Sunday, November 30, 2008
{ 11/30/2008 10:25:00 PM }
From Home - tanglin mall - botanic gleneagles hospital - maris stella kindergarden - holland village - cold storage jelita - pandan valleys - sunset way - SIM - Ngee ann poly - bukit timah market - bukit timah ESSO - KAP - Bukit Timah Road - Hwa Chong JC - Serene Centre - CCA-B - ACS(Barker Road) - Newton station - Far east - Wheelock - Orchard Station - Youth Park - Killiney Road - Home.
This was how much I could push.
My right knee hurt freakin badly.
My right feet felt like breaking.
My shoulders ached like mad.
My right thighs felt like exploding.
And a blessing addition, I ran in the rain. :D and it felt superbly good.
No wonder staying out in the rain, is nice.Still. All these aches, pains, strains, sweat and blood are nothing compared to the pain you're giving me now. Probably not even close. I must calm down. Phew.
And I'm like talking to CHEWYL GOH, my girlfrienddddd on msn now.
I swear. I think she's sucha good friend I can confide and talk to.
We even just made a pact luh. 30 November at 2304hours.
'Girlfriend' with those -finger actions-.
She's feeling so stressed out.
She even wants to drug now, please.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
{ 11/27/2008 10:42:00 PM }
I need Jerry, Eugene and Caine's help.
Because I so feel like drinking till getting wasted this christmas.
And they are the few who can take care of me. At least I hope so.
Next week is the run.
And I'm having such a low morale now :(
What should I do.
How now, brown cow of downtown?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
{ 11/25/2008 10:18:00 PM }
Managed to go for a run today.
I feel slightly better?
I should get a haircut soon.
Maybe all these hair is beginning to cause much more heavier load unto my head.
what the crap.
who am I kidding. -.-
distance check: 81.598km + 9.646km = 91.244km
{ 11/25/2008 12:19:00 AM }
Why on earth did I feel like shit today.
I think practice today was teenie weenie useful in cheering me up since I was able to hang out with the people.
Here I am.
At home.
After a cold bath.
Feeling shitty with muhself.
I'm getting a little fed up with work. But I'll have to bear with it.
I want to take a break from all this things in my head.
What happened, I asked myself.
Couldn't find any answer.
I think I should go running tomorrow.
Get the load of shit off my mind.
But if only time permits.
I think I'm angry with myself.
Friday, November 21, 2008
{ 11/21/2008 03:55:00 PM }
So much things had happened.
I'm so glad the weekend is finally here.
I really feel I can loosen down already from all these damn stress I've been facing through this week.
Christabel had left.
I've yet to finish writing a post just for her.
I'll get back on that tonight if time permits.
Its about time I catch up on my sleep and training as well.
And I've met a new friend! The name's GER. HAHAHA. (:
Be right back to post again people !
Friday, November 14, 2008
{ 11/14/2008 12:12:00 AM }
So much things to do, so little sleep to gain.
I'm soooo freakin scared i'll faint.
Tests are bombarding me.
Assignments as well.
Is there to no end to this?
Wait. I wanna list down what I have or else I'll be forgetful.
1) ETE quiz
3) Engineering maths quiz 2.
4) AECAD Quiz
tomorrow, 8am to 5pm in school. Performance rehearsal. Tim's farewell dinner. Midnight movie with caine and jerry!
Saturday, PERFORMANCE IN THE MORNING. meet up with meilani in the afternoon. NPCC ROD event. TIMBRE WITH CAINE AND JERRY TILL LATE.
Damnit. I feel like crying. Not good. ><''
I shall post some pictures to decorate my blog entry.

when playing around with the macbook's camera.

Baracuda peeps playing extra roles for a final year student's project. (Video shoot).
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
{ 11/11/2008 09:02:00 PM }
less than 3 hours...
My sister is coming back to singapore.
Can't wait.
Heard she bought lotsa stuff for me.
Hooo boy.
So eggcited, I swear xD
I'm craving for bucket of 5.
5 bottles of Heineken.
Aw man. I really wanna have it right now.
Super cold as well.
earlier on, I've nearly triggered a heart attack.
Yes Caine, I know I've weak heart.
But like i told you... element of surprise! Hahaha.
Damn scary I swear ><''
{ 11/11/2008 02:24:00 AM }
distance check: 71.270km + 10.328km = 81.598km
this distance doesnt prove much luh.
Must have some confidence.
Thats the main importance. (:
Err. Jia you aylwin? Huh.
Friday, November 07, 2008
{ 11/07/2008 11:57:00 PM }
30 Days left till the run!
exactly 1 month leh.
no. I'm not panicking.
I'm agitated!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
{ 11/06/2008 08:27:00 PM }
Just got my retainers today.
And it affects my verbal speech, I swear.
I sound like a short tongue retard.
I heard it takes about a few days to get used to it.
Thank god for the weekend is here already.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
{ 11/02/2008 12:34:00 AM }
There were the braces-metal-mouth days...

And then now... there are the AFTER-braces-metal-mouth days :DD
Ta-daaaa! :D
Took them off last thursday (30th October 2008)
Gonna take the retainers next week!