Wednesday, May 30, 2007
{ 5/30/2007 09:18:00 PM }
Shitty day. I swear.
And more people are just wanting to rub it in even more. Wanting to make things difficult for me and all with more issues. Well, you're doing a perfect job. Some of you know who you are. Today's work has already got me fed up with all its last minute changes and rushy demands. I had to run around singapore. Blardy exhausting. But never mind. In the end, I still need to stay abck a little longer for over time. But never mind. I quickly rushed back to town to get my hair cut but no. No space. Blardy hell. The last straw broke already. And now, someone wants to have more issues with me. Sigh
I had enough.
I shall be alone now.
I don't want to spoil people's mood around right now.
Tomorrow's a new day.
Science Practical in a 2days time.
I wanna get this done and over with it.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
{ 5/29/2007 09:25:00 PM }
Went to work at National Institute of Education (
NIE) again today.
Super tiring just being a videoman. Running here and there. Rushing there and again. Snap here and record there. RARR.
But the best thing was... ended off my day with a dinner with Caine just now! :D Lol. We talked alot alot alot of crap and nonsense. HEH. Right or not Caine? :PAnyway, watched Pirates 3 yesterday and had a late late supper with Mr andrew and other AHM and Tim at newton hawker centre. Had a lot of senseless fun and hoo boy, the crazy loads of food. :D Thanks again to you guys! :D Really grateful.
And Bel! If you wanna kill me because I didn't reply you that time about watching pirates 3, SORRY! I forgot to reply you or I thought I had reply you but I guess I really forgot. And at the same time, I had plans of watching with my other friends but in the end, I decided to watch pirates 3 at the last minute. And I didn't know you were referring to this outing! :X
Ah well.
WORK TOMORROW AGAIN. DANG. SCIENCE PRACT ON FRIDAY. DANG.I wonder when will studies come in. :X
Saturday, May 26, 2007
{ 5/26/2007 12:13:00 PM }
But not for long.... :XAnyway, here are the my (dreaded)
results as promised!
You can laugh at my results if you want to. :X Lol.
English Language: 50.0.
C6Mathematcis: 43.0.
E8Science (Phyics + Chemistry): 71.0.
A2 (And it was supposed to be my boarder line subject -.-" )Combined Humanities: 53.0.
C6Geography (Pure): 46.0.
D7Principles Of Accounts: 55.0.
C5Chinese Language B: 59.0. PASSED. (YES! I PASSED! :D )
Civics & Moral Education: A
Total: 318.0/600
Percentage: 53.0
L1R4 Aggregate:
26L1R5 Aggregate:
34Remarks: (I ain't posting it up. Lol)
Wha... Joke sia. L1R4
26points. Its a good start. A good KICK start :X SIGH.
I sooooooo can't wait for O'Levels to end.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
{ 5/23/2007 10:12:00 PM }
Lets see what I have to update my blog about.
1) My results.
(DAMN)2) NP Unit camp.
3) Performance Fest!
4) Today's Ngee Ann Poly DPA Talk.
First... I must post this because I forgot to add on from the time I went out with Caine and Jerry for dinner. Caine said something that made me laughed my crap off. Lol
This was what he said continuing from a random conversation between us:
'Heh. What about me leh? My first dance with a girl is an INDIAN GIRL. When I grow up, I will tell my children that my first dance is with an INDIAN GIRL and I'll also tell them don't follow your papa's footsteps!'LOL. Okay.. Jerry and me were really choking our food when we heard that. SIGH. POOR YOU LAR, CAINE. Don't worry, God will reward you and give you a good surprise in return man. (: Just hang in there. Heh(: Lol.
Anyway, my
results? HOOHOO. I'll post it up again tomorrow when I get back the report book. YES. HORRIBLE RESULTS. I had to return back my report book today because my form-teacher spelt my name wrong when he wrote the remarks about me. SIGH.Basket.
NP CAMP! @ Barker 19thMay - 20thMay
SUCKS MAN. I came in on the 2nd day because I was feeling ill due to that day I vomitted twice in the middle of the night and a bad tummy ache. SIGH. But anyway, I tried helping the camp out alot and I think I got myself really exhausted. I slept at the canteen. Took 7 chairs and slept on it. Lol. I had a pillow too and it was a nice niceee sleep:D but I woke up with my back alll aching like mad:X Thats about it.
Performance Fest! @ Oldham Hall on the 19th May 2007
Not bad. I was lucky enough to stay through the thing till the end but I missed some parts because I had to run back to my campsite for things to do. Anyway, some of the performance were awesome and fantastic but.... overall, SUPER
BIMBOTIC LAR. Lol. Oh well. Shall not elaborate anymore. Hahaha. But I was glad that I get to go in and watch the event. (Its the only day I won't get kicked out as quoted by Mr. Andrew) Lol. In fact, they better let me inside because I helped them cut the voting tickets for them arh. Lol. I had to cut how many hundreds of them arh! MAN. Lol. Thats about it lar.
Direct Poly Admission (DPA) talk @ Ngee Ann Poly. It was really useful. I'm going to try out for it. It would ensure a confirmed placing for the course I want for me in the poly IF I get accepted. WHA. See bei swee. And if I get accepted by the Poly, I would just need to get at most
L1R4: 26points or below. :D WHEEEEE. That is if I get accepted first. SIGH. :/
I lazy alrady. Tomorrow there is no school! :D Slack slack slack for one day only. Lol.
Byeee peeps (:
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
{ 5/16/2007 08:04:00 PM }
Updates updates updates! :D
Yesterday I met up with Jerry and Caine for dinner. We were deciding either Billy Bombers or Swensons. In the end, we chose Seoul Garden. Wha lau! Never eat there for eons lar. So we ate and ate and ate for about 2 plus hours. Hahaha. We talked alot of cock and rubbish man. We talked about our past and our today's status. Yeah, I laughed and laughed like crazy about some of our past doings.
Last time, Caine and Me used to have this video where we had (fake)fights. One was I approached Caine and we started fighting. It started off with me asking and pointing at his face, 'Aye! Stare what stare!' and Caine replied, 'At your ugly face!' Then he threw his first 'punch' and I retaliate and such. I was 'whacking' him badly on the floor then I found a camera man(who is my other squadmate) recording our scene. So Caine and me ended up bashing up the camera man and the camera man was screaming for help. Lol. Yes. Its all acted out.Another one is where Caine and me each took a broomstick. Then we had a 'Star Wars Duel' in our NPCC admin room and one part, I went like 'Wo shi ni de Mama!' (' I'm your mama! ') and Caine was like.. 'Nooooo! Bu ke neng de ah!' Then I 'lightning' shock him and instead of being electricuted by it, he was shivering instead! At the end, we saw the cameraman again at the top corner of the room and we went after him and Caine threw his stick at him. Lol. Super funny lar. Too bad its allll gone already. Those were the times man. Those were the super fun times. ((((:Sorry lame lar! But I'll not forget them easily (: thanks again guys :D
Moving on.. today was a rather stonny day for me. I also slept alot alot in school. The best one was I took 3 chairs and slept on it and I ended up having quite a bad backache after that :X Sigh. And its a rather down day for me but I'm fine! (:
Here are the long awaited photos man! Phew. This is gonna take a while :X
Eugene's birthday celebration @ fish&co.! :D

E. C. A. J. (Mirror style of 'J.A. C. E.')

E. C. A. J. again :D

Now the other pictures are what I've gotten from my friends and family for my birthday. Hahaha ((:
Qin Zhen's and Huiyi's! SABO LAR. MRS FIELDS! :D Wheeee~ Lol. Too much man! Too much! :P

Now you see this....

And when I opened it.... VOILA! OH MY GOODNESS LAR. Lol.

Can't see? Here's a closer shot! So nice lar! Thanks both of you! :D Make me fat only lar -.-'' Lol. You have no idea how much I had to control myself alot not to eat them till I reach home first and take a photo of them! :P

2 cousins. Another sabo-king! SIGH. Lol. So I got this just before my mid year starts. Whats inside? We all wonder.....

Command & Conquer 3. WHA LAU. TRUE SABO LAR. Yeah. I resisted it till the last day of my exams:P

Here's a Parker pen (with a note inside) from
Christabel! Thanks bel! :D Its okay, I don't mind the crack ((:

CHO-CO-LA-TE! :D From who? That nutsy nuts
Meilani! ((: Thanks nuts~!

Lastly, the best for the last:P
Cooro's (so called to be) pretty present! Haha! This is the cute Envelope given.

The card! :D

And the present (: Thanks again Cooro! :D

Now. I was supposed to post this up during the
exam period to fight with Meilani because she posted her picture of her study desk during her exam period. Lol.. Well, here's mine. This is just the
minor study desk :X

Then here comes the
dining hall.
And here's the
living room. Lol. I migrate from one area to another and another. My mum nagged at me for taking up the whole house. :X

But it was no point lar! I know that I didn't do well for my Mid-years :/ This sucks arh. Sigh.
There's still the night cycling pictures. Still waitin to get them. Coming soon! (: (I hope)
OKAY. Thats all I wanna blog. I gone into abit stony mood now. I just wanna liveeeee!! :X Bye guys!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
{ 5/13/2007 12:13:00 PM }
First of all! ... Lets pretend the next 10 seconds or so is the 10th May 2007! Yup!'HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO MEILANI HUNDARTO AKA NUTSY NUTS MEI NUTS NUTS! MAY ALL YOUR WISHES AND DREAMS COME TRUE!' :D
All the best to your exams and future-doings! ((: May god watch over your and always bless you and also keep your strong, healthy and safe awalys. ((: Lol. WOOOO!(Your present is under process! :X )Okay. Back to the post. :PNight Cycling was awesome :D
On friday night, I had night cycling around Singapore with classmates and some other few teachers. I came back with totally an aching body. Let me take you on the journey briefly! :D
East Coast Park --
Kallang -- Nicoll Highway --
Shenton Way -- Lau Pat Sat --
Chinatown --Outram Park Habourfront --
Vivo City -- Sentosa --
Sentosa Cove -- Classmate's House --
Vivo City -- Tanglin Road --
Tanglin Mall -- Orchard Road --
Plaza Singapura -- Suntec City --
Kallang --
ECP Highway --
'Can't Remember What Place' - East Coast Park!
Super tiring I swear.. SIGH.
Okay, I shall go into must more details :D
9.30pm: Met up at East Coast Park Burger King.
10.10pm: After briefing and went to select our bikes.10.30pm: Warm up ride around the area.10.45pm: Set off from East Coast Park.11.10pm: Leaving out of East Coast Park.11.30pm: Reached Kallang area. First pit stop. (:11.47pm: Riding past Nicholl Highway12.11am: Reached Lau Pat Sat12.33am: Eating supper! :D Satay! 12.36am: Went to find toilet. 12.37am: Found it! WHA. 20cents entry. -.-" Nvm. I'll hold it in till Sentosa.12.48am: Left Lau Pat Sat to head to Sentosa.12.50am: Holding in my bladder VERY badly. :X12.59am: Sleeeeeepy.... ZZZZZZ~01.03am: Reached Sentosa Gate01.04am: HO MY GOODNESS. UPHILL. AHH.01.05am: Reaching to the downhill soon... puuuuusssssh.01.06am. WOO. riding within Sentosa now.01.08am: WHA LAU... a series of uphills and downhills. DANG!!!01.14am: DIE. MY THIGHS AND GROIN AREA SUPER PAIN. In fact... ITS BURNING! :X01.17am: SHEET. I already ride about 3 uphills already. How much moreeeeee?! *Groans*01.25am: Wha cow.... finally gone through the hills. Dead tired already. Feel so drained out. And reached Sentosa Cove entrance now.01.32am: Reached Classmate's home. Break over there. Losta huge Baos to eat. Rested there too.01.52am: Went to the toilet. :D02.26am: Went for a short tour around the classmate's house.02.45am: Set off from Sentosa Cove.02.46am: I want sleeeeeeepppp~ -.-"02.48am: WOO! Someone's house has a Lamboghini! :O *Droooooool* 02.57am: WHA CRAP. Uphill and downhills again. PUSSSSSSSSSSH.03.14am: Made our way out of sentosa. Dead tried. Sigh.03.18am: Stop at Vivo City Cheers to get some energy drinks.I bought red bull energy drink but didn't get to drink it yet. Ah!03.40am: Cycling along Tanglin Road.03.44am: SO MANY FREAKIN UPHILLS. NARNIA!03.49am: OH MY GOSH. WHY THE UPHILL SO STEEP ONE!03.53am: DOWNHILL! :D03.54am: AYE. TOO MUCH MAN. WHY GOT ANOTHER UPHILL ONE?! PLAY PUNK WITH ME ARH?! AHHHH!!!03.56am: Cycled pass a drunken fellow in his car. Lol... Hilarious.04.03am: Taking a break along the road. Still can't drink my Red Bull. -.-''04.15am: Cycling past Tanglin Mall.04.16am: Whaaaa...HENG. nearly kena knocked down! :X04.26am: Cycling past Takashimaya Open Plaza04.34am: Plaza Singapura! Next pit stop. Finally get to drink my Red Bull.04.50am: Ayeeee.... I suddenly feel super awake man. I forgotten how strong the Red Bull Energy drink is. :X But my body was still aching and tired. :/04.57am: Set off to ECP Highway.05.18am: Wha SABO! I fell down but good thing not that bad.05.20am: Pushing my bike up towards ECP Highway. Lol. 05.32am: Took pictures and it started to drizzle. 05.40am: Cycling along the highway05.41am: Coming down to near Kallang Area.05.56: I started to take lots of shortcuts myself. Lol. Friends could tell I was dead blur and out of energy. Lol.06.01am: Cycling along the Nicholl Highway again.06.06am: Back to the first pit stop at Kallang area. Took some pictures and rest.06.24am: Set off back to East Coast Park.06.30am: Taking my time to cycle to Mcds.06.45am: In Mcds being all blur of no idea of what to do. :P07.30am: Went back to Burger King. Went to the breakwater nearby with some classmates.08.10am: Ahhh.... The bike shop opens and we returned our bikes. 08.29am: Debrief! :D I slept at some parts. :X08.57am: My mum fetched me home! WHEEEEE. Can't wait to sleep!09.46am:
Lala Land! ZZZZZ~Thats about the whole event I can remember. Lol.
Few things I recall.
Then I remember someone quoted about my classmate's house at Sentosa: 'Its just like a castle! Only.. BIGGER!' LOL.
Okay. I will blog again soon. And oh! One more thing...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
{ 5/09/2007 05:37:00 PM }
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!Finally after that exhausting 2 weeks, it has finally ended.
Here's a summary of my exam papers:
26th April 2007 - Thursday: CLB Paper 1 and 2. 'Ownage ownage'. Lol. But I aim for pass first. :P
27th April 2007 - Friday: Geog Paper 2 and English Paper 1. I couldn't finish both papers. My expository essay was... 1 page and 1/4 done. Sure flunk one. Physical geog was horrible.
30th April 2007 - Monday: Geog Paper 1 and English Paper 2. My english teacher said she wanted to kill me because she saw me start my summary within 3 mins left. :X So yes, I didn't finish my summary.. lefting out 2 lines more to end off but I sneakily write one more line so... SHUSH. :X
2nd May 2007 - Wendesday: Mathematics Paper 1 and 2. It was SUPER EASY LAR... to fail. As usual, I didn't managed to finish both papers. I swear this was the most difficult, longest and brain draining 'sheeeet' I've ever done. SIGH.
3rd May 2007 - Thursday: Combined Humanities-Social Studies and History Papers. Super exhausting and my hands had cramped badly writing halfway. Once again!... I didnt finish my SS SEQ and I didn't finish History SBQ. RARR. This sucks man.
4th May 2007 - Friday: POA Paper 1. I think this is probably the best paper? Lol. 1hour paper also. Waste my time to come school -.-''
7th May 2007 - Monday: POA Paper 2. I didn't do finish one question! More like I have no clue of how to do arh. :X
8th May 2007 - Tuesday: Combined Science-Physics. 1 hour paper! Waste time again. And whaa... another best paper. But transformer question got me stumped. :S
9th May 2007 - Wednesday: Combined Science-Chemistry. FORGET IT. I GOT KILLED BY THE PAPER. Alot of acids, reactions and equations stuff which I didn't touch on. I hope at least a pass would be the result. SIGH.
Did you see the
trend along the exam papers? Yeah.
Incomplete work. HAIZ.
Anyway, I'll blog more soon! I wanna go play somemore! :D WHEEEE.
*Quickly Strums off*
Sunday, May 06, 2007
{ 5/06/2007 10:27:00 PM }
DANG.this sucks :X-WAILS-