Tuesday, December 28, 2004
{ 12/28/2004 09:55:00 PM }
Hey all! Hihi!
Yay, everyone! Merry Christmas!!
Wha....I think I too late. REALLY TOO LATE. Nvm... So I'm finaly updating my blog after a long break! Well, 4days more till school reopens again!!!! Woo....Time really flies pass. *Whoosh~* Oh well..... I somehow can't wait, can meet some of my friends again. =))
Haha!! Last week, Monday to Tuesday: Me, Bean and Caine sleptover at Poosiang's house. And wha lau!!! Ultra Nice!
A 2 storey semi-dee house. At siglap there... very far and deep in. But then, still...very nice house. Okie, I went there later than the other 2 cos I went line dancing first.. Haha, then when I went in, they were playing the game "Hot Wheels" from the Xbox. Then Bean boosted that he came first in all the course, keke...but when I play,I'm the best in most of them. Heh heh, I make Bean kena sad face. Cos when he play his turn...he was almost last for most of the courses. Sad sad... sorry bean!
Later went to eat dinner than Poo's mother likes Caine cos he eats alot. He had to finish all the food. He was so happy. He really ate alot!
After Dinner, we went to play more Xbox. Then later decided to go to the futsal court nearby, but then was occupied by other pple. So we played at the playground, as in.....chasing each other around like idiots.
Then later came bac and bathe. The played more Xbox. After that, Bean decided that we go to 7-11 get some snacks. We had to walked very far out...woo. During the trip, we encountered many dogs lar. Bean is scared of dogs. So after every dog barks at us, he will swear a lot of time. Only 1 dog was very "guai".
After we came back, we ate the snacks and played more Xbox. Whahaha, we played Fifa2004 and Bean was the lousiest. Poor thing.
We played Dai-Dee and I won only twice...Basket.Later we quickly choked the bed of where we sleep. The air-con was really powerful!! I pitied caine and poo. Caine had to sleep using the sleeping bag as his blanket and Poo had very little space to sleep on the bed cos bean was taking over half of it.
Poo somemore the host of the house man.
So I woke up and found him sleeping on the floor(MARBLE SOMEMORE!) with a carpet as his blanket.
But I was squashed to the bar of the bean by CAINE!! $%#!#&*!@!!! Oh well, not to mentioned we "raped" beansprout on the bed. LOL. It was so damn fun as he is easy to bully cos of his small size.
We woke up, cycled to Siglap centre for Mcdonald's breakfast then went back and packed up. Later head t Bugisto play lan and go home. It was really fun. Hope to have these sleepover again. =)
Thats all pple! And I got my Creative MUvo TX-FM MP3!! Yay... Bleh. =D~
Tanki Verdi Mucchi 4 Readi N God Bless U!
[Lordtootz]-Aylw1n =)
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
{ 12/15/2004 11:15:00 PM }
Hihi All! Is been really really...Long since I updated. And it was... D-d-dec-december 02nd!? What the fish???
Anyway, I stole this LEGALLY stole from audrey.Unlike someone else. *hinting*
1* What is the first thing you look for in a girl?++ face...
2* Looks or brains? (must choose ONE)++ Trick question...Hmm..Both lar.
3* How would you want a girl ask you out?++ Like that will ever happen to a ugly duckling or a Lordtootz...
4* Where would you take her?++enjoyable prehaps..at least to have fun...
5* If there was this gal who liked u,but u didn't like her,how would u tell her?++As I said, I'm an ugly duckling!!
6* How would you let a gal noe u like her??++take 1 step at a time, then let her know when I is time to.
7* Flowers or chocolates?++ Both!
8* Would you fall for a girl who already had a boyfriend?++ I'm a decent guy! In short... Neva, I respect pple's private life. =)
9* If a certain gal did not return your feelings, what would your reaction be?++ ripped off? also have to 4get it...you still carry on with life.
10* What's the most romantic thing a gal has ever done 4 u?++ Look, how many times must I say I'm an ugly duckling???
11* Short term relationships or long term relationships?++ long term preferred...
12* Name three things your perfect gal would have:++ Good character, humorous and...Looks? Nah...depends. =)
13* How would you propose to a girl?(as in..marriage)++Errr....This question too chim...SKIP!
1. SCHOOLS YOU'VE ATTENDED?++ Maris Stella Kinder. , ACS(J), ACS(BR)
2. WHAT IS THE WALLPAPER ON YOUR CELLPHONE?++ You dun wanna know....
3. DID YOU GET ENOUGH SLEEP LAST NIGHT?++ Actually, I don't these days....Is my CCA's training fault.
5. WHAT DO YOU HAVE HANDY AT YOUR BEDSIDE?++ Handphone...Wallet...and a wall...(LAME!)-but really...serious!....
6. EVER TRIED TO SKIP MEALS?++ Tried it b4...Lesson: I rather die...
7. GRILLED OR FRIED?++ grilled....or maybe fried...
8. WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE TO OTHER PEOPLE?++ lame side of me....
9. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?++ Errr....Too chim! SKIP!
10. 3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT?++ God, family, friends
11. FIRST THING YOU WILL BUY IF GIVEN 1 THOUSAND DOLLARS?++ Electronics Stuff...MP3, discman, earphones...PLASMA TV!!and exslim S-100 for a friend who lost it. See?? I'm a reall decent guy...(I think)
12. FAVORITE SONG WHEN YOU'RE SLEEPY?++ Picture Of You By Boyzone.
13. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?++ Err...Chim Stuff! SKIP! (Frankly...girls are one of them...
14. ARE YOU WILLING NOT TO TAKE A BATH FOR ONE DAY?++ Tried it b4...Lesson Learnt: Is good for all of us....but during camps or such thing...these are exceptions.
15. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES?++ Toot/ugly duckling/Zoidstoot/Zoidstooty/Lordtootz/Ayl
16. WHAT IS YOUR MUM'S LAST NAME?++ Oie...ask me for what???
17. INVISIBLE FOR A DAY, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?++ Are you thinking what I'm thinking?? YEA! Go N die! No, I wun do horny stuff! But If I really become invisible...I'll steal things. =P
19. FAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL?++ Heniken latest commercial where they hold the heniken bottle and starts dancing really groovy~! Lol...that one rally best!
20. IF YOU'LL DIE TOMORROW, WHAT WILL YOU DO?++ My squadmates suggested this... Go around and rape as many woman as possible. Then if kena didnt die, police will still make u die.
BUT NO! I wun do it. Lol... I'll say my last goodbyes to all my friends and family. =)
21. FIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE?++1st thing is MY LIFE. But if object...my pet chinchillas. =X
22. YOUR EYE COLOR?++ Black??? I have no idea... I dun really bother.
23. WHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU ALWAYS CARRY?++ handphone, wallet, watch, a sling bag/ haversack.
24. WHAT DID YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID?++ I cant remember though...but did I remember WRONG? Said I wanted to be a.....construction worker??? REALLY!
25. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY DO WHEN THE CLOCK TURNS 7 AM?++ Snoring away......Woo!
Junsian: Paiseh primary 5 always bully you... but now, we're great friends! =)
Russell: Knn...Won the merit prize for the gundam...Nvm, at least we're good friends. =)
Audrey: Aud, life couldn't be any better after knowing you.
Steven a.k.a eva: Yo dude! Thx for being a good friend!
Pei jun: Glad to know you actually performed in a concert! =)
LCP Caine Liew!: Hee hee...Nanyang Man! No lar...kiddinkiddin. Thc for being a great squadmate and putting up with my nonsense! (Oops....)
LCP Jerry Tan!: Thx for being another great squadmate too! Hopw we could be Drill Instructors when we take over the unit! =)
LCP Bean!: You dumb nut...But thx for some times for helping me out n poisoning me to play POOL!
LCP Joshua Tan!: Thx for being a great Squadmate too n intro-ing Aud! =D
To everybody else: Take care n God Bless You! =)
Thats all now...I'll update more soon!! Wooo... Anyway, here's a picture of my coloured hair...though is blur arh...
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless! =)
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =D
Thursday, December 02, 2004
{ 12/02/2004 11:54:00 PM }
Hihi All! *waves*
Wha cow! Omg... Last wednesday was the last time I updated?! Oh nvm... 4got to update for abt last saturday which I had the Katoots Outing. Lol.
When I came to Plaza Sing, I had some time to waste till the meet-up so I decided to go play abit of Time-Crisis 3. Later, ended up finding the Mayor playing that! Also, some of the members were there oleadi. I did play abit lar but then I met up with them for dinner later. I didnt ate anything. I was waiting till we go to the cinema. Means, I'm eating the Nachos! But didnt had enough....

But one of a good friend which is also a katoots member, is so nice of him to lend some money. Thx a lot DaNi3L! =D
We watched "The Incredibles". It was a really great movie. I love the graphics sia. See bei nice. Haha, After that, we took a group photo then some of the members had to go home liao. So those still around(including me) went to find a place and sit and chit chat. Although I was disturbed by the other members saying no curfew and stuff.

The most funniest part was a Member: Zearth. Another member said she likes doremon(xiao ding dong) so Zearth went to complained that.... He finds Doremon gay. LOL. Y? Because of him always putting his hand inside the pocket. And then we neva know what he's doing in there.

Then Zearth exclaimed behind the scenes of Doremon.

OMFG, it was so damn funny. Hee hee...Damn sick man. We chatted till 12midnight... So I slept pretty late like 2am.
Then thats all for the rest of the week. The next few days got lots of drill practice, basketball, daidee and play Lan with squadmates. Aiyo...can die sia.
Thats All for now!
Tanki Verdi Macchi 4 Readi N God Bless!
[Lordtootz]-Aylwin =)