Tuesday, April 24, 2007
{ 4/24/2007 07:19:00 PM }
I'm so touched also. You put my blog under your favourites. Hahaha. But the reason you do that because you want to check up on me only lar! HAIYO. Who you trying to cheat man? :P
Today, when I went to OH to get the drama tickets, Mr. Andrew, Mrs. Magdelene and Ms. Iris was questioning me lar. *Sigh!*
1. I'm not using the Drama production as an excuse to take people out for a date lar! Lol.
Yes, I asked Lee Huizyi along to watch with me but its not a date! And she's not my GIRLFRIEND! We're just good friends. Piang! :P
2. I'm not going to the drama production to see anyone lar. I'm going for it because I support OH! Yes! I'm a fan of OH okaaaaay? Hahahaha!
3. I'm not dating anyone from OH! I mean, who would want to go out on a date with me?! Lol. Seriously lar, please! *Shakes Head*
4. And, I bought the tickets so that you(Mr. Andrew and Mrs.Magdelene) would buy my carnival tickets lar! :D Lol
So yeah, stop self-speculating! Lol. Ms. Iris and Mr Andrew was sooooo sure that I was dating someone from OH lor. Ms Iris also questioned me about if I'm dating any of the girls from her 6th floor and that she will come after me if any of them fails badly in their studies. *Bang head against wall* *SIGH* And I was thinking what does that got to do with ME?! Lol. So I reply that if you don't believe, I will be gay to show it to them lar! And Ms Iris was, 'if you become gay, then I'll castrate you!' Then I was like, 'Castrate lar! Then I'll be an eunuch lor. Eunuch won't have feelings for anyone. I won't be able to feel much after that what. LOL. :P' Then Ms. Iris said that maybe she should be gay. I tell her let both of us turn gay together arh. But she said that, 'but then, I still like men lar.' WHA LAUUUUUUU *Bang head against wall again* Then why you still tell me you want to be gay! :X Lol. I can seriously vomit blood when I talk to you people man. SIGH. Hahaha!
I shall continue my thank-you list for the people who had wished me. :D
Thank You Jerry Mouse! :D
Thank You Auntie Rui-Ann! :D
Thank You Satan beauty Yvone! :D
I think that should it.Lol. Shoutouts!:
Jerry Bro!: Hey jerry, although you were 18minutes late, I was really glad to recieve your sms! Lol. Oh well. Hahaha but I'm really happy about it. Like you said, we will look forward to the celebration! Hahaha! I can't wait for it :D Thanks for everything bro! You rock on like the others :D God bless you!
Rui Ann! Yvone!: HEY! Lol. I was laughing about the phone call you made to me. But thanks for the wishes! Yeah, I was surprised to know you called me for this lar. I'm touched arh. Lol. Yes. Really(: Thanks you two! Study hard and God bless you 2! :D
Today's summary - I'm not cutting my hair again from Klearcuts at Far East Plaza. WHA. My hair really look like a joke! :X Argh. And yeah, I had to cut it because of the mid-years exams. *SIGH* :/ Never mind! I shall drink more soya bean milk! :DAnd next time, I shall save up more money and get my haircut at a better place like, Jentzen or REDS or Super-Cuts or Shinji Matsuo and so on! Lol.
Before I end off,
MEILANI! Stop playing bridge in class and study lar! You have a good girl image but a bad girl mindset right?! :P Nahh... kidding!! :XBye peeps! (: time to mug for maths! *SIGH*
Monday, April 23, 2007
{ 4/23/2007 07:28:00 PM }
Wha cow! I'm really touched to know that some many people wished me today! :X
So, I shall make an effort to thank each of those who wished me personally. :D
By random order arh! :
Thank you Cooro! :D
Thank you Meilani! :D
Thank you Caine Liew! :D
Thank you Beanie Eugene! :D
Thank you Qin Zhen! :D
Thank you Huiyi! :D
Thank you Christabel! :D
Thank you Huizyi! :D
Thank you Audrey Han! :D
Thank you Debbie Goh! :D
Thank you Aquila! :D
Thank you Fenessa! :D
Thank you Michelle! :D
Thank you Sharon! :D
Thank you Joshua Tan! :D
Thank you Timothy Ng! :D
Thank you Elgin! :D
Thank you Amoz Boon! :D
Thank you Dharlynnie! :D
Thank you Kieren! :D
Thank you Gavin Goh! :D
Thank you Mr. Eric Loh! (SURPRISE SURPRISE!) :D
Lol. Thanks to also if I had left anyone out but I think that should be it. But I'm kinda sad that one of my most important person in my life have not wished me yet. :/ Right caine? Right Eugene? Lol. Oh well, I'm delighted with what i have(: And I'll post up pictures what I have gotten so far soon (:
'17 already! :D' - Meilani!
'4-Square + 1!' - Caine and me! Lol
Here's to personal shoutouts to these people :D :
Cooro!: Bunny! Lol... Thanks for the sweet wishes and yeah, we'll meet soon yeah? Hahaha. But all of us are busy with the upcoming mid years. Ah... Lol. But thanks for everything. (: I really appreciate everything and all we had gone through before. (: Thanks for being a great special friend to me ((: God bless you! :D
Meilani!!: Heyy! Ms Nuts!!! :P Its really nice to know you anyway. Hahaha. And don't worry about the chocolate. Take your time! No rush at all(: Thanks for all the encouragement, words of determination and so on you had given. Lol. Yeah lar. '17 already'! Hahahaha! Study hard and take care of yourself too! Thanks again! God bless you! :D
Caine Bro!: CAINE! Lol. your message was quite funny. 'I wanted to message you at 235959 but sian arh. I need to wake up early the next day....' and the last part, 'and I won't forget to celebrate your birthday one lar!' LOL. Thanks bro, for everything. (: I will looking forward to the BBQ and paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty! :D and I know, only soft drinks and water applicable. Lol. 'No other drinks' :P You rock, man (:
Eugene Bro!: EUGENE! Thanks for the nice message you sent me too. I appreciate everything from you. You rock on too and I'll look forward to the BBQ party after my mids. :D We will have fun and talk cock and rubbish alllllllll night! :D You rock too, man (:
QinZhen & Huiyi!: Thanks for the FATTENING present man. Lol. But I love it lar. When I reached home, I couldn't resist taking alot of the cookies, cupcakes and brownies! Thanks for that and everything else too. (: God bless you both! :D
Wha.... I feel very tired of typing already. Hahaha. BUT I MUST STILL GO ON! :X
Christabel!: Heyy, thanks for the wish! Lol... Study hard and take care of yourself too! Hahaha. Don't sabo the other people by spreading your germs arh :P Thanks again!
Huizyi!: WHA. First time hear you call me 'handsome' in the message. So touched but too bad its only for today. Lol. But you replied saying that you should call me that more in the future. HAIYO. Don't need to call me handsome lar or else you will lying to yourself only. :D Buyt thanks for the wishes! Hope we will meet again soon! ((:
Audrey Han!: Thanks for the message too! :D Yeah, I also hope it will smooth sailing and a non-chopping journey for me! :D I hope it goes the same for you (: Meet up soon again! Hahaha. It was fun suaning you arh. :P God bless you! :D
Debbie Goh!: Thanks friend! :D It was great that we managed to find each other again by chance after how many donkey years of no contacting lar! Lol. Thanks again for your wishes :D
Aquila!: 'Baby Sister'! Thanks for your wishes! Lol. And you messaged me really early lar. Lol. :P Thanks again! God bless you! :D
Fenessa!,Sharon!,Michelle!: WHA! You 3 made the effort to call me from Jakarta arh! Lol. I'm really touched but you only tease me with rubbish leh. Haiyo. This the way to treat a birthday boy eh? Lol. But thanks again for the birthday song you 3 sang to me! Love it and appreciated it (: (though it was baaad. :P )
Joshua Tan, Tim, Elgin, Amoz: Thanks for the wishes man! :D
Gavin Goh!: Thanks for the wishes, 'sexy'! Lol.
Kieren & Dharlynnie: Happy birthday to both of you! Today's the day, happiness was brought into the world. Today's the day sexy people were borned!(quoted by Kieren :P) Oh well. Lol. Hope you 2 have a great celebration! :D
Mr Eric Loh! (Teacher of the school): Doubt that he would read this but, I was shocked to see his sms this afternoon. Lol. Yeah, he wished me too. The unexpected person to wished me. Lol. I asked him how he knew and he said,..... 'Friendster'. ^^" (wha lauuuuuuuu) But thanks anyway ((:
Thats all I can tank through already. Lol. And ooh! I wore my Swatch watch to school today arh. :D I was sooooo careful with it lar. :X Hahahaha. Kk. 'Nuff said. Lol... Blog later peeps! Time to muggggg! (: and my prawn-salad is waiting for me! :D Wheeeeee!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
{ 4/22/2007 02:45:00 PM }
heyy world!(:
My parents got a Swatch Watch for my birthday(:
Its good enough for me and I like the simple classy-classic look.
Swatch IRONY :D

But its definitely not comparable to other watch brands like, Louis Vuitton or Guess or Calvin Klein or Levis or Frank Duller (whatever its spelt but its price is 5 digits long!) :X
Anyways, I still love this watch. :D Wheeeeee!
Friday: Sian arh. After school, I still had to go for CCA when we're supposed to step down already. DANG. The sun was super humid and hot arh. And I swear, the cadets are screwed up sometimes. Sigh. I just can't wait to settle down out of the unit already. No fun without my squadmates around anymore. :/ After the training ended at 4 plus, Elgin and me were abit bored. So we started played tennis just outside Oldham Hall area there. Lol. The game was rather screwed up but it was dead serious fun and funny. We kept sabo-ing each other to running alot for the tennis ball. But I ended up having to run the most. :/
Left the school and reached newton mrt around 6. And guess what? I saw something sick and wrong over there. Yeah. Sick and Wrong.
I came up of the escalator, and I saw these 2 CHIJ girls. I can't really tell how old were they. The first thing I saw was, this girl in front of this other girl.. she was just standing 1cm away from her face and she SLOWLY move towards her and.... ARGH. I quickly turned away and did not intend to know more. So I quickly walk off.
Wha cow. Brrrr... End of friday's post. :XSaturday:Quite a rather boring day. :/ Went to school for POA consultation class. Stayed there and did MCQ questions. Stayed until 1plus and left to far east. I walked to Far East Plaza from school lar. Hahaha. Just for the sake of saving money. :X Went to far east and checked something out then went to orachard Popular to get some stationery and back to home (:
weather was soooooo nice to sleep in too. Lol. So, who can resist eh? Hahaha...
RIGHT MEILANI? :P I slept for a while. Then had to wait for dinner till 7 plus. Ate at Samy's Curry Restaurant. Everything was blardy spicy lar. Then I couldn't endure the spiciness and therefore, I had a real bad running nose. Lol. Always happen to me :/
Okay. I shall end here for now. I have somethings to finish off first. Lol.
Bye everyone and see you soon (:
Thursday, April 19, 2007
{ 4/19/2007 09:48:00 PM }
Carnivore was
awesome. Ate with Amoz, Elgin, Yu Wai and Timothy.
It had better be. $30 and 30 cents totalled up for each person lar!
I went through no food for about 24 hours. No dinner from yesterday till today's dinner. I was practically fasting lar. Lol. Except that I ate a nugget and hashbrown in the early morning before school starts or else, I will surely die on the spot one.
So anyway, it rained when I woke up. Wha lau.... really feeeeeeeel like sleeping more but cannot. Sian. :/
Today's PE was handball and it was fun and stupid as usual. Lol. Throughout the day, I learnt from Yu Wai that staying completely still will make you less hungry. Hahaha! And surprisingly its true. Yu wai also skipped all meals since dinnner last night. Hahaha. We wanted to make the Carnivore buffet dinner worth our money. BOY. It was really worth. Lol.
Anyway, I'm tired now. Been out all day and brain drain. I also realised that, 'A hungry man.... is an angry man!' Rarr.... Not simple for a guy to go hungry all day without food. Sia lar. :/
Lastly, this was one of the random hilarious moment at Carnivore just now;
Yu Wai took a bowl of cream of corn soup.He complained that it sucked. (Lol)Then... he started to take a piece of his beef meat into his soup.He said, 'I'm trying to make corn-beef soup. Haha'Then I remarked back, 'OH MY GOSH. THAT'S SUPER CORNY LAR!'Then Yu wai, the others and me started laughing like crazy because it's a really dumb and stupid comment. And yes, Amoz kept punching me alot because of that. He couldn't stop laughing and he still needed to finish his food. Lol.If you don't get it, its okay. Because you have to be at the scene to FULLY understand it. :/
Alright. I'm stopping here. I've also added a new shoutbox. The old one seemed to be giving problems after being with me since I started my blog. Hahaha... Okay. Bye everyone! (:
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
{ 4/18/2007 09:33:00 PM }
must resist.......
only a few weeks more than can play pool.
but few weeks very long!
DANG. Lol.... Never mind. I will resist as much as I can.
I didn't eat dinner tonight but I'm saving up for
CARNIVORE TOMORROW! Wooo. Free flow of meats :D The meat-buffet haven. *Grins sheepishly*
My throat sure die already lar and my exams are on the way soon to next week thursday. *Groans* I haven't study lar. This is sooooooo.... crappish man. Heh. So thats why I'm planning to go into implementing the
isolutionist policy. What is it? I'll explain another time soon (:
I gotta go now. I'll blog soon if I can again. CIAO :))
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
{ 4/17/2007 08:04:00 PM }
Okay. I'm trying to blog as fast as I could because I have english assignments awaiting and a blardy-difficult-sure-die mock Maths paper 2 to complete.
Haiyo... at this rate ah, I think I'm gonna fail badly for my mid-year exams):
Okay, yesterday I was taken into
slavery by Oldham Hall lar! I had to print this, do that, cut this, pack that and
blah blah blah blah blah. Lol. In the end, I had to go running at 615pm. So blardy late. Sigh. And I went back home pretty late and ultra-shagged. I forgotten I have a History Test to revise for the next day. Argh. I scraped through my revision and went to bed after that. Buey Tahan lar! So yeah. Earlier to bed than usually.
TODAY. I studied with Tim for awhile then we left school to THE CATHAY to get free ice cream from
Ben&Jerrys. We saw Yu Wai on the way and asked him to tag along. The queue was 2 levels long but it was progressing very fast. And WOO. My
chocolate something something fudge was nicee and sinful at the same time. We wanted to go for another round but too lazy. Lol... So we went to Plaza Sing and walked around Carrefour and we were talking alot of nonsense about different things inside there. Yes lar.
And before I go off, a message reply to
Meilani if she happened to be reading my blog now:
heyhey! I read your blog. Dont worry and take your time. Don't need to rush. I thought you didn't recieve my reply so I check with you. Lol. Anyways, I really hope its good news to hear from your SYF result. Yeah, I pray you get to see the full fruit of your labour after intensive practices, I shall say? Lol... See you around! (:OKAY. I need to go off now. Need to finish up work lar. RARRRR.... :/
Time to whack my homework and assignments.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
{ 4/15/2007 09:01:00 PM }
I'm proud of Tim, man. Hahaha.
Too bad I don't get to attend his chapel talk. SIGH.
Sigh.. Its too late lar. No one is going to believe thats my joke. Lol. :P
Anyways, today was a rather boring day because of its the coming-mid-years period.
So we all need to stay at home to study. Rarrr....
friday the 13th! And yeah, some unlucky things happened to me. The day before, I was up mugging like mad for my History Cold War test instead of studying for my Geography test. Lol. In the end, the test was postponed to next week. WHA LAU.
SABO MAN. And yeah, there was still a geog test to take. Nvm. I also had a surprised Radioactivity quiz during physics. Lol. Sigh!
Sad lar!
Then I have training. Which I really felt sooooo not in the mood. But I got myself a good workout during it and I ended up having some cramps around my body later on. Lol... Oh well.
Went home alone and slacked for the day. Am I glad the day was finally over and the weekend is finally here. WOO.
Boring day lar. Lol. I went to school in the morning for POA consultation lessons. Then went to meet Christabel to pass her my school pants for a guy to use. Then, I made use of the opportunity to go poaching for a few people to by my client and to buy my school carnival coupons from me only once i booked them... Lol. I went back home and study abit and stayed home for the whole day. SO SAD AND LONER LIFE LAR. If only I could stay back in Oldham Hall soon, then I will probably have more drive of wanting to study. :P
And today, I finally get to eat
STEAMBOAT after like 10years?! Yup. Since 1997 when I was primary one. Ate at COCA restaurant and wooo.... its good. :D I missed out a whole lot after all these years. Argh. Lol...
The coolest but yet, scary thing happened today. I get to see a
lightning in action. :D I was in the car and I was literally
UNDER the lightning. The sound of it was different too. The coolest thing that happened was, the traffic light which was in front of us, blacked out. Wha... From green light to nothing at all. Lol.... Super cool can? :P
Oh yeah, lastly I was nearly going to get whacked up by some of my classmates for telling them super lame and retarded jokes for the past week. Lol. I was trying to help them destress lar! :P
(Me and my nonsensical excuses again..)OKAY.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
{ 4/14/2007 04:01:00 PM }
Michael Buble - Everything
You're a falling star
You're the get-away car
You're the line in the sand when I go too far
You're the swimming pool, on an August day
And you're the perfect thing to say
And you play it coy, but its kinda cute
When you smile at me you know just what you do
Baby, don't pretend that you don't know its true
'Cause you can see it when I look at you
And in this crazy life
And through these crazy times
Its you, Its you
You make me sing
You're every line
You're every word
You're everything
You're a carousel
You're a wishing well
And you light me up, when you ring my bell
You're a mystery
You're from outer space
You're every minute of everyday
And I can't believe that I'm your man
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can
Whatever comes our way, we'll see it through
And you know that's what a love can do
And in this crazy life
And through these crazy times
Its you, Its you
You make me sing
You're every line
You're every word
You're everything
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
And in this crazy life
And through these crazy times
Its you, its you
You make me sing
You're every line
You're ever word
You're everything
You're every song
And I sing along
'Cause you're my everything
Ah- yeah, yeah
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
What a beautiful song. :D I love it. Lol. Yes, it's really so meaningful to me. Hahaha! (:
Anyway, I'm too tired to blog for yesterday and today at the moment. I'll do it tomorrow morning. That is if I wake up within the morning period. :X
Good night then, everyone! ((:
Thursday, April 12, 2007
{ 4/12/2007 11:13:00 PM }
WHA.... This stinks big time):My right-side shoulder muscles have been strained again because of playing Handball during PE today.
I CAN'T TURN MY HEAD TO THE RIGHT OR LOOK UP TOO SUDDENLY. Or else, I will sure cry or scream one. I hate it when this thing happens to me. *Grumbles Grumbles*
Oh well, I'm tired now too. And I have to rush through my work for 2 tests tomorrow.
There is parade tomorrow too. And I think I really need to catch up on sleep. I see dark circles around my eyes already and its getting abit more obvious too. Grrr.
Okok. I cannot tank already. I need to go sleep. I'll blog again tomorrow. Good night and take care everyone! :D
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
{ 4/10/2007 08:18:00 PM }
Today's one unlucky day for me.
More homework.
Emaths 2nd Mock exam, soon-to-get-FAILURE.
Study in freezing weather.
Couldn't get a nice nice nice sleep in the freezing weather.
Wanted to go running, but it rained and rained and rained and rained. NVM. So didn't go running in the end.
Went to change out, and the RAIN STOPPED. ARGH.
Went back home, my shoes gotten half-drowned in the puddle of water! Best maaaan.
Ahhh.... Good thing I'm finally home now! :D
And argh.
Huizyi tagged me to do this PERFECT LOVER thingy. WHA LAU! Sabo! Hahaha.. Thanks huizyi. thanks alot. :P
1.Outer Beauty. :D (WHAT?!)Okay, I believe that the appearance of my ideal lover must be presentable. And its physical appearances is something I'm attracted to. NO. I'm not those guys that wants those ladies with good assets and allll. NAH. If I think you're pretty or good looking enough, I'm satisfied already. Yes, I can be easily satisfied sometimes. But still, I always believe in this. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. So I dont really expect my lover to qualify to other friend's standard because she's good enough to me:)
2.Her Acceptence To Me.Yeah, I really want a girl that could accept for who I really am, and sometimes the way I do things. I know that I must make some sacrifices to certain acts of mine, I wouldn't mind. ((: She must know that I like to act childish or more like, young at heart at times! Or if I sing to her, just accept my horrible singing please! Lol. In other words, I would say that, if she can make the effort to accept me for who I am, I'll too make the effort to accept for who she is. ((;
3. Sense Of HumourI know that I always tell really lame and unfunny jokes but she just have to bear with me lar. Lol. And yeah, I would love it too if she could be humourous too. Doesn't matter if she's even funnier than me! :P Cos I always loooooooove having a good laugh everyday. More like, laughing is what really keeps me more alive than ever. :D
4. Clicks Well With Family and Close FriendsI will definitely introduce my girlfriend to my close friends because I want my close friends to know that I hope, we all can communicate and there will not be any tensions between all of us. For my family memebers, I hope to show to my family that the girl I love is not a girl that will destroy my life but the one that can bring joy to everyone instead of dispair. WHAAA... So nice lar. :X And I don't mind doing the same for my girlfriend if she want to introduce me to her friends and family too (:
5. Love To Eat Good Food With Me!My girlfriend must love trying various kinda new food and enjoying good food with me because I love eating good delicious food! :D Yeah. But how many kinda girls would love eating so much these days? Lol... Sad lar.
6. Showing Each Other, Support, Love And Sweet Joy Daily.Okay, may not need to be exactly 24hours everytime but I like to express my love to the girl and the girl doing the same to me as I feel it shows that I'll be faithful to you and I'll cherish it. (: May not be in forms of food, kisses, hugs or letters, the smallest act of love like a SMS will do the trick sometimes too(: And whenever in times of need, we will give each other the support and get through the issues/events/matter together. (:
7. Proud Of Showing To The World That You Are My Significant Other/ Partner.Yeah. In front of people, men, women, children, babies, businessmen, cleaners, teachers, classmates, schoolmates, friends, family, gangsters, clowns, and the list go on... We all proud to have each other as our partners. Without a doubt in our mind. :D
8. We Share A Common GoalWhats that simple goal both of us will share? Yup. Making each other happy and alive and never to regret the mistakes in life. You know what I mean. Heh. I just want the both of us to be happy. I'll always recite this phrase to her,
'When you are happy, I'll make you twice as happy.When you are Sad, I'll make it half as sad.When you are always needing for support, I'll be there to give it and not lend it.When you think the world walk out on you, I'll be the person to walk in to you.'YEAH LAR. Very boring and sian, right? Lol. Like who will actually be moved by this phrase? Sigh. Its a new world out there. And yeah, the 8 ideal things listed, it will be impossible to find one. So you don't have to get all these applications to be my ideal lover. Lol. Yeah yeah, as if I will ever find one before I'm long gone from this world (:
This part is ripped from Huizyi's blog:
'The ultimate thing that truly matters is..................................Connection.What do I mean by this? A couple should be able to communicate very well. So he should be not just my lover, but best friend and soul mates. There should be nothing we can't talk about, except for one of those girly things that can only be shared among girls, obviously. We should complement each other and are able to grow and mature together. Since you are to grow old together, if you don't mature, its quite a disgusting sight. Its all about sharing, so it should be all about sharing. And I strongly believe that openness is the key to security (not national security that security, its all in the mind), or shall I say trust. Well to me trust comes before opennes, so its a = here. Yups yups.'I am supposed to tag people and make them do this, AND YOU MUST DO OKAY? Don't spoil the fun!!! <-- Like what Huizyi said! :D Here it goes: 1.
Qin Zhen2.
Audrey Han! (If you've read my blog till now)
Debbie! You must do it soon :P
Meilani! Lol.. If you've also been viewing my blog =X
Gavin Goh (If you also been reading my blog)
Anyone else who is interested to do this thing. (: I can't tag anyone else cos they've been taken before. Aurgh. Lol.OKAY. Time for more
DeathNote Manga :D
Monday, April 09, 2007
{ 4/09/2007 10:58:00 PM }
Hoo Boy.I can't believe how
poisonous the
Death Note Manga it is to me. I just cannot stop reading it! Argh... So addictive man. Lol.
Anyway, today was a really good and fun day. I went out with my 3 brothers and gosh, though it was not a long while, it was good to have all 4 of us hanging out together once again.(: We had a proper birthday celebration for Eugene and we had
Fish&Co. at Wheelock place. We talked nonsense and all. Then,we all left. Sadly that everybody needed to go off, I still enjoyed myself (:
And ooh... Jerry look more
handsome now leh. Lol.
Oh well. Now I hope when will it be the next time I would get to see them again and 4 of us hanging out together :D Yeah,
And ooh. I had Mole Concept test today and I don't think I'm not going to do it well. Hahaha. I didn't study lar! I forgot! :X Rarr....
Sunday, April 08, 2007
{ 4/08/2007 02:54:00 PM }
I'm supposed to be studying and rushing my work now but hey, everyone needs a break right? :P
(What a lame excuse to escape from my work.. =X)
Merry Easter Day, Everyone! (:
Today's the day Jesus rosed again after dying on the cross for you all on Good Friday.And remember to eat your easter eggs! I had mine yesterday in advance and it was gooooood. Its been donkey years since I had them for very long. Lol.
Mid-Years are coming soon and I've not gotten my drive to study yet. Lol... I'm so tired lar. =X
Since its also the SYF season now, good luck and all the best to people and friends participating for it. Hope you will really get to see the fruit of your labour at the end((:
Friday, April 06, 2007
{ 4/06/2007 10:58:00 PM }
I was halfway studying till I received a sms at 10.38pm that got my mind in a state of nothing but blankage.
'My grandfather passed away.. Two days ago.. My mum didn't tell me anything'From:...
Cooro.I was completely speechless. I frozed. I dropped all of whatever I was doing and rushed for a phone but I wasn't able to contact her, even till now. I asked her room mate to take care of her. I really want to be there for her but I can't. Everything around probably feels really like numb to her. I understand what she's going through.
So, friends of Cooro... please be there for her and give your support.
Please recite a prayer for her.
Please give her strength.
'Dear Heavenly Father O Lord,please guide Cooro through this. Give her the necessary strength to pass through this tragic moment. I know that its not as simple as said but as time go by, please pick her feet up and stand again and carry on with life, Father. Lord, please let her know that she's not going through this alone by herself but let her know that she have pillars of support around her now and always, Father. Lord, also guide her focus towards her studies back in time. I know that its a matter of time but I pray hard over her to be strong again, Father. Thank you for hearing my prayer, in the name of dear Jesus Christ. Amen'If any of you people are reading this post, please recite a prayer for her or you could use my prayer as above. I want Cooro to hear the prayers people are giving her and that she will not walk through this matter alone. Thank you everybody. I'm really not asking for much. Thank you again.
Cooro, I'm on 24hours standby for you. Let me know when you need to talk or anything and I'll give you ring straight away.
Monday, April 02, 2007
{ 4/02/2007 10:34:00 PM }
Its just that i've been feeling extra lazy lately to blog and update lar. :P I still haven't post up the updates about my Jakarta trip. Hahaha.. oh well. And i think there's supposed to be more too. Like ASEAN NIGHT! Yeah. ((: Hahaha..
I've watch pursuit of happyness. Nice show (:
And yes, this post is very important. Because...
today is
Kidding! You're always my Yan Dao brother!Today we celebrated half your birthday already. So lets make the other half of the celebration a time of our life with the 4 of us when we meet! :D
Carnivore! Here we come ((: