
I met Junsian later at Shaw House Mcdonalds. Ate lunch there then go to taka. Wanted to see what I can do with my $50 voucher.
Later, we then went back to my primary school cos it was the P6 graduation night. Came to help out. Ate our dinner there then went back home. Well, it was quite a happy day.

Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =D
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
{ 11/09/2004 01:16:00 AM }
Hihi All!
Happy Birthday J. Tan!
Today was great! It's my squadmate Joshua Tan's 14th bday! Me, Jerry, Caine, Beansprout, Poo Siang went to his house for a BBQ. J.tan's other friend, Han Lin was there too. As I met up with Caine, Jerry, Beansprout and Poo at Toa Payoh MRT station there... we had to take a 145 Bus to Shaw Plaza. I was like... "Does any one knows where Shaw Plaza" those kind of things.
After dropping off the bus stop, went to his house and there is this security lock. Must dial the unit number then J.Tan house will have to answer. Of course, there's the camera too to see our faces. But unfortunatly, he saw Poo's face! So he said:
"Aiya...See ur face suan le ba(4get it liao)..." 
When we got in the entrance, there was another security lock. Basket, must call again the thingy and this time... Me and Caine were sort of fighting to show faces in front of the camera.

Wha lau...Damn funny. Went inside the lift, then Beansprout said that we stop at 11th floor then take the stairs *He pressed the 11th floor button*. HOWEVER, Poo. pressed the 12th floor button. He exclaimed to Bean:
"You go to 11th floor.. WE go to 12th floor." Bean was shocked. So when reached the 11th floor, we all cheong to drag him to get out of the lift. But sad he didn't go out. WASTED!

We went inside J.Tan's house, wished him happy bday and those kind of stuff. Suddenly, Bean halted...He asked J.Tan, where's the dumb dog? J.Tan replied saying is in the cage. Bean was like heng arh. Y? He's scared of dog. Haha, big or small...he's damn scared of them. J.Tan's dog is damn small...dunno scared what? Lol.. Soon we watched a short clip of the Van Helsing VCD movie.
Then once it ended, we all went to the roof top of J.Tan's house. Brought up tables and chairs and the BBQ pit thingy. As we started to layout already...the food, chairs, drinks, and charcoal... We went to start the fire. But it was all stupid Bean's fault because of his method to start a fire....It didn't work. Haiz...

Soon, we managed to get the fire. And it was starting to rain...Wait, even when starting the fire...It was drizzling. Fish...N wonder we took 1 hr to start it.

Then when it had stop raining, we finally started cooking the food! The first attempt? Damnit. The chicken are so-called unchewable and it was bloody. Yucks....

So after that, we cooked more and more till kena sian. Also got play cards lar. "Dai dee" and "Black Jack". It was evening then. Me, Jerry and Caine were kinda bored so we down to 7-11 buy something. When we got out of the 2nd security lock, there was the 1st Lock from just now. We couldn't find a way out soooo....errr....rrrrr....

We climbed over it. Lucky no one saw us. We walked across and into 7-11 and Jerry striaght away grabbed a Jolly Shady drink. I told him we cant buy...there is alchohol in it. But he said is okay de...can buy. And yes...he DID bought it. I bought a 1.5L of Pepsi Twist then we walked back. As we were walking...3 of us talked about certain things. Talked about Relationships and Crushes and Love and a few more. Jerry said something quite meaningful.
"Girls are quite troublesome, so dun get into a relationship when you're still young." I thought about it. I dun mind making friends with girls, cos we can socialize more but dun get into a relationship. I find it changed my lifestyle now. True wisdom if u think deep about it.
As we went up the house was time to watch Channel 8 "The Champions". Yar lar...all of us say some quite chio and hot and stuff.
After the show, all of us went inside J.Tan's room to play??? Nope, not "Dai-Dee" nor "Black Jack". Is "BLUFF!" Wooo~ My fav. game! We had so much fun. Drinking coke were for the losers(It was not easy cos we are all VERY FULL) LOL. We played damn scheming man.
Haha, later cut cake then head home. My mom gave Bean a lift home as we lived quite near. Wow...It was quite a fun bday I had. Can't wait for mine!
Well, thats all I guess! It was a great party!
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =)