Tuesday, December 30, 2008
{ 12/30/2008 10:58:00 PM }
2008 year is coming to an end soon.
Real soon.
I can't wait to get out of this
shithole year.
Decent things are worth remembering this year,
but I still don't really considered the best year of my life so far.
2009. I have plans with you :D
I'll update monday's BB-outing-to-da-beach-day soon.
If i can find photos. Hahaha
last friday's dream. kiss on the lips.zomgwtfbbq. what a horrible aftermath feeling
Saturday, December 27, 2008
{ 12/27/2008 11:35:00 PM }

Do I really look like a girl here?
As a matter of fact, do I really look like a girl now?
At least 3 people said that to me already in one week.
Uh oh.
{ 12/27/2008 12:10:00 AM }
It may not be the best celebration for christmas, especially a day late but the company was good.
Not just good, it was
nice :)

The drinks, the thai spicy wings, the cards playing (I don't know why we even played tai dee), the lousy live soccer match, the peanuts, the talking session.
Thank you
, Caine. Thank you
, Jerry. And thank you
, Bernette for being our server/waitress for the night. Hahaha.
These are the Timmermans Beer which Bernette and Jerry suggested.
Raspberry flavor; Jerry's
Peach flavor; Caine's
Fruits of the forest; Mine
Caine said he found it very sweet and tasted like cough medicine. He didn't fancied it. But Jerry and I liked ours. I liked mine especially.
Then we had Thai spicy wings treated by BFF Bernette herself. It was good. Jerry and Caine enjoyed it. So did I :) And top it off with an
Admiral Ale beer. 8% alcohol if I recall correctly. It was nice and light. Pretty good.
So the night was about talks and talks. Walking down to memory lane. Reliving our past. The moments of our barker days. Everything was good. Love life talks. School life talks. The laughs and life of our conversations, were something I've missed for a long time. Where would I find better brothers than them around? 6 years strong and going.
Caine was fulfilling his fetish of the peanuts at the same time. Card playing out of the blue. The live soccer match where Caine's favourite club, Man Utd was playing. Talking nonsense. The lust showing out from those 2 idiots. Hahaha.
Man. What a night. I enjoyed myself. It was simple but pleasant. I look forward to the countdown meetup if possible.
Christmas Partaye at Yingxin's house :D
It may not have turkey. It may not have log cake.
But at least the fun was there :)
We had many drinks and stuff to satisfy our cravings.
We watched the videos my mum shot of us during our gig on the previous sunday.
We watched 'The longest yard' (second time for me) and 'Shutter'.
The longest yard is still a movie I won't get bored of it :D
Shutter was freaky at some parts but when it comes to the intense moment, we started making jokes and laughing at the movie. Especially the way they spoke. Haha. Definitely a spoiler to a movie. Never bring the same bunch of us to a cinema to watch a scary movie. Hahaha!

Drinking games galore.
Shot cups at the centre.
Absolut Raspberry mixed with either lemon tea or sparkling grape juice.
Its still disgusting.
I never really liked vodka.
And check out
ANGIE! Yingxin's cute dog of the day.
I'm not sure if its a silky terrier or a yorkshire terrier.
Still, she was adorable. To the max.
I had trouble taking a picture of her

Friday 19th December 2008; Ngee Ann City Magical Christmas Performance.
Egar Oi!See my flying white mallet in mid air?And the faces of the people.Extonishing and amusing :D

The surdo bass drums.With my sexaye white mallets xD
Fazwan and I. His second last time playing the surdo drum at the backline along together with me before he moves on to the Snare section.
Spotted. Lonely Surdo boy.
We busked illegally at orchard road after our official performance.
The crowd were awesome.
The picture was taken after our sweaty-wet busk.
The feeling was PRICELESS.
Sunday 22nd December 2008;
I don't have pictures from sunday's gig. Only videos.
This picture? Last sunday performance inside the tent. Candid. I swear. Except...
Check out my Heineken Beer can on the table x
Thursday, December 25, 2008
{ 12/25/2008 04:18:00 PM }
happy birthday to Mr. Jesus Christ! (:
The past days were not bad. Except tuesday where I stayed home the whole day.
I'll update the gig from sunday.
Right. I'm seriously
eggcited excited for tonight.
I'll come back home sober. At least I hope so.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
{ 12/20/2008 02:11:00 PM }
So many people are leaving sunny singapore for their long-duration holidays!
This one leaving for china.
Another one leaving for japan.
That one going to australia.
Shoutout to Ger:
Hey woman. You're going off again. This time to Australia. Take care and have fun again! Haha. You're spending christmas over there. Try not to terrorise the little good citizens of australia and especially those kangaroos and kola bears. Haha. And that if you've seen this shoutout again in the first place. HAHA. Take care uh, grandma (:
CHERYL GOH IS COMING BACK TOMORROW. My gawd. I kinda miss that bitch. It was so quiet without her around. Funny that she always misses out the best things that had happened around here. HAHA.
Tomorrow's the last gig of the year for baracuda.
I hope I make it back in time for it.
Those still interested, 21st December, Sunday at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza, 8pm onwards.
Check us out for our illegal busking after 930pm. Haha.
We definitely need to get a license.
Friday, December 19, 2008
{ 12/19/2008 11:58:00 PM }
last night running at night fall was nice.
nicer than running in the day.
except the scary part of running through dark routes.
yeah. I couldn't resist the temptation having to go run.
today's performance in ngee ann city civic plaza was awesome with a capital 'AWE'.
except the parts we blew up a little but reacted that there was no mistakes in the song.
and except the part we had a scare-wee fan. stroking handshakes and asking for number.
my gawd. my hair is standing already.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
{ 12/17/2008 11:21:00 AM }
Batucada! :D
We're having our next performance at orchard, Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza, this friday (19th Dec) and Sunday (21st Dec) at about 6pm onwards. If you're free or around the vinicity, do drop by and support/watch us! :DSo anyway, its been a while since I've post something in here. That's because the dreaded common tests are finally over. And I've been whacking at everything I've been wanting to do. Eating, playing, sleeping, watching videos, going out. Bam. So little time, so much to do.
Christmas is next week and I have not even made confirmed plans for it. Blame on poly for disrupting our timeline-mood.
saturday was pretty cool. Bernette, Cheryl, Fazwan and Larris headed down to my house for a pleasant time with my Nintendo Wii. We played rockband the most. But time didn't permit us to play more of the other games as well. I know the Rayma,: Raving Rabbids is something we all loved. Hahaha! I should invest in more Wii remotes and another guitar. Next time round (:
After all that, some went seperate ways. So Larris and I head to Bugis for dinner. And I left to Nette's working place / bar for my long-wanting crave for drinks. The heineken and some other beer was indeed something that helped drove some emotional matters in my head. Thanks nette, for the discount. (:
It was Fazwan's birthday as well. We surprised him with a strawberry cheese cake which he hated most! Hahaha. That was not supposed to happen with the cake. We were deciding what cake we should get and couldn't remember was he the one who hated strawberries. Haha. Sabo. It was him all along. Ah wells. (: Happy 18th Birthday Faz! (:

sunday was nothing much happening. Had this fantastic tomyum soup hotpot at ThaiExpress Marina Square. I must revisit that place again for it :D I bought a new computer game to keep me busy, 'Left 4 Dead'. x) And at night, I had to follow my mum to a dinner function Hotel Royal. My uncle booked a table and has extra seats for us to fill. The food was better than I expected. Ah wells. And my mum forced me to take pictures with her. Haha. So here are they;

Yesterday was a day out with BFF-Nettenette. Hah. Thanks for the company along, nette. Really appreciate it (: And oh, we had lunch at botak jones at orchard. MAH GAWD. We were swatting/spanking/slapping/smacking/fighting off bees half the time during our meals. I swear, it was uber scary. I'm blardy scared of bees. Especially if I smacked them, they might sting you with their poisonous horny butt. So we didn't get to enjoy the good food as much as we're supposed to.
Oh yes. Whenever out with nette, she's someone who will never bound to make you go hungry. I thought I was crazy over food and snacks but until I saw nette going all bonkers at food, she makes me look like I've undergone poverty. That extent. Haha. I mustn't lose to her. For the glory of food. xD
So cheryl goh has left for hongkong last sunday and she's coming back on 21st December. AH. It feels so quiet without her around to talk to. Haha. She better bring back something for us. x)
So its been one week and 2 days since the marathon. And I realised, I'm getting this baaaaaad addiction. Just last thursday, which was a day before my last paper, I was getting this damn bad urge to go running. And I've yet to fully recover from the marathon. I think this is bad. I even saw people running when I was on the bus home. Hahaha. I think its a sign. AH WELLS. Hah.
Okay. I've said enough. I should get ready to go school for practice.
Toodles till then (:
Sunday, December 07, 2008
{ 12/07/2008 09:17:00 PM }
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2008Run Your Own Race
07 December 2008.
Bib No. 14698
'The marathon of life', I say.
Yes. I've whacked this marathon. I'm tired. I'm shagged. I'm jaded. My legs hurt to the max. My feet are sufferring terrible aches.
But the feeling was fantastic, especially running through the last 1KM with all of the energy I had left in me.
Let me try to post down all the thoughts and moments about my time in the marathon.
a. The deep heat lotion provided by them along the race, saved my legs' life. Without it, I would have crawled halfway. b. GU ENERGY GEL, I've never knew they were useful. Especially when they taste damn good.c. Bananas at certain stations had saved my starving tummy from starvation.d. East Coast Park route, was definitely the most challenging route I've went about. e. After the 10KM route mark, I've started to feel the kick. f. When looking at the 30KM route mark onwards, I felt good for some reason after I reached past 1KM more. I think the sun's heat had gotten into me.g. No doubt I've to admit I've walked during the marathon. In fact, I limped badly for who-knows-how-long a distance. But I wanted to struggle for a reason.h. At the 40KM-plus distance, I really could not take it anymore. I had to sit down and really rest. Even took my shoes off. i. I think Standard Chartered treats the full-marathon runners really well. Heh.j. The free massage for the full-marathon runners at the end, its a must-go!So thats all I can jot my thoughts down for now.
So apparently, I've pinned a message of my own at the back of my top.

It's the same as last year's message. This time, more presentable looking. Haha.
Because of this message, I've gotten 3 different people coming up to me at different times of the run and giving me encouragement.
The 1st lady says: Pat on the shoulder, "Yes, keep it up!" Smiles, and a thumbs upThe 2nd lady says: Pat on the shoulder, "Keep going! You can do it!" Smiles, and a thumbs upThe 3rd guy: Pat on the shoulder, thumbs up and a smile.These small minor actions of support, brings back your motivation, energy and no choice but to smile back at them and at yourself (:
Kudos to them!
So here are my pictures:

All pain but all smiles :D
Lastly, I must thank someone. For being me through this whole entire race. He never gave up on me. I may have nearly give up on myself but he was still there. We went through the heat, the rough road, the dirt and still giving me the support. Thank you, my dearest adiZero.
You've went through the marathon with me last year and now, this year as well. I look forward to more challenges together with you. Although you're already beginning to start tearing apart ):I think I'm going crazy. I'm even thanking my shoes. Hah.
This marathon, holds 2 secrets of my own behind it. My gawd. Haha xD
Next challenge.
Adidas Sundown 2009.
Caine Liew, we must go together.
{ 12/07/2008 04:41:00 AM }
Saturday, December 06, 2008
{ 12/06/2008 10:05:00 PM }
1 day more to the day I've been waiting for!
Or even less than 12 hours!
The most important thing now is
BED TIME AND CHARGE MY MP3!I hope this is not the last time I'm writing this post.
Friday, December 05, 2008
{ 12/05/2008 11:19:00 PM }
2 days more to the day I've been waiting for.
I'm getting fed up with these electricity shit, i swear.
Have tons of fun in Hong kong, Ger! (: Eat lots and lots of dim sum!
Its going to be a shoppers' paradise for the next 3days for you!
I'm so envious. -.-
Kay. Thats if you even see this in the first place. Haha
Thursday, December 04, 2008
{ 12/04/2008 09:33:00 PM }
3 days to the day I've been waiting for.
My gawd. Today is kill-your-legs day. Due to the rain this afternoon, my volleyball class was not able to commence the practice. Instead, we had a combined class with the flag-football people, doing ciruit training. LUNGRES / LUNGERS / LUNGES or whatever its called, was an ultimate killer to legs. After the class, rushed down to S'pore Expo. I've never got to sit down at all for many hours. Even when I finaly reached expo, the queue to collect my pack was disgusting. Standing in the queue for nearly an hour. After that, go all the way to novena to meet mama for dinner, standing all the way as well. This sucks, I swear.
Dinner was... horrible.
If you ever hear the restaurant named
'Old Hong Kong Kitchen', or anyone wanting to bring you there to eat, say NO! Reject the offer! Run away from that place! Run far far far away as possible! Don't even look at it menu as well! It's a place for con-artists to cheat of your moolah. Don't be fooled by the happy faces of the patrons inside!
Remember the name;
'Old Hong Kong Kitchen'.
Minute Maid Apple Cranberry is delicious btw. Hahaha
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
{ 12/03/2008 08:43:00 PM }
Imma ah lian no more.
Time for a fresh cleaner look now.
I'm here now to post shoutout for 3 people.
Its overly due now and I must get to it.
Firstly, To
Christabel Ng:
My dearest besta friend. I know I've not sent you off the day you left and I feel bad about it because you actually didnt want people to do it anyway. (However, I heard they did it anyway).
I'm here to tell you how grateful and great to have you as a friend. You've helped me, through the rainbow and storm in 2006, then the other rainbow and storm again in 2007. Even up till now, you've still done quite a lot in our friendship together. And I appreciate what you've done. (: You leaving Singapore was something I really didn't want to accept but I guess I can't fight fate.
Although you've thrown some nasty temper or wasting your moodswing PMS unto Tim and me time and again, I'm safe to tell you that we will miss those kinda moments again.
Those times where we hanged around, talking about rubbish, bitching, laughing and bitching again... I'll miss that. No doubt about it.
The late night phone conferences. I think I've lost all the friends to do it with and we can't contact thru the phone as usual and as freely anymore. I'll miss that.
The times we were thrashing our guts and hearts out at the arcade? Hoohoo. The tensive competition in those games, Silent Hill, Daytona, Basketball, The Bike riding, Marvel vs Capcom, etc. All gone and will be missed.
So much memories made from our 2-3 years friendship together.
Apparently, this may be a wave of goodbye to you but not to our friendship. That day we had the C.H.A.T lunch together, it mustn't be our last time seeing each again. (:
So my dearest besta friend, Christabel Ng; Thanks for the friendship, thanks for the good times, sorry for the sorrowful times. (:
Here are the pictures you asked me to post up

13 November 2008, Plaza Singapura's Swensons. C.H.A.T Lunch.
Hi Miss
Meilani Hundarto. (:
I'm sorry for the day I sent you off at the airport that I've looked unhappy? Or something else written on my face. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. So yeah, I've read your letter and I,too, wish you all the best and hope things will be better for you in the near future. Thanks for the memories we had during that past year or so. The 8 months as well. Whether sour, bitter or sweet, thanks for the moments (:
I apologise for being a true blue bastard to you at times. I know I'm an asshole myself. But I guess those times really allow me to reflect on my faults. Thanks for enduring with it.
And I hope that life is good for you back home now(: When next year comes, just focus on your final battle with the exams. Don't waste the time you've come to singapore for (:
Thanks for everything mei. I wish you all the best and hoping things will be brighter and better for you once next year comes (:
Timothy Ng.
Mr Timo, I know you don't read my blog at all and I bet you've don't even known the existance of it. Still, I want to dedicate a shoutout to you.
So today you've left for the 2-years-long-dreaded-blardy-NS at 5am. I must thank you for the times you've treated me to countless meals, be it expensive or cheap. Thanks for the things you've gotten for me. Especially that rock band set :D
Whatever happens, please do not die. Do come back alive so that I can come to your house and play PS3 together. Especially that uber-scary Silent Hill game where
we I mean, I went screaming like mad. But the main thing is that so we can still hang out (:
So may God keep you safe in there. Take care.
I'm kinda pissed off with Standard Chatered for hosting their collection venue at Singapore Expo. Ta ma de. -.-