Monday, May 26, 2008
{ 5/26/2008 10:15:00 PM }
Been wondering how are you doing.
Heard you were sick though.
Hope you're really doing fine and taking care of yourself.
I'm afraid to send you message though.
I'm so loser.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
{ 5/25/2008 12:57:00 PM }
I know it hurts.
I feel the hurt.
I spilled everything out.
But instead of feeling good, I actually felt even worst.
I've never hurt someone this bad before.
Its like, just shooting bullets at someone out of nowhere and no reason.
Even if you don't hate me, I feel I'm hating myself more.
However, I think I rather take the hatred people have against me rather I have it against you.
6 Months.
I've never reached that far before.
6 months.
You taught me ways of having to love someone unconditionally.
6 months.
You gave me happiness and happiness that lets me cherish it because its from you.
6 months.
Actually.... seeing you happy, makes me feel happy as well.
6 Months.
Phone calls. Messages. Talks. No book is probably enough to keep it all in. Only my mind is enough.
6 months.
The times we spent together. Dinners. Lunches. Movies.
My gosh. It just goes on and on.
(sheet. I'm like blardy crying again now)Meilani, I'm just so sorry.
I don't know if the sorry was enough.
But I say it at the bottom of my heart,
I really thank you for what you have brought and given me these 6 months.
Whatever the outcome soon, I hope it would be a good one for the both of us.
Maybe I just need time to myself.
Maybe I just feel I'm not good enough for you.
But thank you. I'm really grateful to you. You were still an amazing girlfriend to me.
I'll honour my promise... I won't leave you. Like what you told me as well.
The greatest loss to me is that I lose you entirely.
Seeing you happy and making you happy as much as i could, its a joyous deed for me. Its like, I really love to see you being very happy. I hope I've done a good enough job fulfilling so.
(I feel like a hateful bastard now)Sigh.
"Happy 6 Months to you! From, Ice cream. I love you, always."
I'll miss your hugs so much. :(
I'll miss you. <3
Thanks to friends who were there for me. You know who you are.
I wish things won't have to end like this.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
{ 5/17/2008 01:09:00 AM }
Potong Pasir Spiderweb.
This particular place.
Brings back so much memories.
The talks.
The drinks.
The brothers.
Those memories.
Nothing can stop me from remembering those times.
Our moments.
Our cries.
Our joys.
I always been wondering why it had meant so much.
Its like... why did this rather, obselence, HDB-Area playground location could bring so much things in 4 of our lives. Funny, isn't it?
If only I can turn back time, and cherish it even more.
Whatever it is, I'm glad i could cherish most of it.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
{ 5/10/2008 11:14:00 PM }

Yes! She's finally legal for M18 movies, purchase alcohol and whatever else things she can do. Lol.
May all your wishes, blessings and dreams come true my dearest :D
Hope you'll ace all your tests and exams, stay healthy, and always be happy! Hahahaha.
I hope you had a great day and you loved all your presents given to you ^^
That aside now..
On the same day, it was a sad night. There was a surprise farewell party at Oldham Hall for my dearest friend, Mr. Andrew.
Although he really didnt treat me and Tim very appreciative, but anyhow, I was still sad to see him go. I didnt cry but I was holding back my tears. So I got stoned to myself at some point of time during the party.
Oldham Hall is definitely not going to be the same without him around. Sigh. Never mind.
I got to go now. See you everyone.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
{ 5/04/2008 12:45:00 AM }

Was gosh-darn-it cool.
The graphics and all were awesome.
Can say its better than spiderman but just that it doesn't have enough fighting scenes.
Thanks to
MEIMEIMEI for watching it with me :D
I know she had enjoyed it because of its engineering stuff and all (:
I highly recommand the movie (:
I've met up with Jerry and Kar Wei today for dinner.
Whao. Talked non-stop with Jerry and updating with each other.
Then we walkd around and window shopped.
Talked and talked and talked.
Hahaha. But time passed real fast.
Hope we both can meet up soon again. Haha. (:
Alright. I gotta go now. Byes! (: