Tuesday, October 28, 2008
{ 10/28/2008 11:01:00 PM }
Just something random to say here....
This evening when I was having dinner... there was this herbal chicken dish. The famous one from JB :D Hahaha. So anyway, I was cutting out these pieces of chicken. Then I forked it out a bunch of them unto my plate. Then I popped into my mouth. WHA LAU. It was not chicken. It was ginger. DANG. The herb taste and the burn. BLEARGH. My mouth was literally burning. :X
Okay. Thats all :D
Sunday, October 26, 2008
{ 10/26/2008 10:36:00 PM }
distance check: 60.107km + 11.163km = 71.27okm
How in the world will I get through it this time?
The next following day is common test week.
Damnit damnit damnit.
I realised that motivation really pushes you to the limit and gets you what you want.
Motivation is sucha significant unanimated object.
Awesome man.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
{ 10/23/2008 12:40:00 AM }
.For every
..................there's a constant struggle between pain and pleasure.
...............Between good days and bad.
LOVE and
HATE.You and RUNNING.A stormy relationship.
..................................It taunts you one moment and praises you the next.
...............................You love it.
......................You hate it.
But we know you're better off together, so everything we do is geared toward helping you love RUNNING MORE.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
{ 10/22/2008 01:01:00 AM }
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
{ 10/21/2008 10:30:00 PM }
Hate it when it has to run all the way down out of the nose.
Yucks. Disgusting.
Hate it when I just need to stuff tissue up of ma nose.
Pissing off la.
The haircut is difficult to maintain as well.
Can't wait to grow back long again and let it be normal again.
And damn. I have to continue pushing myself more.
And I think I'm talking to myself here again.
Hahaha! :P
Monday, October 20, 2008
{ 10/20/2008 12:12:00 AM }
Yahoo! This is your celebration
Yahoo! This is your celebration
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you
Come on now
Let's all celebrate and have a good time
We gonna celebrate and have a good time
It's time to come together
It's up to you, what's your pleasure
Everyone around the world
Come on!
Yahoo! It's a celebration
Celebrate good times, come on!
It's a celebration
Celebrate good times, come on!
Let's celebrate
We're gonna have a good time tonight
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion)
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion)
Let's celebrate, it's all right
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on!
It's a celebration!
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Come on and celebrate, good times, tonight (Celebrate good times, come on!)
'Cause everything's gonna be all right
Let's celebrate (Celebrate good times, come on)
(Let's celebrate)...
Sang by Kool & the GangCelebrationIts sucha wonderful song that makes you want to dance and dance with crazy-fun people.
It's just another random post now.
I admit I'm bored!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
{ 10/18/2008 11:32:00 PM }
tagboard taggers! Hahaha. Please calm down and have some ice cream. Don't need to get all flared up by that post.
I've got it all cooled up and smooth. Hahaha!
It takes time to accept things not within my personal expectations.
I posted that just to let it out and be a reminder to me.
speaking of reminder...
I've got a haircut today.
AND DAMN. I realised I looked like a girl.
Not in the front view but from the side and back profile.
Definitely a totally new look for me.
But I've no idea if its in a good way or a bad way.
I think its bad.
People are gonna laugh at me.
Lol. So much for 'new look, more self-confidence'.
I've better think of ways to put this look off.
I think I'm boring myself now.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
{ 10/16/2008 10:03:00 PM }

Disgusting! Isn't it? Haha. I didn't know I posed so gay.
But I'm posting it up for you to laugh at me.
So you better laugh. This picture cost me my powerful pride.
{ 10/16/2008 08:31:00 PM }
.refusal to recognize or acknowledge; a disowning or disavowal.Psychology. an unconscious defense mechanism used to reduce anxiety by denying thoughts, feelings, or facts that are consciously intolerable.loss.
.One that is lost.The harm or suffering caused by losing or being lostimmoral.
.violating moral principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics. .licentious or lascivious.intolerance.
.lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc. .incapacity or indisposition to bear or endureWill i be seeing more and more of these each time?
Acceptance is what its gonna take.
Sadly, I'm really feeling I had lost a friend now.
I hope this feeling kicks out soon.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
{ 10/14/2008 12:26:00 AM }
Rope jumping is not easy.
Probably have been 10 years since I've touched a skipping rope.
Never mind.
Just whack la.
Friday, October 10, 2008
{ 10/10/2008 11:54:00 AM }

Timbre at The Arts House.
In the end, it was just Caine and me. Jerry and Eugene were unable to make it, unfortunately.
So when we arrived there, it was packed and there was a long line at the entrance. However, we waited for only 15mins because there were only 2 of us. Therefore, the groups of 4/6/8, had to wait for nearly 40mins at least. Hahaha. So we ended up inside early and had time to order during the Happy-Hour.
Caine ordered Long Island Iced Tea and I had my pint of SuperCold Heineken Beer.

Heres my beer. Apparently, it was not that super cold but it was good. (:

Here's our Roasted Duck Pizza once again.
Thanks to Caine, he poured too much chilli powder. Hahaha. So I kinda took my time to eat it all up with the expense of perspiring at the same time.
So thats the highlight of the day. Both of us were talking and chatting about so much things again. Hahaha. (:
OH. Jerry told me something today. He told Caine and me that he got hit on by a Belguim/German Gay the day before! Well, its about time. :P
{ 10/10/2008 12:43:00 AM }
Timbre tomorrow again.
Super cold Heineken. I'm so gonna try it.
Can't wait :D
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
{ 10/08/2008 11:40:00 PM }
I had a rim shot twice on the same finger onto the surdo in practice earlier on.
But I should try to endure the pain when typing this out!
I'm a man. :D
Its sad. I think she've changed, even though I've said it to her but I knew it wouldn't really mattered to her. Its so different now. A little actually. I've talked to her and all, others did. All I see is, there isn't much done. I've talked to the others and I realised I think I should ignore it and shall not say anymore. Its her choice and I'll probably live with it with what she chooses to do as long she's happy with it. I'll try my best to keep it to myself and not bring up the topic unless she tells me herself. Its hard, now I may not even be able to talk, say or tell her lots of things? I only feared what my friend said about this is that, we won't be friends or good friends but acquaintances in the future.
Damn. That would suck. Still, I'll just pretend I do not see anything's been happening and shut up for now. She's still a good friend to me and I should treat it as a good friend.
So, I will end off with a random picture.

Cheryl at the back. Fazwan at the side. Aylwin on the right.
Taken before performance at Hortpark.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
{ 10/05/2008 11:33:00 PM }
Run For Hope '08Held at East Coast Park .

Flag off for the 10km run was at 745am and the 4km, at 8am.
Tim and I went for the 10km. It was like the most productive 10km I've ran so far. But because its due to the fact of the chicks and babes around. So it keeps your motivation up :D
Guess who is the head-coordinator of the marshalling duties for the event?

My best friend, Jerry! He finally learnt how to ride a bicycle whereas Caine and I WAS SUPPOSED to teach him but he learnt it before we could teach him. I wonder who was patient enough to guide him. (Hmmm. *brows*) So the picture was taken after the event and you can see me holding on 2 bananas and a bottle of water. They were giving it out after the run. Well, those bananas had never really tasted so good after a run. Hahaha :P
Audrey Han - YES YES. Haha! We will! After your As! :D I'm so sorry ah. We'll bring you go eat eat at places that doesnt close in the morning sort. :P All the best and I'll be looking forward to our outing :D Take care and God bless you. (:
distance check: 50.107km + 10km = 60.107km
; Superb Doubting State.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
{ 10/04/2008 12:07:00 AM }
I'm so depressed. We were too late to sign up for Caine. ): Due to the overwhelming response, registration is now closed (earlier).
Now I'm running all that distance alone. ARGH. Next year. WE MUST GO TOGETHER. I PROMISE MYSELF FOR IT.
distance check: 45.504km + 4.603km = 50.107km
;Doubting STATE.