Monday, January 31, 2005
{ 1/31/2005 07:05:00 PM }
Hey pple,
well.. I don't know how I've been feeling, But still a little down on the guts and stuff. Haiz.
Todae in school had the "runs" man. Damn Suey to go toilet so many times. And got back the maths test and gotten a 8/20 and the teacher placed there "V.Good". ...... o_O;;; Guess I was a little happy because it was an O'Levels standered but I still failed. At least my stay in school till 8pm of study paid off! (I think).
Played pool with squadmates after school. Jerry got really pissed off in the end because of certain reason I cannot mention. Jerry, hope you're feeling okie ya? =)
Now! Time to carry on with the interview: Reporter Aylwin goes around his school and interviews a few students and teachers( Which were given by popular demand!) So let's get started.
Aylwin interviews Ms XXXXXXXX who rather be addresses as Chio-Bu Teacher. The chio-est teacher the school finds...
Aylwin: Hey there "Chio-Bu Teacher"
Chio-Bu Teacher: Huh huh? What did you call me?!
Aylwin: Well, the school finds you the chio-est teacher in the school. How do you feel about this? Do you feel hornoured?
Chio-Bu Teacher: Wha.... Oh really?! I'm the chio-est teacher in the school?! Awww....Thank you students out there who thinks I'm the most sexiest teacher in the school! *Muaks!*
........Pls pass Aylwin a bag to puke in..............
Chio-Bu Teacher: Thank you all so much! You people have such great taste! Tee hee... I still can't believe I'm the chio-est teacher in the school! Teeheeheehee...
........Aylwin still puking in the bag.....
Chio-Bu Teacher: I want to thank my Mama, my Papa, my brother, my blah blah blah blah.
......Aylwin goes off to interview another teacher.........
Now Aylwin will interview another teacher whose name is Mr XXXXXXXX who rather be addresses as Weakling Teacher. (Aylwin shakeshead). Why is he known as weakling teacher? Because he canoot control the class and stumbles when he talks. ALOT. But I seriously pity these kind of teachers...Seriously
Aylwin: Hey there sir!
Weakling Teacher: W-w-wha-a??
Aylwin: Sir, pardon me but...the scool has voted you as the weakling teacher in the school. *Sigh*...Bunch of $!#%&^$~&
Weakling Teacher: I c-ca-can't believe t-this!
Aylwin: I know... Well, How do you feel towards this issue?
Weakling Teacher: Those students a-ar-arr-are too.............much! They do n-not have.......self-respect for....erm.....teachers!
Aylwin: Sir....calm down.
Weakling Teacher: This thing s-should n-not be should be....
Aylwin: Sir...Don't worry bah.... =)
Weakling Teacher: But........b-but...
..............Aylwin left 15 mins ago before the teacher could finish his sentence...............
Next, we have the most hatred teacher in the school...AKA, the D.Master.
Aylwin picks up the courage and guts to interview this teacher.
Aylwin: Good m-mor-morning s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ssssir.
DM: Hello lad. How can I help you.
Aylwin: Well sir, the school has voted that you're are...the....*Gulpppppppp*
most hatred teacher in the school...
...........Hides into the small and dark corner of the room.....
...........Long silence..........
DM: Gee.... I am?.... Aww shucks, is not that surprising!
Aylwin: Really?
Aylwin: Sorry sir! But....I didn't do any law-breaking rules!!... Pls! Sir! Spare me... *sob*
Aylwin: B-b-but!! I didn't do anythingggg!!! .....
Aylwin: No! No! No letter! Pls sir!
DM: OKIE... fine, You're to report for detention for 2 weeks!
Aylwin: !!!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
...........Aylwin suffered fits........
Hahah, is really getting lamer and lamer!... I'll continue part 2 which I'll interview students. And note, this interview of teachers, is basely not entirely true so DO NOT BELIEVE IN TOO MUCH OF IT. Is just a fun and joking and lame interview.
Tank Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =D
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =))
Friday, January 28, 2005
{ 1/28/2005 10:05:00 PM }
Really. Really seriously... Is pressure one of my namesis? Is he my enemy? I dunno, I could be just be defeated by him anytime. Pressure....
I couldn't think straight. I could not de-stress. What can I do?? I just dunno why I'm in such situation. AUUUURgh....Baka!.... I thought: "Hey, why dun u just kill me or stab me?" But as I thought through slowly...I dunno what I said then.... (Yes, I know...Chim)
*Sigh*....What's wrong with me man? I can't seemed to figure it out... Maybe one day I'll know.... I hope...
........Everyone take care and God Bless!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
{ 1/27/2005 11:28:00 PM }
Hey All!
Have been feeling awfully exhausted these days. Especially yesterday. (This is gonna be some boring entry.... you be warned)
Had art lessons yesterday... And it was the 2nd lesson. So what about it? I'm seriously thinking of dropping ART. Hmmm...why ah? Well, the teacher had totally spoilt my interest in Art. The teacher is really a damn dull, and I hate to say this but, She's somehow bitchy. Is juuuust so difficult to please her with ur works. Oh well, maybe after 2 or 3 more lessons, and if Russell and me can't take te pressure anymore... We're gonna drop it.... *Sigh*
After art, I stayed back in school to do homework and study for 3 tests for today. I studied and studied till 7.45pm. I wanted to carry on till 9pm but wasn't able because I couldn't see the words by then...Kind of a waste to me. But I feel okie actually that I was able to stay back till late to do some work as I'm not that badly distracted in school. I reached home around 8+pm after buying dinner back. Then I finished off a few more things till 1am. Couldn't believe still sleeping so late. Thats why, I'm feeling so's been like this the past few days.... Can I take it?
Can I take the pressure? Am I able to cope? I'm not really thinking so well at the moment... It feels like I'm being put loads of pressure and dunno if I could take it.... As if there is no life within me anymore. Maybe I hope after the OBS, I'll probably wake up much more of my idea... *Sigh*
But I'll still thank God for everything he's been guilding me through, he's been really watching over me and I seriously can't thank him enough.
Well, Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless..
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
{ 1/25/2005 10:14:00 PM }
After the story when the reporter was bashed up by Aylwin and his men... Aylwin decided he plays the reporter himself. So he'll go around asking a few of his friends that are worth interviewing.
Aylwin: Alright everybody! I'm now the new reporter (Undercover actually)... The other reporter had something urgently to be kil-....I mean attended. Alright! Lets get started with the interview with.... Audrey Han!
Aylwin: Soooo I heard u're the orange girl or some tell me abt urself a little...
........................Ultra long pause.......................
Aylwin: Erm...Miss Audrey, I dun want to bother you but....the questions? *Gulp*...
Audrey: Lol....what happened to the questions?!
Aylwin: Errr....tell me about urself??? *Big sweatdrop*
Audrey: Im audrey frm njc ip..
hahah.. i LOVEEEEEEEEEEE orange.. but.. i love black too.. hahhaha!!! they wanted to paint my clazrm black n orange.. but i dunno wad happened to the black part.. Bleh.... And touch rugby rocks!!!!!!! argh.. i cant think of anything else but njtouch rocks...i jz came back frm training. its da first time i like a cca so much ((:
Aylwin:, I heard u wanted to run for council....still pursuing that dream of urs?
Audrey: Hahhaha.. YES definitely, council is da backbone of all sch based activities and i wanna be part of tt.. *grinz* hahahah!
Aylwin: Confident of winning?....
Audrey: hahha.. nope.. thrs too much competition n ppl with more outstandin leadership qualities in njc.
Aylwin: Icic.... Well...all the best then. =))
Audrey: hahaha. thx!
Aylwin: Alright....any GREAT things happened to you lately?
Audrey: hahhaha.. NJTOUCH!!!!! wheeeeeeeeeee! i might be in da team!
Aylwin: Glad to hear that aud. =)
soooo..... I heard u luv dancing? dun u actually feel...paiseh? i know one myself....i feel paiseh...
Audrey: wahahhaha NO!!! cos most of my frens jz dance with me mass dance disco.. anything...we jz wanna have fun! jz groove to da music...no1s gonna laugh at u.. every1 jz wanna have fun!
*Reporter feels......small. becos he dunno how to dance much...* I_I
Aylwin: Ooooh.....yea...dancing is fun
Audrey: Hahhaha.. well.. i dunno how to dance too but.. JZ HAVE FUN!!
Aylwin: what kind of things you hate?
Audrey: Hahhaha.. things.. physics! hahahha
Aylwin: Ooooh....u have great taste.... Reporter also says physics is.....pure evil.... (Grrrrr)
Audrey: Hahahha
Aylwin: Ahh....back to the interview...Hmmmmm... so do you have any boyfriends currently?
Audrey: Hahahha.. no bfs lah.. too screwed to have one ((:
Aylwin: Sure you're too screwed? Me dun believe lor... Nvm..... i understand...all men are scumbags....Humph! Too many posers around this days.....all ultra horny $^#*#%!!!!.......Oh....sorry sorry! Lets think ur friends are nice? i heard some of them are.....pure typical evilish...
Audrey: Hahaha.. YES.. DEFINITELY they're really drop dead nice..Im sure u'll wanna know them too.. wahhaha
Aylwin: HEY! Dun mind if i do.......providing u dun mind....
more friends.....more interviews! woohoo!
Audrey: Hahhaha!
Aylwin: Erm...*cough*....sooo....i heard rumours that u wanna............set up ur own shop! named "Audrange" in partnership with that ultra decent dude named: Aylwin....yea? *brows* Are u actually planning for that?
Audrey: Hahhaha.. nah.. it was jz some crap, no money u see... hahah
Aylwin: Awww...what a waste.......but u know that decent aylwin dude? he's learning accounts now... So he knows how to set up business and stuff...
Audrey: hahahha..whoa!
Aylwin: Feel free to approach him sia....i heard he made millions b4
Audrey: Im impressed!! Hahah...Okok
Aylwin: Alright....enough advertisment about that *Toot*....So we're near the end of the interview... any last things u wann end off like shoutouts?...
...........................Bloody Long Pause =X.............
Audrey: Hahhaha.. to my frens from NJC.. U GUYS ROCK!! who P.. we P.. who P u P.. who P.. IP!!!!!! Hahahha
Aylwin: *Looks amused* Errrrr......*huge sweatdrop*.........RIGHTTTTTTT....
Okie Miss audrey, THANK Q THANK Q so much for ur time.... =))
Audrey: No prob!
Aylwin: Yea....lets end off with a dance partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! LIGHTS! DISCO BALL! MUSIC! *Click*
*Music starts playing. Aylwin(Reporter), his men, Audrey and her friends starts dancing....*
Another lame and crappy interview covered!
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi Guys! And God Bless You Audrey and You guys out there too! =D
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =))
Sunday, January 23, 2005
{ 1/23/2005 10:04:00 PM }
Reporter: Well, today we're going to interview Aylwin! The owner of Lordtootsway.blogspot! Lets find out more about his life. Here goes:
Reporter: Hey-lo Aylwin!
Aylwin: Huh? Wha... Who are you?! And how you know my name?
Reporter: Please Mr.Ayl, There's no need to be afraid..I'm just a reporter.
Aylwin: Right....from where? And how you get in my room?!
Reporter: Mr.Ayl, Please...
Aylwin: SECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reporter: No no! No security! I've come in peace and unharm. I'm just want to know more about your life.
Aylwin: Okie... Fine. As long you're done, get out k?
Reporter: Don't worry.. Alright, lets get started. Now, do tell me about yourself.
Aylwin: I'm a student, MALE. Studying in Acs(Br) which consists of Gaylords and boys. No, I'm not gay alright? Hmmm... I'm secondary 3 now? Alrighttt... Is that enough?!
Reporter: Erm...we still got a couple more questions to go. Okie, you play sports?
Aylwin: You're real boring reporter you know that?
Reporter: Oh....sorry about that. Then lets get to the interesting questions. Do you watch porn? *Brows*
Aylwin: you're asking me stupid questions eh? SECURITYYYYYYY!!!!
Reporter: Erm! No! I was just kidding! Okok! My question you have a girlfriend?
Aylwin: Nope.... I never got one.
Reporter: poor fellow.
Aylwin: Yo dude... *Stands up and holds a chopper* Are you asking for a castration?
Reporter: No no no! Don't! Please!
*Aylwin sits back down*
Reporter: So are you actually intending to look for one?
Aylwin: Hooooo really done it this time.. *Cracks knuckles*
Reporter: Hey! I'm sorry I'm sorry!
Aylwin: Just watch you say dude.......
Reporter: *Gulp*
Aylwin: Alright...Seriously about that question of whether I'm looking for one.. I also don't know it myself. So...ya.
Reporter: Okie.... this question is to be asked by popular demand in every interview... D-do y-you...erm.....errr... *Gulp*.....ahh.... m-m-ma-master.?
*Reporter runs off and being chased by a raid of people with choppers and firearms.....................................*
Pretty lame eh? More of this will come soon again! =D
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi People! And God Bless!
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =)
Friday, January 21, 2005
{ 1/21/2005 03:47:00 PM }
Hey all! Hihi!
Well, Everything has been settled. I really have to thank the God, Mr. Tang who's in charge of my cca, and most definately,...My friends.
This is what happened. On monday where I was informed that I wasn't choosen for OBS, I eventually broke down alittle. I really could accepted the bad news. All of my great squadmate friends are going there which left me behind with some of the slackers. So, the next day I went to see Mr. Tang after school of whether if they could really get me in. When I approached him, He saw me then he said "Hey!" This was the conversation.
Tang: Hey, I heard that you were quite upset that you were not choosen to go for OBS, right?
Me: Yeah....(This was one part I seriously couldn't control but shed tears liao...It was difficult for me to hold somehow)
Tang: Yaaar.... Actually, Do you want know why the reason I didn't chose you?
Me: Errr...No..
Tang: Well, *Whisper* Because I need someone strong to hold the squad together while the others are away.
Me: Oh....
Tang: Yeah... That's why.
Me: Oic..K.
Tang: But okie... I'll promise my very best to squeeze you in to go with them okie? I'll promise you that. I'll try my very very best that I'll get an extra form for you. Never mind, I'll tell you what. I'll check for you now alright?
Me: Oh....Okie... *Nods happily*
(Jerry and Caine comes in the room)
Tang: *Picks up handphone and call someone* Hello boss? Yea, are you at the office...blah blah blah...extra form...blah blah(I dun want to go to extrime details)...Okie thx.*Puts down phone* Na... See? Tomoro you come and see me ah, I'll pass you the form.
Me: *Sob* Thank you very much sir! =D
Jerry and Caine: Hahahha... =))
Yea...I know is really gay of me that I cried during that time but I couldn't help it. Alright, I guess I'll now end of this post with TRUELY APPRRCIATED DEDICATED SHOUTOUTS:
1) Dearest Lord: Dear Lord, I'm so very thankful that you had answered my prayer...Thank you very much for ur blessings. =))
2) Jerry Tan n Caine Liew: Guys, you 2 are the greatest. Without Squadmates like you 2, I won't know what I'll be today. Thank you very much for telling Tang about my siuation. I couldn't thank you enough. =)) May God Bless you 2.
3)Audrey: Thanks for cheering me up somehow... You're a true great friend too. I may not know the true path God had made for me to follow but I hope this could be the one =)) Thx very much...
4) Bean/Eugene: Thx for willin to help me out there.
5)Josh Tan: Thx for willin to sacrifice ur place to let me go, but as I said...I wun accept it cos you're also looking forward to going to OBS too. =)
6) Joanne: Hahah, Dunno if you're reading this but Thanks for praying for me. I appreciate it... Thank you too =)
God Bless you all friends.
Btw pple, You might wanna check out my friendster profile when you're free bah. Updated it with a rather ultra lame thing. *Big sweatdrop*
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi and God Bless!
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =D
Monday, January 17, 2005
{ 1/17/2005 05:38:00 PM }
Hey All...
Well...not into the great mood. Recieved bad news. I was now not choosen for the early OBS trip in Feburary... Why? I do not know the f**king hell why. I was so happily looking forward to it. But now, my happiness are being totally shattered badly onto the ground.
There was really nothing I could do about it....Unless someone doesnt wants to go or someone who didnt passed his medical check up which is highly doubtful.....I'm really freakin sad and pissed... But I tot....really there's nothing i could do. Is life....I got to face it.... I even admitting I'm actually sobbing while writing this entry.... I know....Is gay for a guy like me cry.
But well....Josh asked me whether he want me to give up his place....but no. I refused. He's been also looking 4ward to going OBS. So 4get it.... Now all my best squadmates are going to OBS.... Caine, Bean, jerry, josh, Poo...Hope you guys enjoy urself yea?...Do take care of urself in OBS.....
My life's been really f**Ked up.
Thats all for now.....and Happy Bday to my dad.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
{ 1/11/2005 06:59:00 PM }
Hey all! Hihi pple! *Waves*
Haha, Well....
Aud saw me todae... I acted like some lunatic on the streets. I was moving and looking around, looking like a moron man!... Haha, Aud saw me but I didn't see her... What a waste eh? She smsed me Zun Zun when I just stepped out of my school gate with my squadmates. Said that she inside 171 and at my school's bus stop. I quickly checked the bus stop from a distance... REALLY THERE MAN! I faster called her HP,... Then the bus drove pass me so darn fast! The bad thing,.... She saw me but I didn't. I was like "Nooooo!!" Wha lau, she said I looked so comical. *Doh!* Aud! One of these days....U'll neva know. xD
Kk lar, after all that stupid shock...Me, Bean, Caine and Jerry decided to play pool instead of Basketball so we just took a cab to Bean's house. Reached there and then played Pool for quite a while until 4pm cos I gtg for tuition liao. So Me left with Caine and Jerry.
During tuiton, my teacher managed to buy me the Creative MP3 Blue Battery compartment! Yes! It rox. I'll try taking a photo of it. =D~
Alright, thats all for now.
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless!
[Lordtootz]-Aylw1n =))
Sunday, January 09, 2005
{ 1/09/2005 10:54:00 PM }
Hey all! Hihi!
Well, is acutally sunday todae. Supposed to update on friday but then while entering the long info post... My comp suddenly shut down. I was like...."OIE! *Toot toot... toot... toot toot... toot...toot toot toot!*" Yea...real vuglar. *Huge sweatdrop*
Okie, Friday had actually came. I was like, YAY...schools over. But I realise, there's my cca. OMG, I nearly could have been K.I.A(Killed In Action) I mean.... Com'on, the physical training then drill and campcraft. Oh man... After school somemore leh. So we were being dismissed at 7+pm. My mom fetched me, head striaght to Pines Club for the Line Dancing lessons, In my school uniform not to mention. But I learnt only 1 dance. Really man, I was sooooo effing tired and exhausted. As a result.... I slept in there for....3/4 of the whole lessons. =S
Later, on the way home... bought fried carrot cake from zion road hawker centre. Came home and ate, then decided to update my blog but then as I said, the comp shut down halfway through. *Curses*
Saturday was nothing, a resting day for me though.
However, I had to stay up all the way till 4am in the morning to do my homework!
But today? I woke up at 12plus. My mom went to the temple to help out and my sis to Paragon to excercise. I waited and waited for my mom to call me but she didn't. Lucky my sis did, asked whether need her to buy lunch. After my lunch, I waited abit more...stoned around the computer. Soon, my mom came back lar. Then brought me out to get my CNY clothes. Went to Queensway, in the end...gotten a Jeans from there at about $20+. Then went to John Little for a Shirt. I was looking for a
ORANGE colour for this yr. But then, dun have. Basket. =( John Little was pathetic, then go to Robinson...also pathetic. In the end, went to OG Orchard Point. Gotten a Blue Shirt instead. No choice bah. Orange colour verdi the hard to find... ^^;;;
Alright,...Now tomoro is time for another round at School. Is gonna be a boring day. DOUBLE PERIOD P.O.A... ROFLMAO...I think I totally regredded taking P.O.A lor. No, is not the subject... Is the TEACHER. What the fish man. Stand there talk talk. Neva move about, in ultra stoning mode. I even chanted those 2 words...
"Debit....Credit....Debit....Credit....Debit.....Credit...." Oh fish, I was going nuts!...It was pure torture to my poor mind!
Never mind, I'll try to pass then... I want to make it to a Top 5. I hope... Even my form teacher is hoping for me....Haiz... Chia Lat Chia lat.....
K lar... Guess that will be all. Sorry for the boriness everyone!
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless!
[Lordtootz]-Aylw1n =))
Monday, January 03, 2005
{ 1/03/2005 11:59:00 PM }
Hey...Hihi All!
Yupps....Wooooootz! School started! School is back! School is here again! Awww.......#$*&^X@#$!!!!!! the darn School!!...
*Sigh*.. Yes, Is good to have a few of my friends back in class especially Junsian. But the others? Wha lan.... I'm so dead this year. I gotto work hard this time...Okie, thats sounds abit gay. But well, no choice!.... Basket, and I didn't realized that today was preeeeeetttty long.
Okie, first....start off that we have to assemble at the tennis court. Later got Uniform check. And no...I wasn't caught for anything.
Later, we had to go for chapel. it was about 1hr...back was aching though. Then later off for class admin. And my form teacher is the same as last yr! Nooo.... Nvm, might as well live with it. =) The class admin lasted for 1.5 hrs... And yea, I nearly died in there....without FOOD. Glad we're dismissed in time. After the short(I mean really SHORT) recess, we had to go for our next subject which was....POA. Yes... I can't believed I nearly felt asleep!... Damn that teacher... Oh shucks, 4get her. After tht POA, we had to go to Chinese!!...We got a China man teacher. Thats not good. He speaks really werid though. Sometimes can understand, sometimes cannot. No, I'm not offending him lar. But I think he's rather a nice guy. Oh well, as if my class will actually respect him...*Sigh* =(
After school, me, junsian and jun rong went to Canhill CC to play Basketball cos I brought my own. In the end...We didn't play!!! #%*@^&@!! It started to drizzle. Knn!! So we decided to go back our old primary school. I didn't managed to see my teacher though. After that, went to Lido/Shaw house have Mcdonalds for lunch. A long lunch in fact.
After lunch, go home! I slept abit. Today so effing tired.... *Sigh*
Well, Is near midnight now... That will be all!
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =D
[Lordtootz]-Aylw1n =)
Saturday, January 01, 2005
{ 1/01/2005 11:36:00 PM }
Hey all!
Well, Is now Year 2005! Happy New Year everyone!! =))
Woo...Okie. 2004...has been fun and all. I've cried, I've lost parts of my life, I've been down, I've been happy and cheerful. There are things I wun forget. And now, is time to start another year of my own. There're things I've gotta strive for with my heart, mind and soul. (Okieokie....sounds gay and stuff...but I'm somehow serious).
My New Year Resolutions:
1) Work Hard and try to be top 5 in N(A).
2) Make more friends...(?)
3) Enough money to continue my hobby..
4) To get the girl I like!- Nahhhh......kiddin about that. No such thing.

5) Errr....Hope to able not to be shy around girls???-Nvm, It will take yrs bah.
6) May God bless and watch ovver my family and good friends. =)
7) May I able to get a good rank for my CCA and order to be a NCO.
Thats all I guess for my Resolution. School's reopening in 2days! Be ready! Woooo~....
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =)))
[Lordtootz]-Aylw1n =D