Thursday, August 27, 2009
{ 8/27/2009 12:33:00 AM }

More pictures on the way, from the day the eating gang made a trip to The Line at Shangri-la.

And aylwin got a new toy! After spending his heart-swelling hardearned paycheck.
i have one last paper on friday and i do not feel like doing it at all. not even in the slightest.
im itching to play the surdo. like now. now!
Monday, August 17, 2009
{ 8/17/2009 01:25:00 AM }

A long ago picture. The time from the music in the city gig.
So school has finally ended and comes to the study week before facing for the showdown against my examinations.
Time to buck up, Douchebag.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
{ 8/13/2009 11:38:00 PM }
It has been a while, everyone.
A true long heartburningmindblastingbloodbursting while.
To summarise what i can remember,
Adidas Sundown came to an cruel ending for me.
NDP is over! I'm going to miss Bloco Singapura.
And I'm going to get my own surdo.
During NP Awards Appreciation Dinner

Nothing or not anyone or not any animal or any damn atomic particle can replace that BFF.
Anyways. I finally came to blog was because a sudden strike of sorrow hit me right now.
No doubt about it. That shitty nostalgic feeling is back. Its still @#*%ing haunting me. And she still has no clue of how I feel. What a douche bag you are, aylwin gan. Just can't wait for exams to end and get it done and settle YOU. Its so hurting that I've been avoiding all things that wouldnt remind me of you. In the end, my own mind bring things up. Bet you're enjoying life way better than me. Once again, whadda douche bag you are, Mr Gan.