Saturday, January 31, 2009
{ 1/31/2009 11:57:00 PM }
I am
super tried. TTM.
I have 2 things to say before I go to bed right now.
1 - Real man wear
pink. So far only Faz and Cheryl knows why, for now.
2 - I am crazy over
Pedro shoes right now. More like in love with it. So gay. I know.
okay. I'm off to my bed.
Friday, January 30, 2009
{ 1/30/2009 10:52:00 PM }

Heartbreaking. Heartburning. Heartpain.
Ouch. Ow.
It will be mine and caine's secret. Till that day.
I should work during sem break, get a good camera, then convert this blog to a photo-blog.
Yes. I should plan on doing that.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
{ 1/29/2009 10:30:00 PM }
Third post already.
He win already lar.
Level 50 has took the lead.
Level 5 has fallen.
I think I deserve feeling this shit.
Angsty is back.
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i think i just busted my keyboard.
{ 1/29/2009 08:34:00 PM }
The friend of her is like level 50. and i'm level 5.
So ain't I the noob one, right now?
its just NOT my day today.
ah @#*% la.
{ 1/29/2009 04:32:00 PM }
I want to go orchard. but not anymore.
I dont want to go home now as well.
Hate this feeling now.
Feel like screaming. -.-
Feel like crying.
oh zomgwtfbbq.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
{ 1/28/2009 11:22:00 PM }
One year has already passed.
Just like last year feb's post.
Get well real soon, Geraldine! Hope the pain and the suffering goes away (:
Take care!
Be back soon.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
{ 1/25/2009 10:46:00 PM }
Happy chinese new year!
May You and I be able to finish up homework during these 2 holidays.
Dearest Yu-Sheng and cny goodies.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
{ 1/22/2009 11:07:00 PM }
Monday 19th Jan 2009
Happy 18th birthday, Lin Yingxin!
May all your wishes, dreams and blessings come true! :D
You're finally legal and able to drink plus to drive! But do not drink drive x)
But I apologise for not being there for the celebration with the BB people, thanks to my volleyball interclass attachment. Heard you had to eat up the watermelon with nutella and whip cream. (MMMMM). You told me you liked it anyway xD Hah. Plus that vibrating gift the girls got you. Cheeky.
So today I had to make my way down to school by 745 in the damn morning, in order to conduct our ground research for my CATS project. It was torture to my body indeed. So after the long 2 hours of research, lunch, CATS lessons, I made my way to the clubhouse.
As being UNUSUALLY un-guai (not a good boy) for today, I've decided to pon my last lesson of S&W Volleyball class of the semester. Instead, I'm going to go orchard to get my shopping done.
While waiting for yingxin to come, I indulged myself to some zombie-killing-spree. And she came sooner than I thought. Instead of leaving to orchard, we played CS together for a while. Hah. Just the 2 of us against 8 bots. Damn fun. She was good uh x)
So finally we left and bus-ed down to orchard, with far east plaza as our first stop.
Walked around to find shoes but it was fruitless. It was way too beng.
Went to Wisma soon after. Yingxin wanted to go inside Forever21 to see but she used me as an excuse instead, saying that it was me that wants to go inside and not her. So unwilling to admit it, she walked in and saw some vests to try. At the end, she will buy from there as a last resort. So my turn came, I went to BettleBug and Pedro. Prices were a little heaven high. So walked to taka. Zara still had that shoes I've loved but I didnt have enough money to get it. Even Yingxin said it was nice. AH WELLS.
Then we were too hungry and decided to have dinner.
Stupid Yingxin was craving western food so we went to botak jones. Botak burger is nice x)
Faz came over from school. Yingxin left. Faz and I walked around again, to paragon and back to wisma. I finally chose Pedro. Haha. Never ever shop for dress-shoes in shorts and slippers -.-''
Hung out and talked with him a little while more and than back home. What a day. -.-
Thanks yingxin for accompanying me anyway! (: Thanks faz bearing my long-winded decision when shopping :P
Sunday, January 18, 2009
{ 1/18/2009 04:48:00 PM }
Here I am.
In school.
On a Sunday.
In the clubhouse.
Supposedly to study for my maths.
But ended up sleeping from 230 to 4.
I'm doomed.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
{ 1/17/2009 02:06:00 AM }
My dosage of the day/night:
Pineapple Lagoon.

I $%#ing hate you.
@#$%ing question 3.
Question 3 was a bitch. I hate you TTM.
What a @#$*ed up paper you were.
I ^%$ing hate you once again.
I went kind of crazy as well because of you.
Good thing I was able to go get a drink after the paper, which ended at 730pm in the evening.
I was really in a moody foul mood.
Rushed down to meet up with Caine and Jerry.
Had dinner and made our way to timbre.
But timbre was packed so we decided to go to Jerry's friend's bar in SMU.
I enjoyed my time there with my Pineapple Lagoon.
Played the guitar hero III with Caine.
Pooled till they had to close for the night.
It was very quiet on a friday night.
I now know this place is good to chill out as well.
Now, I have to sleep.
Performance starts in less than 12 hours now.
I feel better already (:
Friday, January 16, 2009
{ 1/16/2009 11:13:00 AM }
give me a gun.
I think I want to shoot myself in the head already.
Put one bullet in my brain.
At least then the world has one less person to care and take care of. x)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
{ 1/13/2009 08:03:00 PM }
Ngee Ann's open house was wickedly exhausting.
Saturday was the most packed of them all.
And we never felt so sick of our songs for the first time.
Especially 'Indiegay' and 'Tribal Gear'.
However, it is without fail that 'My Everlasting' is one of the most funnest of them all. Because of the headbangs x)
Saturday had tons of potential chicks and hunks. Hahaha. I mean, I don't care x)
Anyway, well done to Fazwan and Yingxin on their first time leading the band as the new president and vice-president. Looking forward to the other performances with you 2 in lead.
So there wasn't practice yesterday as the president wanted us to rest. Instead, we hung out around in school. We ate dinner and then to my school's Halo Bar. Tempted by the menu of drinks, Shawn, Jerald and I each ended up having a glass of beer. People whom I won't disclosed, ordered a good sweet cocktail. It was nice, RIGHT BERNETTE AND YINGXIN? (oops) x)
Charles bought this strawberry wine from cold storage. Uber-nice. I kind of got high and just laughed a lot. Disturbing, I know.
What a day it was. The strong constant breezes were definitely bonus points for allowing us to relax ourselves even better.
till then, tata! x)
Friday, January 09, 2009
{ 1/09/2009 11:22:00 PM }
why the shit am i shivering so badly right now
Thursday, January 08, 2009
{ 1/08/2009 12:35:00 AM }
time moves like a darn snail for the first 3 days after school has re-opened for me.
3rd day only.
I feel the stress already.
fortunately, my common test results were okay.
holy crap. I
I can't believe it.
okay. I'm done with that topic.
NgeeAnn Poly Open-House starts tomorrow, last day on saturday.
Performances are packed for the first day.
And I cant be there for most of it.
No thanks to my worthless unnecessary time-wasting 'Inter-disciplinary Studies' modules.
On a better and lighter note;
BFF nettenette gave me a unexpectedly-sweet christmas pressie! I gave her a card and a book, The lucky one by nicholas sparks. His latest released novel currently. And she got me, 2 nicholas sparks novels in return plus 1 card. And it was 'True Believer' and 'Message in a bottle'. Zomg. Message in the bottle! Been wanting to read this title. So its my turn to say THANKS NETTENETTE, YOU'RE THE BESTESTRESTEST TOO. :DD
and you are sharing the True Believer with me, because I dont want 2 books. I feel bad :P
Kay. I've said enough for now.
I must proceed on with my %$#@! research.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
{ 1/03/2009 10:30:00 PM }
So my other cousin have gotten married today.
The younger brother of the cousin who got married last september.
I thought I wont be able to see my closest cousins getting married one day. Meaning, seeing them getting married to the woman of their life. I'm truly happy for them.
So it was a wedding lunch at clarke quay at one of the szechuan/cantonese restaurant.
Now let the pictures do the talking.

Here are the bride and the groom when they made their way towards the red carpet.
They were singing a duet song while making their way towards the stage. Its was off-note but very cutely and sweetly done anyway.

Wedding cake!

After cutting the cake. (Awww)
After cake cutting, lunch. In the midst of lunch, the wedding couple changed a different attire and back again to pour the champange.

Attempting to pop the bottle. (A long 2 minutes attempt)

And finally after 2 minutes, its pouring time.

Exchange of toasts.
And then comes led to the 3 traditional Yum-Sing.

Spot me spot me!

Spot me again xP

'Yum-Sing!' x)
Family pictures taken soon after the wedding.

My amused expression x)

The newly-weds with my family.

The newly-weds again with my family plus my sister's boyfriend.
Finally, my sister and I saw a nice spot for a sibling picture together.

Congratulations to my cousin Royston and my new addition cousin, Jia Yun. (:
It was certainly wonderful to be to witness newly-weds couple, happy with who they are going to spend the rest of their life with.
Now I wonder...
When will my sister's turn come xD
Labels: 3rd Jan '09. Cousin Royston's and Jia Yun's Wedding
Thursday, January 01, 2009
{ 1/01/2009 10:06:00 PM }
do you know what?
its already the
year 2009!
I've finally crawled out of that shithole 2008.
So Happy New Year to you ! :D
For how I've celebrated New year was different. It was simple but different indefinitely.

So before heading down to serangoon gardens, I met up with Caine at Bugis after his dinner date at 830.
We sat down at Starbucks to chill and wait for our time to leave.
Apparently, we talked till we were late to meet Jerry at Serangoon Gardens.

When we finally reached Serangoon Gardens (Near ChompChomp), we walked to the church.
And we were a little late for the service.
So we stayed for a while and listened to the remaining sharing.
I've kinda missed stepping inside a church like the days in Barker. And hearing people sharing.
I have to admit, I guess I really needed something peaceful and fresh to start off my new year.
So when 12midnight strikes past, messages came and i've made 2 or 3 phonecalls myself. Hah.
Then while waiting for Jerry to find his friends around the church, he also introduced us some of his friends. Haha
And finally, we walked out and made our way to ChompChomp for a hugeass portion of sugarcane juice.

We cabbed to Jerry's house and it was nearly 2am by then. Hahaha
We were just flicking through the TV channels and stopped at HBO. It was showing 'Harry Potter and The Order Of the Phoenix'. Nice :D After that movie, continued by Transformers.

But we gave up the movie halfway and decided to slack around and talk. Hahaha
Poor jerry, he was sick and all.

But look at the way he hugged his phone. Hurhur. Hiding something from us indeed xD
And he had to continue to do his project while neglecting Caine and I. But we're not complaining. Haha.
But at times, we were just playing around and fooling around.

And Caine was using the computer. Stalking people online even in the midst of 4 in the morning. But no one knows. Haha

Then came 5am; we were quite tired. decided that we hit the bed. So when the mattresses were laid out, we lie on it. As expected, we were not straight to lala-land yet. We continued talking about things again.
Hahaha. Then later, before we hit the sack, all were complaining and accusing to one another of not touching each other in bed. I was accused the most, as I was in the middle of the 2 anyway.
But in the end, it was those 2 who literally got their legs and hands over me
(because I woke up halfway, finding them touching me).So we slept past 10am. then past 11am. then past 12pm. It was time to wake up. Past 1230pm. Jerry had to leave and was late already. So we rushed to get ready to leave. Hahaha. And so I back to home-sweet-home for another round of nap.
My new year resolutions had just been written down and locked away now.
Good bye 2008.HELLOOOOOOOO, 2009