Sunday, April 30, 2006
{ 4/30/2006 10:54:00 PM }
The kind of things your mind turn into when you're under too much pressure...
-=kayn liew=- <<>> after all tt was put hav an endin lik tis is someting i can never except... says:
names kayn...
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
-=kayn liew=- <<>> after all tt was put hav an endin lik tis is someting i can never except... says:
yo yo watsup
-=kayn liew=- <<>> after all tt was put hav an endin lik tis is someting i can never except... says:
its dawg la...knn wat dog?
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
damn backfired
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
im not cut out to be a blink-blink kinda guy
-=kayn liew=- <<>> after all tt was put hav an endin lik tis is someting i can never except... says:
knn...u go around call gals tt...they tink u tryin to sae tt they are bitches la
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
my bad
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
like....Oooo mah god. can you believe the NERVE of that...that...SLUG?
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
-=kayn liew=- <<>> after all tt was put hav an endin lik tis is someting i can never except... says:
oh doubt on no no
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
-=kayn liew=- <<>> after all tt was put hav an endin lik tis is someting i can never except... says:
yar well...glad 2 b of service
aylwin Ü. All good things will come to an end says:
Heh. Hahahaha! And the both of us are still talking nonsense now when we're supposed to be mugging. :P
Friday, April 28, 2006
{ 4/28/2006 08:47:00 PM }

EUREKA! Fried Chilli Crab. Cooked by Yours truely. Hahaha. Yeah. I learned how to cook this dish today. ((:
Took quite some time to cook this but it was good. (: Killed the crabs, smashed them, fried them and such. Heh. It was passable. Just that the gravy was a little watery because I made a caculation error on the amount of water to be poured in. But... it was a good experience. (:
And that somebody which I promised to cook for... I'M READY TO DO IT! Hahaha. This whole dish itself costs less than $20? Hahaha! I'll take note of the mistakes from this lesson. Heh. And the next time i cook this dish again, will be better.. :] i hope arh. Hahaha.
Thats it for today.
And oh yeah... the crabs are damn asses. Got 'stabbed' by its torn and oil kept jumping on my hands. Damnit. Stings... :/
hahaha. thanks for reading all. (:
4 more days till the battle of the mid-year papers.-aylwin.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
{ 4/25/2006 09:12:00 PM }
Shall start this post from saturday onwards :]
Saturday! :
Went to school early for extra POA lessons. Caine, Jerry and Eugene came too for classes. I had a total of 8 bananas that morning. My POA Teacher was like asking if anyone wants banana. I was the only eating banana and doing my work at the same time. Really brain food to help you to think (:
After extra lessons, I went to Caltex to have lunch. Cup noodles and Pepsi Max. Heh. The Tom Yum was tasty but it was damn spicy so i cried alot. Walked back to school and I was still crying. Then we all went home first and jerry went to church. I went to Bugis first for a while to dota. After that I went home to wash up and headed back to Bugis again for dinner. Bean, Caine and me were in a confusing state of what to eat. In the end we chose Seoul Garden. And yes, we all cheong the food and ate as many as we can. Obviously, Caine out-ate us. We stayed there for about 1hr half. After dinner, we rushed to Potong Pasir and bought 'Drinks'. Stuff it in my bag and pushed it to caine to carry it. Obviously he couldn't run. Haha. Went back to Clarke Quay and to Eugene's house. We talked and drank. Obviously I didn't drink. I had the ice lemon tea only. Hahaha... damn outkast. Jerry came and joined us. Bean puked...(AGAIN). Then I walked and ran home by 1030pm. Hahaha. Took a bath and went to bed.
End of 1st Day (: Thanks Jerry, caine and eugene for celebrating my birthday with me. Thanks guys.SWEET SWEET SUNDAY!!!! :
Woke up. Beautiful day. Did some work then went off to Jack's place at orchard at 2pm. Reached there and I saw Ivan and Qin Zhen coming. Ivan was holding a huge cake. GOSH. Secret Recipe Cake. We went to get a table first. Sat down and they both passed me a huge gift. Its a big card sealed in an envelope with my name on it and its written from huiyi & qinzhen. Hahaha. Cute. It was an A3 size and many drawings were on it. Opened up and there were messages written by the both of them. Hahaha! MAN. So damn touching. Huiyi's message was damn hilarious and nice. Qinzhen's was super FOS. Hahaha... It figures. We ordered our food. It was a long wait but we were talking at the same time. So we ate and talked till 3plus. Then this is the surprising and shocking part. Ivan asked for the cake to be served. We waited and waited and was wondering why the cake was taking such a long time to be served. Suddenly, the restaurant stopped playing their music and they played the happy-birthday song... IN THE WHOLE RESTAURANT. MAN. Damn stylo but 'malu' at the same time. Hahaha. My very first reaction was 'BU HUI BA?'. The waiter came with the cake and candles all lit up. Hahaha. Then I made a wish. A nice wish. (: Then we all noticed something. Huiyi went: 'Ni zhen de hen lao liao...hahaha!' ( you're very old already). Hahahha. And why? The cake has 19 candles on it. WHAT THE FISH. Hahahaha. But i just blew it anyway. We cut the cake and served. We ate very little then they put it back in the box for us. Paid the bill and we went to Cine. Qinzhen wanted to get heels. Damn. Her shopping could really get you irritated. Hahaha. You go shopping with her and you'll understand. Qinzhen bought a pouch too and Huiyi bought 2 pairs of slippers.Then this was the fun part. When we left Cine, we were not sure where to go next because i had to go china town by 7pm. Then, Qin zhen and Ivan were arguing or something like that before crossing the road. They were deciding if we should go Ivan's hosue or not. Then they were arguing and arguing.... Me and Huiyi look at each other. We decided to 'ke siao' and walk off and see if they still notice us walking away. We walked and walked and walked further away. STILL NO REACTION. Never mind. We decided to hide then. We could see their reflection. AND THEY CROSSED THE ROAD. Basket. Both of us were shocked arh. They only realised we're missing after crossing the road. Hahaha... They stood there trying to look out. We were pratically just laughing away. Qinzhen called to say they're going to City hall. Then we finally crossed the road and met them.We reached to them and they still ignored us. We hid again and they just walked off. Hahaha. We both decided to play Stalking. We were stalking them from somerset station to City hall station. Hahahaha. Best. It was super fun just acting blur and all. Heh.. Both of us were just damn high. We still stalked them from behind and run after them and all. Then we stalked and stalked until we lost them at C.H.I.J.M.E.S. Huiyi's feet were getting hurt because she was wearing highs. In fact, we were complaining how hot, how tiring and jia lat just trying to stalk people. Hahahaha. Then Huiyi changed to slippers. Hahaha. She said that good thing the slippers are in good use at a good time. We walked all the to National Library and decided to sit and have a break. Tried contacting Qinzhen and Ivan but they dao-ed us. Then I had to do a survey. At that point of time, ... huiyi and i were DEAD-THIRSTY. And the survey had to be about DRINKS. Basket. Later, managed to contact them and I posed as a manager from HSBC bank that Ivan exceeded his bank overdraft of $5000 by $1 and I threaten him if he dont pay up the $1. Hahha. Then we had to go back to Raffles City.We walked back and decided to walk around since we're like early. Walked into the Adidas shop and we COINCIDENTLY saw them. Huiyi quickly pulled me out we were like trying to sustain our shock. So decided to walk into Swatch but we went out and went into The Body Shop. In the end, we went back out and decided to sit down at starbucks for a drink. We sat down inside and the sofa inside. I treated the Mocha and we shared. We sat down and relaxed. Slept abit here and there.. We were dead tired just stalking Qin zhen and Ivan. Hahaha. Qin zhen called us later. She asked where were we. Huiyi told me tell Qinzhen we're at Sun-Dollar. Heh. Figure it out why its known as 'Sun-Dollar'. And yes, they really thought that there was such a shop as Sun-Dollar. Hahaha... rather evil and mean but yah. Revenge! :PWhile waiting...we continued talking and took photos. Hahaha... Damn fun and such. Finally...around 6plus... they found us. But obviously they're kinda unhappy in a way. Hahaha. We quickly went to find them and got into the train with them. Huiyi and me decided to say sorry to them by japanese language and even bowed to them. Heh. Ivan was funny. He not happy so he take out his literature book to read. hahaha. We said sorry and bowed to them again. (Mind you, we were at the MRT train). Haha... We reached Dover and they went to Ivan's house. Bid them goodbye and I left. I had to go meet my parents at Thiong bahru. DINNER AT CAPITAL RESTAURANT. 8 Course dinner. BASKET.My lunch was still not digested yet. Had the dinner with my family, cousins, aunite, uncle and my grandmother. (: We had:- Sharksfin
- Roast Chicken
- Fresh-Water fish
- Deer Meat
- Crab Meat
- Kang Kong
- Mushroom Braised Duck
CAN DIE ARH. Then still got Swenson Ice cream Cake. Hahaha. Sian. So damn full after that. Went home and I wasn't able to sleep. I mug a little and talked to Huiyi. And More stuff...
Nuff' Said.
It was a really really SWEET SWEET beautiful 16. Thanks so much Huiyi, Qinzhen and Ivan. ((: You guys rock.! God bless you man. I love this day. I'll never forget it. :]
Summary for monday:
- Had Napfa Run
- 12mins 22 secs. Damn lousy.
- Heavy rain at Bishan.
- Bean sent me home
- Had a headache
- Body aching so slept early. (:
- Talked to huiyi for a short while only.
Summary for tuesday:
- Woke up and still had a headache.
- PE lesson... had a game of Floor-ball
- During the game... I was unlucky and my nose got whacked hard by the stick.
- After school...heavy rain. Went to Jerry's place to study. Got wet again at the same time.
- Studied and studied
- Talked about alot of things too.
- Went back home and thats it. (:
Shoutouts! :
Huiyi :] - HEY! I hope you're reading this shoutout. Well, I must really thank you for making me have a sweet 16 birthday celebration. I appreciated it. I enjoyed it. I loved it. And I treasured every moment. Yeah. I'm really happy that day. I just cannot thank you enough for making my day. In fact, you always made my day. (: Hahaha. Thank you so much, Tan Hui Yi. You're the greatest friend I could have. Take care and continue being that great and wonderful person!
Qin Zhen & Ivan :] - You 2 people. Thanks for everything too. (: You guys are great. You 2 keep it strong alright? Heh. I really appreciated the celebration and making have a great time. I just dont know what to say already. Keep rocking on, yea?! :)
J. C. E - BROTHERS. Thanks for celebrating the night with me on saturday. Glad to have you people as my brothers. May we still keep that friendship and brotherhood going strong. Through thick and thin, high and low, in and out... and so on. Heh. You guys rock on too! You're the bestest brothers I could have. ((: Jia you in studies, your love life ( ;P ) and your great life!
Oh yeah. Thanks to the people who wished me on Sunday & Monday! God bless you people! (:
-aylwin. :]
Friday, April 21, 2006
{ 4/21/2006 10:50:00 PM }
10 days left till the battle of mid year papers.I've been thinking of the same issue for the whole entire day. Nothing but the same thing. After training, I got a bad headache.
At night, I was still thinking about it. Decided to talk during dinner. Brought Caine, Jerry and Eugene to Subway to try it out. Not bad arh. We all talked about alot of things. And caine quoted a cool love phrase. We were talking and freezing at the same time inside that place. Then we left and bean's dad sent me home again. Thanks alot bean.
Here i am... stressing my mind out. Some people talked to me and such. I probably will just heed their advice. Anyway, its good as gone.
And yes, I'm sad but its no point. No one gives a damn
On the way down...-aylwin.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
{ 4/20/2006 10:30:00 PM }
11 days left till the battle of mid year papers.
Good luck to Jerry, Eugene and Caine for their Chinese Prelims Tomoro. All the best and jia you!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
{ 4/18/2006 09:39:00 PM }
Friday Night - The Click Five
Manic Mondays singing you to sleepYou could use some time to breatheWake up pleaseA lonely weekend isn't what you needYou wont feel so guilty cuz you love the crime onFriday nightBaby are you sleepingFriday nightMy heart is still beatingIt's alrightOpen up your sleepy eyesCome alive, come alive on Friday nightWearing night clothes never felt so coldWish we were a little olderRestless soulsI cant hold this ladder for too longWont you open up your windowCome outside onFriday nightBaby are you sleepingFriday nightMy heart is still beatingIts alrightCurfew's gunna break my heart,So come and meet me in the darkFriday nightYou're under the coversFriday nightWe could be loversIts alrightOpen up your sleepy eyesCome alive, come alive on Friday nightBaby it's no surpriseThe price is rightI'm bob barkerHold on to the prizeCuz its Friday night, Friday night come aliveFriday nightBaby are you sleepingFriday nightMy heart is still beatingIts alrightCurfew's gunna break my heart,So come and meet me in the darkFriday nightYou're still under the coversFriday nightWe could be loversIts alrightOpen up your sleepy eyesCome alive, come alive on Friday nightYeahCome alive come alive on Friday nightOhCome alive, come alive-
Beautiful song. I really don't regret getting their album. Loving it (: Highly recommanded!
she's an angel to youand a devil to me.damnit.-aylwin.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
{ 4/16/2006 01:01:00 AM }
Had a nice day with Caine and Eugene. Hahaha. ((:Woke up and went to class in the morning. Dead tired though.
After class, took the bus back with mum and ate HANs at Far East Plaza. Then bought 2 converse shirts. Love it. And finally went to get the screen protector for my phone.
Soon, went home and studied Chemistry and left at 2.30 to go to bean's place. Saw Caine at the entrance and went in together. Then we studied and Bean's dad was kind to help make us
SPICY Tuna toast. Its been since I really had those Triangle types. So it was damn spicy for me but it was good. I suddenly slept on the sofa and the rest were doing A-maths. Caine had a difficult time struggling through his questions. Then we watched abit of TV and Bean's maid cooked dinner. So we ate and ate. Called jerry, said he wants to go home. So the 3 of us just went for Supper around Mohammad Sultan Area. Had Bah Kut Teh...Shucks. It was nice but it was kind of expensive for $6 per person. But I enjoyed it anyway. (: Then we chatted about Bean's affair. Hahaha.. Then we went off... reached home at around 11plus and had to do up the campfire proposal and I'm now off to bed.
Great day... glad to spend it with my brothers. (((: Heh. Though I was feeling troubled over things during the whole day.
are you still angry with me? thats the question now...take care and God Bless....!
Friday, April 14, 2006
{ 4/14/2006 11:13:00 PM }
After today..
I realised I'm actually cut out to act like a gay. My actions and the way I spoke.. Especially Caine grabbed my neck and Jerry avoided me because of it.
'like... Oh-my-god man~''can you beeeeeelieve that guy? Huh!~''gosh... its likeee...whateveeer.':D
oh well. happy good friday everyone! Today is the day we shall always remember. The day Jesus died for us on the cross and rosed again. Never forget it. (:
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
{ 4/12/2006 08:14:00 PM }
putting everything you had.... for that goal, just POOF.
Sounds familiar?
Yeah. Everything is happening again. Most of it are almost the same stuff again and again. Some of us are getting angry. some are getting pissed. Some are really Du lan. Some are sad. Some are crying. Some are losing their things like....friends.
What A Great Moment. ( Yeah Right. My Foot.)
Enough of it. I've really nothing to hide. I tried but to no avail. Guess I should do what Jerry and Bean suggested. Wait.
Something happy to post now.
Today after NPCC Day rehearsal, went to Jerry's place to study. Wanted to play basketball but in end, we didnt. Then we studied at Mcds. Caine was really... yeah. The 4 of us were talking about some issue. Then we all tried cheering each other up and talked cock too. We were all suaning at each other. Great laugh and all. ((: Ate dinner there and then left.
Bean's dad sent me home. Thanks Bean! (:
Well... Thats all I wanna blog. I hope the days would get better soon... Sigh
Shoutouts:Caine: CAINE... take care alright? You du lan, we also du lan about it. Pray that everything is just a joke. Relax k? I'll be hoping the best for you. Take care bro. ((:Jerry: JERRY... you. Do it before it goes worst or something. But I'll be hoping for the best for you too. (: Take care mouse bro!BEAN: YOU. Thanks for the stupid conference last night. The 3 of us have really talked too much cock already. But really....thanks man. (: Appreciated it. See you around and dont cause too much trouble. Take care man!HY: hope you're reading this but anyway, thanks for the listening ear last night. Appreciated that too. Thanks so much. Take care too.. :))-aylwin.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
{ 4/08/2006 12:32:00 AM }
to audrey:Aud, I hope you're reading this but I doubt you're are. Anyway, I still hope you will get to see this post because it have still be going on in my head.Well, since 30 March 2006... you told me that who else said those 'EXACT' words. I asked what exact words were you referring to... but you replied with a 'its okay... you can continue to be this way'. Dang... that was really painful. Because I don't what was going on and why did you suddenly questioned me that... I was totally lost.Then I asked you again on Sunday... What were the EXACT words. I was really lost...blank...nothing...blur...guilty of something i don't know what i did.I tried finding out everywhere....about what you were referring to. I asked you again, I really try pleading to know what was something that made you super unhappy. And yet again, you stabbed me with cold words. 'do i look as if i give a damn?' Then i tried asking again and your reply was:'yes i seriously wanna know who else.. that someone must be my clone or sth. i shall repeat myself for the one last time. "i dont give a damn, do i?" 'Sigh... I felt super guilty of something I dont even knew what have i done. At least, please.... let me apologise to you if i have offended you. Please, I don't want a friendship just go booming because of this issue.You said you don't give a damn...but I jolly well do give a big damn. This matter is still ringing in my head. Eugene, Caine and Jerry knows I'm still stressed about this matter. They see it themselves.Aud...please... I really wanna apologise to you. I dont want you to be mad or unhappy wtih me about this. Sigh...Please...please.-i still find myself really useless...great... well done ayl. well done.-aylwin.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
{ 4/05/2006 08:18:00 PM }
THRASHING. Score of 42 - 21. DAMNIT. WHY? Read on. Basket..will be posting about the past few days soon
but i must post about TODAY.
Studied in school with caine then went to Kim Seng CC to play basketball. Bean was there already and Jerry joined us later. Played a match of 2 v 2. Me & Jerry one team and Caine with bean on the other team. It was a close match. But it was all for exercising. (:
Then 4 other guys from Queensway Sec had a friendly match with us. FULL COURT. AURGH.
The score is 42 - 21. DAMNIT. So malu... Sigh.
Then we had a break. Played half court this time and we played in the rain. Shiok feeling. ((:
Score was 24 - 16. We still lost but it wasn't that bad.
HOWEVER...I got a minor scar on my hand bcos i got scratched.I hurt my finger as the ball hit against it. OuchWorst of all.... MY ****s got HIT. DAMNIT. Yes, it still hurts...Not a good feeling. Totally fall onto the floor and had to quickly jump up n down to ease the pain.Thats all. I had fun. ((: Its been since we had basketball tgt ((:
I'm dead tired. Nights all.