Saturday, August 20, 2005
{ 8/20/2005 10:39:00 PM }
i'm tired. i'm stressed out. i'm all blanked. i'm shagged.last night was horrible. marking of papers from 6pm till 1am. didn't eat lunch nor dinner until 11-12midnight? i cant rmb. it was just plain horrible. all shagged and dead-tired.
besides of that.. i couldnt sleep well. there were many things going through my head. i kept telling myself to go sleep...i'm tired.. but no. i still continued to think of things. haiz. everything is different. many things changed. school. friends. cca. prehaps my life too. i dont know anything...
i stress on this question to all of you people out there:
'do you rather be right than to be happy for the things you're doing?'you're not sure what the question meant...go figure. i'll maybe elaborate it another day.
-160+ now. still going...-ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
{ 8/16/2005 09:09:00 PM }
Ever lost something big and important that was entrusted to you for safekeeping?Well... I did. Nearly actually.
Today, I really scared the sheet out of myself. I totally freaked out in public. But at least, if you managed to retrieve back the item, you don't mind all those actions you done in public and you would just plainly forget about it.
The item was the most important thing to many lives. And what is it? Well... It is the
KEY to the NPCC Admin Room. You would have no idea what will happen to me if I ever lose that
KEY.On my way home in the bus, I was just seating down, feeling all drowsy and stuff. Was really tired. Near 7pm if I recall correctly. I just look at my history notes because got a damn test the next day. Then i suddenly just want to double check if i got my admin
KEY still with me.
Placed my hand into the pocket... checked. Only feels wallet and nothing else. I took out my wallet and checked the contents
KEY. Checked that pocket... 'nothing'? Checked all the pockets. EMPTY. DIE. Serached my bag... Nothing too. Thats where I freaked out. I acted like some lunatic in that bus. Good thing not many pple though. Scanned the floor of the bus... nothing too.
I totally panicked. Then many thoughts came into my mind.
What will happen to me? My squadmates are so gonna murder me. Mr Tang will skin me alive. I'll give Mr Tang a very bad impression of myself. No one will ever trust me! Should I even go to school tomorrow?It was super scary. So I had no choice but face the music. Called Jerry:
'Hello...' 'Jerry?' 'Yeah?' 'You''re so gonna kill me.' 'Huh?' 'You're really gonna hate me man.' 'Huh? What happened?' 'I...I lost the Admin Room KEY.' *Short Pause*
'HUH?! REALLY? Did you checked properly? Is the Admin room locked first?' 'Ya... Its locked' 'Okok. You check again... I'll call you back.' I had some tears coming out. DEAD. I AM SO DEAD. I checked in my pocket again while standing up now as i was near my stop. Wallet...then something rough. *GASP*. ITS THE
KEY! So i called jerry asap and told him its found. He said: 'Wha lau... scared me like hell man.' 'I know..I also scared myself more... Sorry abt it. Bye then.' 'Bye'.
I really sang prasies to the lord. It was so fucking scary. Rah. 'Nuff said already lar. I hope it won't happen again. Really the most shocking feeling in my life.
And there came our new favourite quote from my squad and I:
- *Slaps* 'What is the meaning of this?!' -Sorry to Jerry again if I had really freaked you out too.-ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Monday, August 15, 2005
{ 8/15/2005 10:35:00 PM }
I keep the stars company at night and I also have the sun to accompany in the day.How cheesy can that statement be? I find it super cheesy but I like it bcos I made it up. :P
Sigh. Well, its really been a long week for me. Many things happened and stuff. Been rushing in a couple of proposals and work. The stress is flowing in...
Next week is my Chiang Mai trip. And I got a feeling its going be really sian. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th day is a killer. I'll elaborate more on the details another time before I go off.
alright.. That will be all. Now I think I'll have an early night. Its been since I ever get a proper rest these days. Now I'm getting the flu... blocked nose. Crapped it.
Wheeee.~[Exactly 150 done only] - How pathetic can it be?
Thx 4 Readi n God bless!
-ayl. - [Lordtootz]
Saturday, August 13, 2005
{ 8/13/2005 07:38:00 PM }
ayl is shit. he's some moron.. 4get him. ayl can't make a good friend.ayl crapped it again. he done a dumb move again.
ayl is sorry but he knows you won't forgive him and such. he just hopes you would.
Monday, August 08, 2005
{ 8/08/2005 04:49:00 PM }
Tarot Cards. Do you peeps believe them? Show me your hands up in the air if you do...
*silence*Guess not.
Well... Beansprout learned this tarot cards thingy using the normal deck of cards(you know those gambling type lar). He tested on me. Half right, half false. Its about the love life lar. So did I suffer a bad fate or a good fate? I dunno.... Not even sure if its true or not. How CAN ayl (ME?) even get a girlfriend in the first place? Nobody will actually want a stupid, lame, ugly me. Hahahah...thats true actually.
But doing the tarot cards are pretty interesting. Although bean learned is the boot-leg type, but my sis has the real thing. They can be accurate in a way and inaccurate in some other way. It depends on how you decide, look at it and feel towards it...
Sigh. screw it lar. Doubt i can even get a love life...
btw...bean's result was not bad. =P-ayl. - [lordtootz]
Friday, August 05, 2005
{ 8/05/2005 09:02:00 PM }
Macbeth.... oh hail macbeth.
*puzzled look*Very werid play. I didn't understand the story since the start. Maybe might be more interesting if I had read the book or something. But too tired to blog all the nonsense abt it. Wasted 4hrs of my life and $6.
- We had a host who is an australian and he's a pure ass-hole. Super 'yaya-papaya'.
- I gotten a bad place. My squadmate said that the front was freakin cold. For my case, at the back of the freakin HOT n STUFFY.
- The chairs...bloody squeezy! Want to stretch my legs because losing the blood circulation. Bloody hell. My legs can only stay 90degrees.
- The chairs again. Ultra small.
- Decided that the chairs below is too lousy. So decided to move upstairs after our 15mins break. Once again, the place became even tighter. damnit.just plain damnit..
One thing for sure is that, we keep laughing at this really really fat girl. Sigh. She acted really...really......erm..undescribable. And another good thing is that, the theatre is super near my house. So we just walk to bean's house for dinner. Ordered Canadian Pizza.. all were super hungry.
Thats all for the stupid day I just had.
-ayl.- [Lordtootz]
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
{ 8/03/2005 03:56:00 PM }
The following picture is not suitable for the weak-hearted or easily traumatized people. If you are one, and you still want to view it... its your risk. (Its about me...)Here goes. I found a past picture of me when I was p6. I was like...OMG, thats me? Oh well. >.<
The past. Spot me. (Hint: I'm the blue one.)

Ugly eh? But its really a big difference from the past till now. But one thing still remains... I'm still ugly. =P Hahahahah... seriously!
Hope you have a good laugh or a good time puking. you decide. =)
Wheeeee~! (Screw off. Being an NCO/boss is not as easy as I thought)
-ayl. - [lordtootz]