Friday, December 28, 2007
{ 12/28/2007 10:35:00 AM }
The pictures from beanie's stayover during christmas eve :D
The Food spread ! The turkey was not yet placed on the table yet.
The drinks after dinner :P
The dinner spread was catered by beanie's mum ! Woo. She rocks :P But weird to have chinese food as a christmas dinner isn't it? Never mind lar. The turkey and ham were given by bean's mum's friend. It was from Meritus Mandrain ! (I think I spelt it wrong) But man... Both of it were super nice :D
Then we head down to get drinks nearby and back to his place. We drank and drank. But no one turned drunk or face turned red ! :P I'm surprised myself too. Lol.
Around 1030, we walked down to Clarke Quey. And MAN. It was packed. And people were selling those hats and 5 cans of snow-spray for $10. I even saw people wearing lighted devil horns! Ah. I wanted to get those but I couldn't find them around. So we were walking and we passed by this cool pub. The pub were designed to look just like a clinic.
The drinks are placed in the blood bags. CREATIVE :D
The wheelchairs are used as seats.
Then we saw this nice christmas tree at CENTRAL.
So there we go. Picture time x)
Beanie didn't want to wear the christmas hat because of his hair. Lol.

A nice tree with blue lights :D
Last photo together for the year 2007 :D
Thats all ! (:
Thursday, December 27, 2007
{ 12/27/2007 01:44:00 AM }
and to my dearest Meilani, A personal merry christmas greeting to you, from me ! :D
You're coming back very soon ! WHEEEE. I'm so excited :D
Okay... I just came back from work. ><''
I needa go take my beauty sleep now.
I'll update about my christmas eve stayover at Beanie's place later on :D
Yes. There are pictures :P
Ciaooo. x)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
{ 12/23/2007 11:51:00 PM }
I know Meilani is unable to see this but I'll still post it up (:
Its been 1 month since 23rd November 2007. Although now you're in China with your family, I still hope you haven't forget this date. In fact, I shall no doubt you. I know you will remember it ((:
Right now, I cannot hold your hand or give you hug or something. But at least I wanna express one important thing(: I want to say is: You have made me a very happy person. You bring laughs, joy and love to me. And thats just you being hundreds of kilometres away now. Hahaha. So yes. When you're back in singapore, I guess it would be much more than that (: I hope that I can be good enough to make you happier and cheer you up when you're feeling homesick. Don't worry okay? I promise to be there for you if you cry when you miss your hometown. (: Meilani Hundarto, I Love You. <3
Happy 1 Month Anniversary (:
Enjoy yourself in China and Hongkong ! I'll be waiting to hear from you ^^
Gan Weiwen, Aylwin
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
{ 12/19/2007 11:17:00 PM }
My dear is not online tonight ):
Her internet is not working out well. So she is unable to msn me tonight ):
And she's leaving tomorrow for her china and hong kong trip !
So yeah. I cant wish her merry christmas nor a greeting to our first month.
Never mind ! on the days itself... I shall post it up again ! :D
Sigh. now... i feel sad ><''
I shall drown my sorrows in my psp :X
Sunday, December 09, 2007
{ 12/09/2007 10:54:00 PM }
Happy 26th Birthday to my dearest sister, Gan Xiao Wei, Denise ! :D
May all your wishes, dreams and blessings come true ! :D
Thanks for being such a great sister and bearing with all of my nonsense for the past 17years :P
Thanks for being understanding as well when I'm either angry with mama or papa :))
Also, thanks for getting me some cool stuff for me once in a while :D HEH.
Sorry I can't get the cake for you as well this year. I'll get you the cake you like when I'm finally free and have the time :D Hahaha. Enjoy your day Jie ! ^^
Okay. I will post up pictures about my teacher's wedding soon !
Mei just came online ! :D
Friday, December 07, 2007
{ 12/07/2007 10:04:00 PM }
Since I'm waiting for mei to come online...
I might as well blog first.
I finally starting working at
The Cafe Cartel yesterday. MAN.
standing from 4-11 without sitting is soo effing tiring.
Not just standing but also walking briskly around the whole place is dead tiring.
I really want a massage on my legs ><''
but i realised i will get used to it sooner or later (:
there were a number of nice customers and and a LARGE number of irritating and demanding customers. HAIZ. Its expected lar. Hahaha.
This job is much tiring and exhausting than i actually thought lar.
Oh well. Money is not easy to earn these days.
At least better than having nothing to do for the whole day at home.
The colleagues are generally nice. I made some friends with them. Quite friendly.
So are the Duty managers and supervisors. Some strict. Some fierce-fierce. Some really nice nice :D
I saw many of other teens applying for work too the past 2 days.
Hmmm. :/
I'll probably blog more the next time. (:
NOW... I hope mei quickly comes online before I fall dead asleep ! :X
Monday, December 03, 2007
{ 12/03/2007 09:22:00 PM }
Happy 17th Birthday to Christabel Ng Da Bel-Bel ! :P
May all your wishes, dreams and blessings come true ! :D
Thanks for all the help and stuff (: And one year plus since we knew each other. Time flies fast man :P I also know you're sick now ! But just bear with it ! (: Hahaha. Take care and may we still keep in contact after you move on the next higher stage of education when you enroll into JC (:
My DEAR went out with her friends/batchmates to a place called Dufan today. I have no clear idea where is it but I think it's similar to Genting Highlands. So I got stuck at home the whole entire day and played my PSP for almost the whole time :X I must try to get out of my house tomorrow if its possible ><''
But I wish she feels better and she has fun today ! :D Also, hope that she be careful around too anyway (:
whether big or small, tall or short,you're still my dear (:
Sunday, December 02, 2007
{ 12/02/2007 11:29:00 PM }
I've to update since my dear updated hers :X
SO...I've completed it !
Aiya. 10km.
Longer than I actually thought. Hahaha.
But its quite short lar. Not really that fun.
Next year will either be half marathon or full marathon ! :D MAYBE arh :X
Here are my stuff. You can see the medal, my number and my message (:

I reached back home and poof. I slept from 11 in the morning till 6plus. :X
the moment i see you,I'm going to give you a great big hug.
{ 12/02/2007 12:29:00 AM }
Standard Chatered Marathon !
And I'm supposed to be sleeping now :X
My run begins at 715am for Men 10km run. LOL.
Okay. I need to turn in already. I'll update after my run. (:
My message during the run;
'I challenge my LIMIT. Not limit my CHALLENGE.'Cool right ? Caine, Jerry, Beanie and I came up with this phase few years back (:
And DEAR, I'll run for you ! :D HEH.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
{ 12/01/2007 12:13:00 AM }
I have to update because my DEAR... updated hers. WHA.
Today, I had to sort my clothes out and clear those I didn't want anymore and unable to wear them :P
After that, had lunch with my mum. And we went to get my long awaited PSP ! :D
I swear. It was such a tiring day. We from to Tangs to Takashimaya to Paragon to Funan Mall. Tangs was outta stock. Takashimaya only left with light blue, purple, pink and silver. Didnt had black nor white ><'' Paragon was left with pink only. Funan, many shops were outta stock for the
PSP. Until finally saw the one shop. SO YES.
I got the
WHITE ^^ My sister is going to get the black after she gets her pay :D So we can play tgt :D
Aiya. Super long day. No mood to update. I rather chat with meilani now :P
I miss my dear too. No doubt about it. Although we're hundred of kilometres apart... my love will still grow strong or stronger each day passes (: I'm really glad you will give me the chance and I hope I can be a great boyfriend to you. Every night and morning, there is that message from you. I feel really happy to read it to start my day :D But I feel partially bad that I hardly reply it too. Whatever it is, I wanna say that, (I used to quote this on my past posts) 'You're like that star up in the sky. It shining exceptionally brighter than the others. Just like you.' (: