Wednesday, November 28, 2007
{ 11/28/2007 11:40:00 PM }
Today rained like
cats and dogs !! It rained like it has not rained for a century, man ><''
Cant believe it. Just when I was about to leave my house to buy my lunch.
SIGH. In the end, I had to survive on a cheese sandwhich and a bit of LAYS-potato chips till dinner time. (Basket)
I was supposed to go play squash in the afternoon but it was still raining ><''
So I couldn't leave the house.
In the end, I end up playing runescape ! The stupid online game. Play alone somemore ! Gavin never come online to play tgt with me anymore :P
Till dinner time, I finally get to eat. I went to wheelock to meet Amoz and Tim. Amoz was still waiting for his phone at the Nokia centre. WHA LAU. I swear they take God-knows-how-long to just return your handphone. Took about 1 hour or more. ><'' Never mind !
So we ate at Fish &Co. They both had the Seafood Platter for 2 and I tried something new, Swordfish Collar.
Seafood Platter for 2.
My Swordfish Collar with some special sauce mixed with chilli and mango.
My swordfish was A LOT. Yeah. Never mind. And I love their Passion Fruit drink ! I really love passion fruit. Too bad its not easy to find passion fruit drinks.
After dinner, I wanted to go back already but they still want to hang around so I had no choice ><''
We sat at coffee bean and talked. Then rushed back home and here I am !
I'm playing squash tomorrow ! :D But at 9 in the morning ><''
When it was raining heavily this afternoon,
I remembered you like the rain.
And that makes me miss you even much more, DEAR.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
{ 11/27/2007 08:41:00 PM }
I haven''t update about Red Camp.
Erm. Nothing much though. Hahaha. I like the food though :P
And managed to see some of my squadmates and schoolmates there (:
The mass dance was quite fun too (:
And yeah. My team, Apache was emerged as the winner ! :P
Last day wasn't that bad lar. Heh (:
But yeah... I really plan to come to ngee ann poly but have not decided on the course yet. I may consider Early Childhood leh ! :P Hahaha.
Met Qin Zhen on sunday ! Finally ! Wow. Its been sooo long since we talked and seen each other.
But it was definitely a great catch up lar ((:
Now I hoping the 4 of us would gather again soon :D Hahaha.
Quite a big thanks to rachel in helping me get the job interview in Cafe Cartel ! :D
Hahaha. She said, more or less I'll be working there arh.
Said that they will let me know by sunday again (:
(But $43 for the uniform set :X )
Anyway... life has been good but boring at the same time.
Why good but boring ?
My dear dear meilani is part of my life but its boring because she is not in singapore :X But I'm happy for her to be back at her home town with her family :D Hahaha. Nvm. I promise I would endure till she will come back :P
Still... I can't spend Christmas with her :X Sigh.
But whether we could spend it together,having her in my heart and me in hers is what really counts (:You're wonderful to me :DMy DEAR. ((:
Saturday, November 24, 2007
{ 11/24/2007 08:02:00 PM }
20 November 2007I popped the question to you for a chance, in that crucial moment when you're about to leave Singapore.
I wanted you to take your time and think about it and give me the answer what you've decided (:
23 November 2007.You said you've thought through it and decided.
You will give me the chance :D
I was shocked and elated. I was definitely super scared when you told me you've made your decision. I was afraid to handle the bad news but i decided to go for it. However, bless the lord :D
Thank you so much. :D
I'll be waiting for you till you've come back :D
I'll be looking forward to that day ! :D
Till then, I'll be missing you and I want to tell you I love you as well (:
Meilani Hundarto, Zhong Mei Lan.
Thank You for giving me a chance.
And Thank You for letting me be part of your life !
Thursday, November 22, 2007
{ 11/22/2007 11:01:00 PM }
The most enjoyable time i had the past 2 days from the RED Camp....
Is the time before the RED Camp starts its programmes.
Thats when i have breakfast with Caine and Eugene ! :P
I'm serious arh. Gosh man. People who can brighten up the start of my day. :D
Woodpecker still looking out for buffalo ! :)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
{ 11/20/2007 06:06:00 PM }
They have left.
Most about all of my friends from Oldham Hall has left.
I miss them already.
I miss my dearest daughter already. ): She said she's still got the flu. I hope she recovers soon. I want her to enjoy her stay back at home. ):
Meilani Hundarto, I miss you so dearly. Yeah.
I must cheer up.
Bunny.. I'll miss you too. Its been nice and everything.Take care.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
{ 11/17/2007 12:33:00 AM }
Graduation Night 2007Held at
Raffles Town Club13 November
It was a fantastic night.
I totally enjoyed myself there. No doubt about it.
I especially love the Emcee.
He was like the coolest and the sexiest guy I ever seen.
He dances super well. He grooves super well. He knows how tell jokes. He knows many languages. He knows how to criticise. :D He is dramatic in a darn cool way. He really knows how to bring groove and excitement that night. :D
Many games were played. There were lots of dancing involved. Heh.
I was sabo-ed by a teacher to go perform on stage. A number of us were called on stage.
Turned out that the game was, we were to act like the model of ACS(Barker Road).
Act as if we're the next male sex symbol. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't know my friend video-ed my turn with my camera ! ARGH. I will not post the video. I will only show it to selective people :X
The emcee was super shocked about my performance. LOL.
It was a very very VERY wrong performance. :P
In the end, my classmate won, which was not surprising. :P
Also that night, it was like also a small farewell for my beloved Principal, Mr. Ng ! Sigh. I was quite sad arh. Hmmm.
Okay okay. Now I shall post up the photos (:

Keith Tan, Me
Just pose it out.
Amoz da smart and handsome handsome man! :D
The Hitman Look. Timmy, Yu Wai, Me.

Timmy, Me, Amoz
Time check (:
Mr David Wong ! :D My favourite teacher! :D

Part of 5E1 and 5E2 people.
The eating-gang with Mr Lai ! :D One of our best form teacher (:

Amoz and AJ and me
Elroi Ng. Our class joke.
Terry Tang

Amoz and Alex Chan
Tan Bin Soon ! My Tu Di :D
The eating-gang with Mr Ng :D
Me with one of the greatest man sent by God. Mr. Ng Eng Chin :D

Kieren! (:
Bryant Aw (:
Don Ho :D
Random Pose #1
Random Pose #2
Random Pose #3

Me, Timmy. (:

(EDITED) Lastly, this is the eyes for a very good friend of mine. ENJOY (:
Don't forget to blink your eyes, my good friend :P
I'll update my principal's farewell dinner another time (:
Monday, November 12, 2007
{ 11/12/2007 05:59:00 PM }
The end is nearthere are so much things happening after Os.
So much that sometimes i feel scared.
The sad part is that, even after my very last paper tomorrow, everyone will be screaming for the celebration of the end of Os.
I won't be. I have to go straight for my prinicpal's farewell ceremony rehearsal.
Not that I'm saying I'm dreading about it but I just want to have some breathing space after Os. REAL breathing space. Ah well. I shall not dwell on it and be sadden by it. (:
Many of my friends are leaving. Especially those from Oldham Hall.
Would I still get to keep in touch with them once 2008 arrives?
I know I'm not supposed to worry but still... human nature arh.
Life is gonna be at its turning point.
New school environment.
New friends.
Old friends... will still be kept in my heart.
Shucks. I'm getting emotional now.
I shall drown my sorrows onto the accounts work now.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
{ 11/11/2007 04:02:00 PM }
Finally... Meet my new baby in my life ! Wilson nCode nSquash ; nPro :D
I've tested it out on friday and whoa, I love it :D No regrets of obtaining this baby ^^
I'm so looking forward to my next round of squash. But right now, I need to get a pair of gloves. I'm always getting this about-to-burst-bleeding blister after playing. Sigh. So irritating ><''
Next thing is that.... I feel bad about a friend of mine. More like a friend AND a mentor. ARGH!
Miss Joy Low ! I'm sooooo sorry that I've not been talking to you for really really really long! especially when you've come back to singapore for 3 months, I didn't even made the effort to find you and talk to you about everything that's had happened to me since last year ! :X AH. SO SORRY OKAY! After I have completely finish up with Os, I'll come and email you and talk to you! :D And update you on about everything ! ^^ Heh.
CAINE ! :D Lets meet up soon and talk rubbish man! I promise to ask you out okay ! :D LOL. But it all depends :P But i'll do my best not to pang seh you ! However, the rate you're going, you seem to be dating or pa-toring some nanyang girls behind my back! :P LOL. I'll see you around after my Os (:
Okay.. I want to end here for now. I need to finish up some work first ><'' .
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
{ 11/06/2007 05:51:00 PM }
Dear 13 NOVEMBER 2007,
Firstly, Thank you for taking time off for having to read my dearest urgent letter which is a simple objective. I'm writing in this letter in request of a simple favour of you. I hope its not too much of a hinderence or anything. If its of too much trouble... please do reply me with another letter, or an email will do just fine. A phone call is also acceptable because my phoneline is always open for you. (: Oh yes. I do accept an SMS Message as well. So back to my request, I really hope you can really do your best to meet to my needs. So the simple request is...
PLEASE #@$>!^$*#%# HURRY UP ! ! !Yours sincerely,
Aylwin. Your dear friend. (Whose mood is dying away dreadfully and losing alot of his joy)
I WANNA CRY!!!!!!!