Sunday, November 26, 2006
{ 11/26/2006 11:39:00 PM }
I can't believe I'm blogging now out of BOREDOM.See how bad is this holiday taking me over? This is not good man.
I'm soooooooooo damn lonely this week. DANG.
Cooro's still in Vietnam. -Wails-
Sister's gone to Hong Kong and will be back till Wednesday.
Eugene got his own girlfriend to be with.
Jerry got his own plans too.
Caine got movie to watch! -Growls-
Timothy's at Thailand now.
And I've gotten alittle tired of the games I'm playing.
Basket. I'm dying already. I think this is a sign for me to go study already. YEAH. Hahaha. SHEET. I'm waiting for the job but no reply yet so far. HOW? Shucks. Haha
Today I dragged Caine to go out eat lunch. We met at 2pm+. Haha. He complained its high tea now arh. Ate at marina square and walked around. Walked really alot. We talked and move about at the same time. Then I went to Puma again and see the jacket I liked so much. $99. Narnia. Plus 10% discount... Still kinda expensive. :( A nice black jacket with a hood. Hahaha. I think I'm going to work for that jacket. Heh.
Thats it lar. I shall continue my quality time with boredom. (AURGH).
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
{ 11/22/2006 11:15:00 PM }
Went to Plaza Singapura to watch
Casino Royale 007 today. I arrived there and waited for Caine and Jerry to come. Caine arrived first so we played TIME CRISIS 4. Oh yeah baby.
This time Caine and I played together. He kept losing to me and he died first. :P Heh.
Caine Liew, so much for claiming to be Asian Bond eh? Lol.
I lasted till the 3rd stage but I wasn't able to complete the game anyway. This time the game is more challenging than the other 3 Time Crisis-es. Hahaha. Then we went to the cinema.
The show lasted 145minutes! Super long. And oooh. I prefer Daniel Craig than the previous bond. The movie's not bad. However, I want
Happy Feet lar! Haha. Looks really demended. Doesn't matter... At least Bond was not that waste of a money.
After the movie, we made our way to Vivo City and Eugene met us at Douby Ghout Station. Reached there and I was dead famished. Told them I need to find food first before doing anything. We walked around for really long. Bad enough, but soon decided we choose Carl's Jr. Ate to my stomach's delight. Never felt so good eating for such a long time. Haha.
Then went window shopping around. After that, went to the top to take pictures around. Hahaha. We did lots of stupid things. Heh. Pictures will be posted up as soon I get them from Mr. Jerry. Lol.
Nonetheless, I seriously had a fun day with Eugene, Caine and Jerry. Its been since we went out together like this for a very long time. No doubt that I'm going to miss them a damn lot. No matter what, they're people I'll never forget. I hope we can always keep in touch next year. I seriously pray and hope so. (:... Thuy Anh ...
Come Back Soon!
I Really Miss You So Much
Adi-Os People! (:
{ 11/22/2006 09:48:00 PM }
Just read
Terry's blog. Yup. Well, lets say I hope he's reading this and I hope he would understand. Whether he does or not is his choice.
Okay, lets start off that....
Put yourself in a case when you're going out with other 3 friends and there are 2 people in that group that didnt want that particular person to come along because they're not exactly happy with him/her. If you invite that particular person, those 2 people wont be happy and everything would spoil the mood in the outing. But if you don't, that particular person wont be happy.
What will you do? Think about it. Its not like I want to do this. You think its easy to just solve this kind of case? If it is, you tell me the
solution. Either way is gotta be the hard way.
Now you probably don't accept any of my excuses. I cannot do anything about it. However, I really did nothing wrong in a sense. You should maybe think why those 2 people didnt want you to come because of some reason? Or else, you're still targetting me that I'm at fault for not calling you along.
CHAT thing? I have JACE too. But it doesnt mean that we don't treat other people as friends at a single extent at all or just kicking them aside. I still treat you as a friend. I still remember you had helped me out. Of course I won't forget that. I don't kick you aside because i'm in the CHAT.
But now... I don't know if you still believe my reasons. Sort your problems with the right people. Now I just hope you would calm down and think properly. At the end of the day, I still treat you as a good friend because of what you had helped me through.
And lastly, I was rather shocked to why you want to go into that 'bad habit'. I hope you know what I'm referring to. I thought you were smart enough not to do this kind of thing. Its really not worth it. HOWEVER, at the end of the day, I do not have the authority to tell you what to do, but I hope you would choose the right thing to do and its all up to you.
See you soon. I hope we could talk things out but I'll leave it to you when you would want to or not to. I had said everything with a clear conscience. Like i say, its all up to you whether you believe my reasons for doing it so. All the best.
Monday, November 13, 2006
{ 11/13/2006 11:28:00 PM }
Just watched the 2nd last episode of the America's Next Top Model season 6. And yeah...
SARA'S OUT! NOOOOO. I LIKE HER. HOW COULD THEY KICKED HER OUT? AURGH. I don't want to watch the stupid show anymore. :'( -ROAR-
Nah... Of course I'll still watch! I dont like Jade. Though it true that she can actually model but her attitude is damn bitchy. Hahaha. Danielle is like inconsistant. Can model also, but not very strong. :/ Hahaha. So the next one I support is...

Ahhh... I'm dead beat. I'm going to sleep now. Bye everyone! :D
Saturday, November 11, 2006
{ 11/11/2006 11:00:00 PM }
I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three.
Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me. he said,
"boy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago,
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but i loved your grandma so."
We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.
Get married in the first town we came to, and live forever.
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet, instead
Of her, i found this letter, and this is what it said:
If you get there before i do, don't give up on me.I'll meet you when my chores are through;I don't know how long i'll be.But i'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.And between now and then, till i see you again,I'll be loving you. love, me.I read those words just hours before my grandma passed away,
In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to pray.
I know i'd never seen him cry in all my fifteen years;
But as he said these words to her, his eyes filled up with tears.
If you get there before i do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long i'll be.
But i'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till i see you again,
I'll be loving you. love, me.
Between now and then, till i see you again,
I'll be loving you. love, me.
Collin Raye: Love, Me.
This song is really very touching. It doesn't really involve me that much but it just touch my heart when I hear it. Sigh. -dazes-
Today was fun.
WET but still.... fun. Hahaha. A little dull at the starting but at the end, it was okay for me. Hahaha. And OH YEAH. THE BROWNIES
(FUDGY WUDGY something something Brownie)... it was like so 'WHAO'. It was really chocolatey lar. I'm seriously getting fatter this holiday. Ah. JIA LAT.
Christmas this year seemed abit more cheery than last year? But its not as strong as last time back in 1999 or 2000. And there isn't a white christmas tree! I want a white christmas tree. I think they look really nice. Shucks.. guess I'm stuck with green ones this year. At least this year it looks not that bad too. (:
Work Attachment is coming to an
Lol. Getting sick of....of... *. :X
Thats all I'm writing now. Heh.
Cooro! if you're reading this...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
{ 11/05/2006 05:53:00 PM }
Yesterday I recieved shocking news in the morning. Something i never expected to happen. This post/entry is utmost dedicated to my squadmate, Andrew.
His Dad passed away on friday. In the morning, he said his heart felt pain and such and was sent to the hospital. Unfortunately, he was gone when he was at the hospital. Not to mention, ... his
only parent.
Yes. I know. I don't know how much you people are affected or are felt by this kind of things... it really lays a strong impact to me. Andrew is a really nice and friendly guy. Though quiet but actually very vulgar and hilarious in his own ways, I thought he's really a person who really don't deserve this fate yet. From many times when he and I are left in the Admin Room after school, I always asked how is he going back home. He mostly replied that his dad will come pick him up. But now... things are different.
I visited his Dad's Wake last night. Squadmates, school principal, NP Teacher officers and the teacher counsellor was there. I didnt know what to really say to him but I thought i show up to show him support. He appeared calm and all but maybe he didnt want to lose it out there. Still, I really feel the pain inside. I still wonder why must he have something so unfortunate happened to him because i really find he doesn't deserve this. However, I guess its just fate and I'll definitely pray hard and strong for him. I left the wake telling him that if there's anything he needs, just give me a call and I'll help.
Andrew, I feel what you feel. No matter what, we're always squadmates giving you the support like we always do in parades and all. I always respect you and you deserved my respect. All the best to your O papers. Try to focus and give it your best. My greatest and utmost sincere condolence to you. Take care and be strong. I know you and your younger sister can. May Gad bless you and guild you all the way.
And All the best to the people taking O levels! Best of luck! :JerryCaineEugene ChngAndrewHuizyiQin ZhenBernard LowCandy / Pei JunCelineFergusIvan ChanJoshua LeeJoshua TanJoshua LeongManfredPoo SiangRachelAnd anybody else if I had missed out.-aylwin