Tuesday, March 31, 2009
{ 3/31/2009 11:57:00 PM }
today was a day unexpectedly well spent.
jerald tham and i went dating together and went shoppinggg.
so we met at far east plaza and started walking around.
looked at shoes, looked at tshirts.
patronised the super scary salesmen store.
then we came across this cool shop!
its called ...
the corner shop.
loads of vintage things in there. clothes as well.
continued walking and soon, we were passing by a dress shop.
i was telling jerald that this is bernette's favourite shop.
and speak of the d.
she was inside with her mum.
cool sheet.
so we said hi and all.
then finally, jerald and i made our first purchase at ...
Collage (:after strolling more, we had the (little) chicken rice for late lunch.
but before leaving far east,
jerald was deciding whether to buy a bag from Revoltage.
I totally liked the bag too but I guess i didnt have the funding. haha.
so we left to paragon first.
then to cine.
He finally decided to buy the nice haversack!
and then to the Cathay.
Guess where we scoot to?
Ben&Jerry's.Jerald jizzed in his pants too xP
But woo.
We talked and talked and talked.
He was supposed to send a friend off at the airport but decided not to, in the end.
Guess where we decided to go, since its tuesday!
Timbre at Substation.The Goodfellas goes Aucostic tonight!
No duck pizza this time.
Its Buffalo Chicken Pizza.
And for the first time, no drinks (:
My date today with Jerald Tham was noice. haha.
Man, so fag -.-
Sunday, March 29, 2009
{ 3/29/2009 10:01:00 PM }
Baracuda Camp 240309 - 270309
Day No. 1

gathering at the staircase at 12plus.
ayl: 'Smile like the mother--ker you are!'
Jerald: 'YEAHHH'
Yingxin da vice-president.
band's slut and band's bimbo
attack of the pringles-monster
pet digging her nosey
after throwing down the blue mats for sleeping. it was time to head for dinner.
but before dinner..
a month-early birthday surprise by the band for joanne and me with this oreo cheesecake!
i was lucky that there weren't any bday saboes. after allllll the previous few saboes were planned by me xP
yea, i share the same birthday with her. sadly. hah.
while others were waiting for the cake.
Fazwan, the president.
jerald, looking ah-pek.
Eugene paid us a visit to our camp
And down to Al-Ahmeem for dinner at 9plus.
walking back to school. nette insisted on a camwhore moment.
cheryl making use of my camera
back to the room, to continue the making of our song
which then lasted till about 3am.
then off to shower. we saw a pair of cockroaches mating.
fazwan wanted to burn them but to no success.
so he started scolding them for being so horny.
Day No. 2
Everyone woke up except fazwan and i.
and so jerald took the liberty to go on top of me and began horny actions with me.
and faz joined in. giving my crotch horror.
so finally woke up for breakfast.
after my breakfast, we practised through our usual songs
the microphone and amp were set up!
thats faz talking nonsense to everyone.
So yeah, apparently, the 3 of us bitches didnt pay attention.
After that was lunch at 3-4pm.
but Faz and i got locked into the room, thanks to Weilin.
So while waiting for rescue,
both of us started playing with the mikes and recorded everything on my little camera.
finally larris came with the key and rescued us. finally headed to lunch at the makan place.
back at the room to continue making of the song at evening
during breaks
a little fat fairy flew into the room and managed to capture a shot of it
a totally bad picture.
then dinner at Al-Ahzar. -.-
back to continue song and sleeping time.
4am, time check. and so, others were sleeping...
...while some aren't.
the team gathers at the female toilet before commencement
The surdo bass player, agogo bell player and the tamborim player.
snare drum, leading player, 2 surdo bass and the shaker.
And the plan began at 5am!
The jamming woke everyone.
Nice feeling though.
And back to sleep after 45mins later, a security guard came.
Soon, I bathed and went to surprised Ger before she headed to school nearby.
Slept at 7, waking at 1pm.
Day No. 3
No pictures taken much but song was finally done!
at night, larris wanted to catch me in the act at the toilet but
failure. (:
dinner at Al-Ahzar again. -.-
We bought 12 cans of heineiken beer before heading back to school.
Should have used the chance to get drunk.
oh wells.
Day No. 4
No pictures. I left at 1245 for dental.
Wasnt able to help to clean up.
Break camp then!
Headed home, but instead of resting, i went to find jerry and caine at barker.
i was intending to know what was the story bout jerry.
i'm glad and happy for him.
smooth (:

gay moments arise.

Jerry couldnt join us so I had dinner with caine.

A craving that has been satisfied.
Another side note, on the first night of the camp, Fazwan and i had been 'kena'.
So did shawn and faiz.
lucky we talked about it after the encounters.
Tata all.