Thursday, June 30, 2005
{ 6/30/2005 10:27:00 PM }
Lets clear this once and for all. Lets settle this... And get it over with, aylwin gan.
You lost your damn phone. You wanna f**king kill that S.O.B Taxi driver. You wanna burn his damn taxi. You wanna simply just demolish his house down.... Ayl, You
ARE USELESS. FACE IT.Next, one of your damn deepest secret got let out. Now... you don't wanna face the trouble caused.
FACE IT AYL... You ARE A BIG LOSER.. who knows next maybe you'll going to be robbed in borad daylight.
Once again ayl...
YOU ARE HOPELESS. JUST FACE can't do much. you can't think much. you can't say much. you can't even take care of your things!....
Damnit. I'm being so cocked-up in my mind. I'm being
SCREWED you hear me?
YOU HEAR ME?!!!Ayl.... just plainly wake up your damn idea and face the reality.
LIVE WITH IT...[-ayl. got screwed upside down by fate. He's useless now. Face it...]
{ 6/30/2005 06:25:00 PM }
1. Slept in your bed:
Obviously Me.2. Saw you cry:
No one.3. Made you cry:
The S.O.B Taxi driver yesterday. Broke down cos of my handphone... Damn him.4. You shared a drink with:
Squadmates?5. Went to the movies with u:
Squadmates, during the celebration for Darth Mace Kaynakin's Bday.6. Went to a mall with:
Mum and Sis.7. Yelled at you:
Mum... For the loss of my damn phone. Aurgh.8. Sent you an email:
9. Said "I love you" and meant it:
Eh... Me no courage. How's that for an answer?10. Gotten in a fight with your pet :
We don't fight. I see them 'Small'.11. Drank Alcohol:
Kaoz. Drank it for the first time and failed my marksmanship test the next day. *Glares at Beansprout*12. Been to Hawaii:
Nope. Wish to though.13. Been to Mexico:
Never14. Danced naked:
Oh yes. Once. Thats was when I forgot to close the blinds... but I was young so don't ask.15. Dreamed something really crazy andthen it happened the next day:
I think it happened once.16. Wished you were the opposite sex:
Erm.... Acting gay is bad enuff.17. Had an imaginary friend:
I dunno how to make one.18. Gotten beaten up:
Errr... Yes..yes. *Groans*DO YOU:
19. Smoke:
Hate smoking20. Curse:
Defintely... Yesterday was a damn cursing marathon to that 'sweet old S.O.B taxi driver'.21. Sing well:
Gee... I wish!22. Sing in the shower:
Yup...many times23. Talk to yourself:
Yeah. This blog already prove it.24. Play an instrument:
I'm fated not to touch them.25. Think you're a health freak?:
Nah...26. Get along with your parents: lar.27. Get along with your siblings?:
Yeah, my sister. Actually quite well in fact.OTHER:
28. Worst feeling in the world:
Maybe...but not telling why.29. Future number of kids and their names:
Depends... Still got a long way till i marry.30. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:
Well......sometimes. I said "SOMEIMTES".31. What's under your bed?:
boxes...Cartons... dust bunnies.32. Favorite sport to watch:
Pool, Basketball.33. Siblings:
1 Older sister.34. Location:
River Valley Road.35. College Plans:
Maybe...maybe not. Thinking of going to JC to study further but it depends with my life now.36. Piercing/Tattoos:
Brrr.....37. CD Player:
Panasonic. Dropped it 10times and its dead...38. DVD player or VCR:
Dvd...39. Pocket:
Handphone, wallet and Mp3 at times.40. Laundry basket:
We dun have... we just chunk it in da washing machine and push the button!...41. Mouth:
Werid question...EXTRA STUFF:
42. Have you done drugs?:
Drugs? I can't even afford.... Not even interested.43. Who was your first best friend?:
Can't recall.45. What clothes do you sleep in?:
shirt and shorts...then what? bunny suit arh?46. Where do you want to be married?:
A beautiful destination.47. Who do you really hate?:
I have my reasons of not revealing who are they.48. Do you drive?:
You watch me... I'll be zooming around S'pore with a silver lambohgini or..or... a Mitsubishi Evolution!49. Do you have a job?:
Nope.50. Do you like being around people?:
Yeah, sure...why not? It depends which KIND of pple actually.STUFF:
51. Do you have a kind of person you always goafter?:
Erm... 4 Me 2 Know, 4 u 2 find out.52. Want something you don't have right now?:
DAMNIT...YES. MY PHONE.53. Are you lonely right now?:
Not really... My squadmates are the greatest pple already.54. Song that's stuck in your head a lot:
Uh-huh... Mu nai yi, shao nian, bad day, yi qian nian yi hou.55. Do you want to be married?:
Yup.56. Do you want kids?:
If my wife wants, then I dun mind too.FAVOURITE:
57. Band:
A number of them58. Color:
Black, blue, orange and white.59. Perfume or colonge:
Both are fine.60. Month:
61. Cried:
yes...62. Bought something:
Is food counted?
63. Gotten Sick:
alittle headache last night. Was feeling pissed.
64. Sang:
Yeah, in da bathroom.65. Told someone you loved them!:
No...No courage remember??66. Missed someone:
Well...yes.67. Hugged someone:
No one wanna hug me...*duh*68. Kissed someone:
Not lucky enough.---------------------------------
Izit me...or does this set of questions look like from Aud's blog? Nvm...ripped it from friendster.
So some of you are wondering what happened to me. Well, as you notice, I lost my phone...AGAIN. I know i know...pls dun rub it in. Its bad enuff. Now I'm saving up for a new phone all by myself. NO HELP from my parents. I caused them enuff trouble already. Just....**** that damn taxi driver. TMD.... If i find him again in my taxi, I'll slap his damn face and hi-jack his damn taxi...that bitch ASSHOLE. Watch out you slut...
Pardon the vulgarities. You just dun understand how i was feeling. Now... i guess its a new start for me. *Sigh*.
Thx 4 readi and God bless.
-Ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
{ 6/28/2005 09:24:00 PM }
Caine: Darth Mace Kaynakin! Now you, Bean-cillor and Count Pooku can now...rule together as one. But anyway, hahaha... Thx for 'de-stressing' me today after school. Had many great laughs and fun with you and Yoda Jet (Jerry).Jerry: Yoda Jet! Now only you and me (Obi-Ayl Kenobi) are left to the Light side... Oh well. Thx also for 'de-stressing' me today too. Now feeling less tensed and pressured. Heh heh.... You, me and Darth Mace Kaynakin were feeling damn high in KFC. Siao students high on drugs in there eh? Lolz...Bean: Bean-cillor... Nice name eh? Your jedi identity will be known as 'Darth Bean Sidous'. Swee eh? Take care of yourself man and quit showing off your damn long back hair!Poo Siang: Count Pooku... Sorry to hear about your hair man. I also had my worse hair cut days. Damn the CI ****** lar!! @#^*! Nvm.. We sort of agreed together that we won't cut for 2 months right? On RIGHT!? :DAud: I doubt you'll be reading this anyway. But what the heck... So yup. Hope the comic wasn't too lame or 'cold'. Rush job to it.. Sorrie though. Anyway, got your stuff on stand by mode already. Get it from me asap yeah? Da traumatized maid cannot 4eva wait on da scawee boss. (: And a huge congrats to your hard work of making it to the nationals team. ((: God Bless you man.Signing off.
-Ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Monday, June 27, 2005
{ 6/27/2005 05:22:00 PM }
Shucks... Tiring day. Nothing much... Its a start. Another long long lousy 19 weeks of schooling.
Oh well... Here's something to lighten up you guys' days.... At least I hoping its funny. *Gulp*
And anyway, does anyone know how to get Sony Ericssion K750i at a good price? Used my friend's one today.... ultra nice and good. Now i'm super jealous..... *Sigh*.
Thats all..Thx 4 Readi & God Bless!
-Ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Sunday, June 26, 2005
{ 6/26/2005 11:23:00 AM }
read this somewhere... and I'm feeling this way right now too...
i think of all my problems.i think of all my pain.i think of all my sorrows,till i can drive myself insane.i think of all the smiles i've worn,which hides sorrows one seems to notice,that i'm going through so much tears seem flowing,inside my tired eyes.each time i want to tell you,my words come out as liesthese days i'm feeling distant,far away and sadness pulls me further,from the happiness i seek.i've just begun to realize,that my hopes and dreams are gone, i'm walking down a dead-end road,humming a tuneless song.i'm standing on a rooftop,although i'm scared of heights,i'm watching the cars beneath me move,and somehow this doesn't feel i think of what i'm doing,i know that i should find a way,to beat through my depression,will i be able to do it someday?someone...that someone might be there,to help me make it through,maybe they or he or she... will listen,and tell me what to do.i'm seeing through the darkness,
and i'm starting to trust a few,
i think i'll try to make it,
so i can be there for them...too.
Its a new start soon for me i figure. Many things have changed... teachers, school, friends and even, life. Wouldn't wanna eleborate much more. Thats me sometimes. *Sigh*. I have a life to carry on cos fate tells me so... i'll figure it out why one day.
Thx for reading everyone. Take care and school's reopening, work hard and achieve high. God Bless!
-Ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Friday, June 24, 2005
{ 6/24/2005 10:03:00 PM }
So I know people are gonna read my entry for my trip in bangkok are gonna get reeeaaal bored. So why not lets start with some of my theroy of Bangkok? So I'll introduce you people my 2 good friends, 'Good News & Bad News!'. Give them a round of applause. =))
Good News: The Bangkok peeps are quite nice people actually. =)Bad News: Its damn difficult to communicate with them..Good News: The taxi fare to travel/drive to another destination is dirt cheap.Bad News: Just wait til you get caught in a jam and its very often.Good News: The taxi-drivers are one of the many coolest drivers. When they break, they break damn real smooooth which was damn nice.Bad News: The passengers sitting at the back......they ain't got seat belts.Good News: You see the food by the roadside and as you walk by, you feel real tempted to try them out and it tastes good.Bad News: Its not easy to find a toilet BY the roadside.Good News: You taste tom yum soup. Super spicy and shiok.Bad News: Make sure you have a toilet ready on stand-by JUST in case.Good News: You dun drink the tap water in da hotel. The hotel provided 2 free bottles of drinking water.Bad News: How the heck am I gonna brush my teeth?Good News: Every morning, my hotel provides me with free breakfast to eat. Which is good and me and my family doesn't need to hunt for food.Bad News: You gotta eat the same damn thing for the past few days.Good News: Its easy to Jay-walk across the road.Bad News: Its ONLY easy IF you wanna risk your life.Good News: You'll be amazed by some of the things over there quite cheap. Especially the originals. When the stuff is cheap, it IS REALLY cheap. =)Bad News: And you'll be amazed by the expensive stuff. When they're ex, they REALLY ex.And of course....this theory, die-die also must show you people.:
Good News: You see a damn hot, sexy and chio girl on the streets.
Bad News: You'll know the 'real thing/them' AFTER you hear their VOICE. (Brrrr.... *Shrugs*)Well, thats the most I can remembered for my theories. Hope I didn't bore you enough. Alright, lets once again say a big thank you to my 2 good friends, 'Good News & Bad News!' (Lame right? *Sigh* )
Heres the summary of my trip then:
- Arrived at the airport, werid atmosphere. Thats Thailand I guess. Ride in the bus for very long. Even slept for a long time. Arrived there and place our bags down. Then we went off for the 'Chak-chu-jat' / weekend market. Really wide in there. Stuffy too. But loads of fake stuff...especially the shoes but everything was cheap there. They even have pets selling over there. The rabbits and dogs were sooooooooooo cute! Too bad cant take them back to S'pore. Wasted. After a long walk with my sis, I bought a number of livestrong wristbands. Cheap lar....can't help it. After that, me and my sis met up back with my parents. We decided to take a train. And way am I taking the train AGAIN. So took taxi instead. =)) Reach there, rest and off to dinner. We ride in a series 7 BMV. Damn nice with a computer in it too. But....$8 for the ride to the seafood place. But nice nice... The seafood, you gotta try it no matter what. Its delicious...I didn't go tot he toilet too! So its fresh. =))
- Woke up, went for free breakfast then off to our half-day tour. Visit the famous 4-Face and standing buddua and later, to the jewellery factory. The jewelleries there were just plain nice. Beautiful to be exact. Love the rubies and sapphires. After that, we went to the famous MBK Shopping centre. Bought lotsa stuff there. After 5-6hrs of shopping, back to the hotel and set off to chinatown. Cheap birdnest and sharksfin soup. I love the sharksfin soup but birdnest? I dun actually fancy it. Back to the hotel and temperature is set to 10degrees. Super huh?
- Woke up with freezing legs. Washed up and free breakfast. Walked around a nearby shopping centre...nothing for me.. Then we decided to go MBK again to get the things for my friends. Bought 2 t-shirts, a quiksilver cap, 2 bags and a pair of adidas shoes. Tired out, we ate at a good restaurant. Super nice and ultra cheap. After that, walked around here and there, and back to hotel. Sis and mum went for massage. Left me and dad in the hotel. I watched a dvd, 'Monster-in-law'. After that, we ate dinner at the hotel...after dinner, went to a night market which closes at 2am. Nothing much, I bought another shirt again. Thats all I guess. =)
- Final day, ate breakfast and rushed to MBK AGAIN for any last shopping needs. Hahaha.... me and my sis were nuts. We went back to the same shop for the past 3 days. Even the shop-keeper remembers us. Cant help it, nice clothes, nice service and nice prices. *Grins happily* Back to hotel, get ready and off the airport... i got into trouble with the check in thing security thing because of a damn stapler!! *Slaps forehead* Felt like bashing them. Thats all lar. Slept here and there...And yeah, I had great fun. =))
Thats all for now. hope i didn't bore you to death. And oh yes, one more thing. Those people who got a job in Singapore....especially as a taxi-driver. Be glad you have one. I realised that the country in Bangkok, the taxi-drivers are not being highly paid. Their starting fare was like....$1? Be glad you have a job please. Those people there are real pitiful... Anyway, Nuff said lar.
Shout-outs! Woo!:
My dearest Sista: Thx for paying for most of my clothes! Wahaha...when you pay or loan me some money, was damn paiseh. Hahaha....but thx loads anyway. =)
Audrey- My Boss: Heyyy....Sorry for disturbing you during the times I've called or sms-ed you. Really dunno what to say...just damn paiseh man. But I managed to get you your stuff lar. I'm praying they're into your liking. Aurgh... If you dun like them, I also got no face nor a place to hide myself....*Sigh* >.<''
Bean: Basket...I got you cap so you better be happy k? Hahaha... I find the shirts a bit the cheap looking so won't suit you thats why. Thlughtful of me eh? =P
Darth Mace Caine: And YES...we DID an interview together...haha. But I got you a shirt man. Hope you'll like it. =)
Jerry Mouse: SEXY! I got you a shirt. So you bought me a shirt, I also get you one. You gimme a Billabong, I get you a quiksilver one. Hahaha. Squadmates 4eva man! Thx! =))
Take care everyone and God Bless!
-Ayl. -[Lordtootz] =)
Monday, June 13, 2005
{ 6/13/2005 11:33:00 PM }
The reporter comes back again. This time, its the one and only infamous Darth Mace Caine he's interviewing.
Reporter: Hey hey... Darth-my-man! How's the 'force'~?
Darth Mace Caine(D.M.C): Huh? Oie! Where you comeeee...from!?
Reporter: Don't worry... I'm just a friendly reporter.
D.M.C: Out! Out of my control room! Now!
Reporter: Aiya...Relec lar! Interview only! Why you so sensi-... *UURGGHH!!!*
*D.M.C force grips the reporter and throws him out of the control room*
Reporter: Basket... You think you use force grip very big arh!!
D.M.C: Fine... I shall give you face then. Meet me at da Meeting room in 5 mins.
Reporter: O-okie! See you there.
*45mins past*
Reporter: Aww sheet! Wheres the bloody meeting room? So confusing one! Izit this one? AWWW SHUCKS MAN! Another female toilet again! BAsket!
*D.M.C finds the reporter loitering around*
D.M.C: #$@^*@#!!! Where did you go!? You think my time very waste-able izit??
Reporter: Sorry lar! How the hell I know that here got soooo many bloody female toilets and levels!?
D.M.C: I'll bring you there...*Sigh*... Losers...
In The Meeting Room..
D.M.C: So what do you wanna ask me? How about I interview you?? I'm short of manpower here. ((:
Reporter: Erm..I dun think thats necess-... *UUURGGHH!!!*
*D.M.C Force grips the reporter again*
D.M.C: I beg your pardon?
Reporter: Okie okie!! You interview me!!! *Gasp!*
D.M.C: Ahh.. I thought my hearing was getting awfully worse. Alright.. Here's my question. Muwahaha...
Reporter: ???
(This skit was taken from one of the star wars clip acted out by fans) =P
D.M.C: Join me and we can rule da galaxy together!
Reporter: Never! Obi wan told me you killed Anakin! The father of Pdame's child!
D.M.C: You're wrong..... I AM the BABY's DADDY~!
Reporter: D.M.C, .. Give it up. You'll never get me into joinin-.... *GASP!*
*D.M.C Force Grips the reporter again*
Reporter: *GASSSSSP!!!* Tim-ot! Tim-ot!! Kuuuut!!!* (*=Time-out! Time-out! Cuuuut!!!)
*Reporter drops down*
Reporter: TMD!!! You think force grip very fun to play izit!? NB... I stab you with my light saber then you'll know!
D.M.C: Oh? You have a light saber? WEll... 'JOIN ME AND WE CAN RULE DA GALAZY TOGETHER!'
Reporter: Go & die arh! This place has so many female toilets.. you pervert izit?! I never see a male toilet here yet! Then... Your place here is damn stuffy! Air-con not working also... You're a damn low-budget sith lord man! And also... all the technology here is soooooo effing outdated! Even Pentium 1 computer faster! And not to mention you-... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
*D.M.C Force lightning to reporter*
Reporter: GAsp....GaSp... Now force lightning arh?! Gasp... Is this the hospitality you shld be giving me?! HUH? GASP!.. Wait till the star wars fans hear about this... Boy, they'll be thanki-.... *URGGHHH!!!*
*D.M.C force grips and throws the reporter out to space*
Reporter: NB!!! You watch out man! My men will come after you and wil kill you the old fashion way man!! Kerosene and Fire!! Basket!!
*D.M.C shows a 'loser' sign to reporter*
Lame? Boring? Wu-liao?
Yes.. I figured that out too. =/
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 REadi & God Bless!
-Ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Monday, June 06, 2005
{ 6/06/2005 10:03:00 PM }
Its Caine da Darth Mace dude's birthday celebration!
Caine didn't know we were celebrating his birthday today...Aurgh. Me, Mouse, Zi Shen, J.t were waiting for him to come at 9.30am for a movie. Jerry called him and said that he was still sleeping and doesnt really knows anything abt today. Basket...
But he still reached earlier than me. =X
After buying the tix, we decided to do something stupid. Take a neoprint. Hahaha...yes. Gay right? too bad no preview on those neos. =P
Soon, we watched the Madagascar movie at 11am. It was a nice movie. Really love the penguins. Ultra cute and Caine didn't like this movie cos of one thing. The 'Move it' song. Oh well, it was still a good movie.
After the moie, Bean kept messagin us to hurry up. We then ate at seoul garden for Caine's bday lunch. We all treated him and he still makes our money worth. =)) Although I feel I'm not going back to Seoul Garden very soon. The food just happened to be lousy now...dunno why.
After lunch, Zi shen had to go off but we took...yeah.. Neos again. Hahaha... No previews peeps. Sorry. And after that, we went bowling with our sec2 juniors and his cousin. Both caine and him were fightin with each other to see who scores higher with their curving skill. Then me, mouse, jt and bean went to caine's hse to play dai dee. Thats all bah. =))
And yeah, we took some pics of us in his shop there. Here's the pics. =)) Enjoy:
Me and Jerry Mouse:

Me and Darth Mace Caine:

Darth Mace Caine and Beansprout:

Darth Mace Caine and J.t:

Jerry Mouse and Beansprout (The Sexies! =P):

Darth Mace Caine, Jerry Mouse and Beansrpout:

Lastly, us! Both Sepia and Gray versions!

Take care everyone!
-Ayl. - [Lordtootz]