Thursday, April 30, 2009
{ 4/30/2009 10:20:00 PM }
Got to meet up with the usual life-disturbing Caine and Jerry for dinner. Haha
We gathered at AMK Hub, grabbed our hungry stomachs and walked to the restaurant.
Ended up having to queue. I hate the word 'queue'. Haha
So till then, we got in.
Suki Sushi
It was a 99cents per plate. That sort.
Here you see are the couples having a little tiff because caine refused to accept a comment Jerry made.
We had our tummies filled and when paying for the bill, caine and jerry surprisingly treated me to the dinner, as my belated bday treat.
Thank you guys (:
So in the end, I treated them back with ...
Anderson's Ice Cream Sundae! Chocolate + Choc Mint + Cookies&Cream.

Caine then wanted to take a ride with the Tasmania.
And so did i
most childish with them around
good night and thanks guys (:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
{ 4/23/2009 10:18:00 PM }

19th birthday was celebrated with family plus my sister's boyfriend.
Carousel, Royal Plaza @ Scotts was my dinner.

I arrived later than them because I've got held up in school, helping out for Baracuda's Namelist of Freshies, having to call every single people.

So I've found myself indulging in the many choices of food offered there (:
Rembering the dishes I've had ;
blue swimming crab (cold)
mud crab (cold)
baby pacific lobster (cold)
sea bass a la normande
pan seared duck with glazed apples, sauce bigarade
traditional chicken rice ball
lamb ossa bucco
lamb sausage
jacob potato
cold soba (which is damn good)
and this is the dessert section. the 1st one only. there are 3 acutally.
bread & butter pudding and apple crumble, both with vanilla cream
grape, marshmallow, strawberry and honeydew dipped in the 5-levels chocolate fountain.
coconut sago passion fruitmanjari mousse
mango mousse
apple chesse tart
caramalised chocolate gateaux
pannacotta cream
raspberry chocolate cream with vanilla cream
And thats all the dessert and food i've attempted.
Over the weekend, got a new watch as a pressie from parents.
i chose this over the fossil one instead.
Anyways, thank you to friends who had wished me. I thank you all for remembering it. I'm grateful and I truly appreciated it.
Sadly, probably the lousiest bday. Hahaha.
It was just another day (:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
{ 4/22/2009 10:55:00 PM }
It was Earth-Day and Baracuda has done their part by supporting by wearing green! (:
...except for larris
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
{ 4/21/2009 11:58:00 PM }
and all the angels they'll be singing alalala
Monday, April 20, 2009
{ 4/20/2009 12:07:00 AM }
School starting in a few hours
its the 2nd year now
how time has blast by.
time to snoozie-woozie
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
{ 4/14/2009 10:36:00 PM }
i miss running
like mad
especially you and with you
{ 4/14/2009 12:36:00 AM }
everything will be fine
everything in no time at all
hearts will hold
Monday, April 13, 2009
{ 4/13/2009 12:30:00 AM }
i feel your whisper across the sea
Thursday, April 09, 2009
{ 4/09/2009 11:32:00 PM }
i have never felt so sick in a long time.
i felt so miserable, even at work at robinsons today.
half the time, sucking on robitussin.
i dont even know if i should work tomorrow now -.-
im so whiny now.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
{ 4/07/2009 11:47:00 PM }
Another dosage of The Goodfellas (Aucostic Night) again.
The guy in white is the lead vocalist.
And cheryl was like, he looks f*king hawt when he sings.
but not hawt anymore when he's not.
Still, i like him for his voice.
They played 'You and I Both', 'Blind', 'Lucky', 'Harder to Breathe', 'Sunday Morning' and more.
Especially 'Viva La Vida', with Jerald and I singing out the 'woo-oh-oooh' phrase.
Spoiling the song. haha.
Kay. Nights(:
Diarrhea finally stopped since last sunday but still have minor shitting problems.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
{ 4/04/2009 12:34:00 AM }
day 5
diarrhea is not showing any resistance of stopping.
someone or something please rescue me.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
{ 4/02/2009 11:08:00 PM }
day 4
diarrhea is still there.
i dont know if i can keep this up.
i think i'm gonna fall ill.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
{ 4/01/2009 11:50:00 PM }

sports camp gig
diarrhea has been giving me problems till now since monday.
please let it not be food poisoning again -.-